Albatross - Kirk is presented with a warrant for McCoy's arrest by some aliens. They claim he's responsible for a plague that killed hundreds of people nineteen years ago after he carried out a mass incoulation. TAS Kirk actually shows some emotion for once when he's angry at the suggestion Bones would hurt people. Kirk lets an alien investigator sneak aboard by "accidentally" leaving the hangar doors open, then impounds his ship for being a stowaway. That Kirk! They go to the plague planet to find out what happened. They find an alein who survived the plague living in a cave. He looks a bit like Skeletor and says McCoy saved his life. But he comes down with the plague himself before he can testify on McCoy's side. Then Kirk turns blue he's got the plague too oh snap! Everyone else comes down with the plague too except Spock, since Vulcans are always immune for plot reasons. Spock beams down to the planet to rescue McCoy so he can cure everyone. Turns out the aurora they flew through is what caused the plague. McCoy cures everyone using Skeletor's antibodies. We get a comedy ending with Spock and McCoy squabbling and Kirk laughing. Hahahaha!
Hey, this one was pretty good! It felt like it could have been a regular Star Trek episode as the plot was more mature than the average TAS episode. No real complaints here!
SCORE: 8.5/10
How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth - There's a crewmemer named Mr. Walking Bear, so that's pretty cool. The Enterprise is trapped in a "force globe" when a mysterious ship attacks them. It looks like a big snake in space! Walking Bear recognises it (oh, that's why he's there) as the Mayan God Kukulkan. Oh look it's another alien who visited Earth centuries ago and was mistaken for a God. That happens a lot. It beams Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Walking Bear onto its ship. They walk around a mysterious city of ancient Earth artefacts and work out that the ancient people of Earth never made his city accurately. They do some Indiana Jones shit to get Kukulkan to appear before them in his true form: a flying snake. He wants them to destroy him with their weapons. He thinks of them as his children. He's a weirdo. He's shows them some of his worshippers: little aliens living in cages living in virtual realities. He keeps shouting exposition and flapping his wings as we get more of those weird half-face close-ups on Kirk that TAS loves so much. Spock gets the Enterprise out of the force globe. Kirk and McCoy let a "power cat" loose to fuck with snakey. Kirk makes a speech about how they don't need Kukulkan anymore and he's won over pretty quickly. He was just a lonely old alien who wanted to help! And happened to look like an evil snake thing. Spock says ancient aliens visted Vulcan...and left wiser. That's a great line. Oh, what happened to Walking Bear? He just disappeared.
Star Trek does this "ancient alien mistaken for a God!" thing a lot and it's pretty silly. This one is okay for a TAS episode but there's nothing to particuarly recommend it unless you really want to see a "power cat." Good line from Spock at the end though! That bumps the score up a bit.
SCORE: 6/10
The Counter-Clock Incident - The Enterprise is on the way to Babel with 75 year old Commodore Robert April, the first Captain of the Enterprise. April's wife was a doctor in space too! She says something about the Enterprise being the first starship with warp drive and I wonder how people who try to include TAS in canon handle that line? They encounter a ship travelling at warp 36. That's silly! The ship is being flown by a young woman speaking BACKWARDS. The alien ship pulls the Enterprise as stupidly fast speeds with the Enterprise's own tractor beam in scenes that would have been exciting if the animation wasn't so crap. The Enterprise and the other vessel fly into a weird space thing and the Enterprise flies backwards in a white void where black stars shine. The flow of time is backwards in this weird universe and everyone's getting younger. The woman is from the backwards universe and was just trying to get home. They feet the woman's son who is an old man (people are born old and die Benjamin Button shit!) Her father is a baby in a crib just to hammer this nonsense home. They have a way to escape involving causing the birth of a new star while a star in the proper universe dies. April is still sad about being old. CAN YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING. The Enterprise crew start aging backwards super fast (for some reason the episode never gives) and it's pretty funny! Spock is the oldest (IT'S ALWAYS SPOCK) and stays an adult while even Kirk turns into a child. But April is older than Spock I guess and ends up in charge. The baby versions of the Enterprise crew are cute! They're still children when they get back to their own universe and use the transporter to return to their normal age. The transporter can do anything, remember! April and his wife choose to return to their old age which I actually didn't expect. I thought they'd go and live in the backwards universe. They're allowed to continue serving as ambassadors and are happy becaue even old people have value! A good message to end TAS on FOREVER.
Well, this episode is obviously very silly and makes no sense (you can't be born before your parents...that's stupid.) But it is fun and that's usually the best you can hope for from TAS. We get to see Robert April and his wife, we get to see the Enterprise crew turn into babies (I'm still not sure why) and it has a pretty nice ending. And..that's it. No more TAS. No more Star Trek episodes with the original crew. At least this was a better ending for them than 'Turnabout, Intruder' was.
SCORE: 8/10