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Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix

You could subscribe for the free month, cancel, move house and get a new credit card, subscribe again, cancel, and repeat the cycle FOREVER.

The Muppets - I watched this because I liked the Muppets when I was young (WHO DIDN'T) and Amy Adams was in it. I found it quite good. There was a lot of singing. Some of the songs were pretty funny. Some I was just thinking "okay I get the idea stop singing now." Amy Adams is a good at singing. I've said "singing" too much. There were lots of cameos including somewhat bizarrely Donald Glover for like five seconds. I don't think it was as good as the classics like Muppet Christmas Carol. But it did its job of relaunching The Muppets for a new generation. They did acknowlege that tv has gotten more cynical since muppet times but in an amausing muppet type way and didn't bog it down in a "MUPPETS DON'T FIT IN THE CURRENT DAY" type thing. Which was for the best. I forgot Jack Black still existed. There were a few laughs. I actually did find the ending quite touching. It was maybe a bit long though. But its heart was in the right place.

So yeah House Of Cards, I kind of agree with SAUSAGEMAN in that it's not really a great show. It's a good show that I still want to keep watching, but one episode every couple of days is enough for me. Compare to Breaing Bad where I once watched I think ten episodes in one weekend. Kevin Spacey is great but the character doesn't really feel like a real person? Like sometimes it's like he's only smart because everyone else is written to be dumb. I liked the episode where he went back to his old school because it gave him a bit more depth. I'm not saying this isn't a show that's worth watching, but there's better things out there.
Okay I think I'm just going to give up on House Of Cards. I'm about a third of the way into season two and I officially don't give a fuck. The only actual complex character was Kate Mara and she's not in it anymore. Now there's a computer hacker guy and an evil Chinese sex fiend? I'm out. I'm fucking out.
I watched the final season of Chuck. I'd watched the previous seasons on tv but this was never aired (or it was stuck on at 3am or something.) I thought it was pretty good. You can tell with Chuck that every year they get their budget cut, their episode number slashed and that they're in fear of cancellation. It never feels like an enitrely stable show. But it was a likable show and I can see why it had loyal fans who managed to get it to five seasons with tireless camapaigning (and sponsorship by Subway. A bit like with Community and they seemed to try to take advantage of this by having Abed and Shirely show up in season five. I guess they thought "if we can combine the two viewerships we'd have...still not many viewers!" Anyway, I digress.) I'd heard bad things about the finale but it was actually quite good. Anyway if you're looking for a comedy spy show this is...probably the only one.

Robot & Frank - This was a good movie RECOMMENDED BY TOMTREK which I was going to watch some day anyway. Frank Langella gave a strong performance as Frank and Liv Tyler and Cyclops were good as his children. Also that robot will go far! It was a good movie. It's not rrrrrrrrrreally science fiction so don't expect an indepth look at how robots have changed society or anything. It's about the characters. Some good robot humour too though.
Archer - I watched the first three seasons of Archer (the three that are on Netflix) over the last few months. Well I think I watched season one last year then stopped for a while then binge watched the rest. I don't know. I remember FBI Parte Due saying years ago that Archer isn't funny and only "hipsters" like it or something like that. But then everyone else on the internet said it's funny. So now that I've watched it, yeah, it is actually quite funny. Sorry FBI Parte Due. I hope I'm not a hipster now. I mean some of the jokes miss (sometimes it seems a bit like it's just being disgusting for the sake of it) and some of the action scenes dragged on too long. But it's funny and the voice cast is good and I actually started caring about the characters as it went on. It's a decent time passing show.
I've been saving every season of Archer to watch because I really really liked Frisky Dingo on [adult swim] which was by the same guy.

I'll get around to it.

The daughter of an old friend of mine got a job as an animator on Archer. I'M FAMOUS.
John Dies At The End - It's always hard when you watch the movie (or tv) version of something you've read the orginal source material (a book) of. I end up thinking "WOULD THAT MAKE SENSE TO PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK?" a lot and "WHY DID THEY LEAVE OUT THAT THING?" I noticed a couple of things in the movie that were in the book to set up other things that happened later, but the other things didn't happen in the movie so why were they still in there? And the Amy character was definitely more important in the book, heere she was just a token girl with little explanation about who she was (really pretty girl though.) And John was a bit crazier in the book. But it was a very long book (it was originally a serialised story which was later edited into a novel) and only about a third of the story was in here. I think it's a story that worked better in novel format.

Having said that, the movie was entertaining enough. There was enough weird and funny stuff and Clancy Brown as the doctor guy was good. So yeah recommended I guess.
I watched the first three episodes of the X-Men animated series today. I don't know if I'll watch the whole series. I mean I liked it a lot 22 years ago when it was first on tv, but I guess I'm an adult now (lol) and anination's moved on a bit? It was still fun, but I'll save it for when I really need time filling. And of course I know a lot more about X-Men now than I did then so I end up thinking "WHERE'S KITTY PRYDE?" when watching it. And Magneto's voice sounded weak (too used to Ian McKellan.)
The former roommate (r i p ) and I watched Pain and Gain the other day. It was a strange ride. I think I liked it, mostly?
Filth - This was good. James McAvoy was just fantastic in the lead role. I don't know how good it would have been without him (although it was pretty well written so probably still quite good!) The supporting cast were good too, like James Broadbent with a big forehead. Don't know if it was really an accurate depiction of a man who's had a mental breakdown (one particular twist might have been pushing it beyond believability) but fuck it. McAvoy sold it. I'd recommend this to everyone unless you're easily offended or whatever (but really you shouldn't get easily offended, you're missing out on good stuff!)
The episodes are quite short so you don't have to much to lose (I haven't seen it), but it won't be as good as your horse stories from a while ago.
Should I demand royalties!?

Watched the first episode...wasn't all that funny at first, but got better as it went on. It has Will Arnett and Alison Brie and their voice acting seems like it could elevate the material, maybe. I'll watch more because that's what I do, man.
Watched first six episodes of Bojack Horseman now...actually quite like it? Not laugh out loud funny (though I did laugh a few times at episode five) but I think it's one of those things where you like it more once you get to know the characters and notice the continuity references and stuff.
HI, I finished Bojack Horseman. It is actually good! It's not hilariously funny, but really it's the pathos and the character development that make it. Will Arnett does a great job as the title character. There's also a lot of attention to little background details and continuity which make it feel more satisfying and "real" by the end. Episode 11 was pretty crazy and kind of disturbing. If you can get by the early episodes and have time to watch it, I would recommend it.