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Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix

So is this 'Sex Education' thing good like people say it is? (Actually I have Sabrina soon so can't really watch anything else right now anyway.)
Just watched the first three episodes of The Outsider. Really not close to your typical King adaptation (I've never read the book.)

Mendelsohn is fantastic in it and the mystery takes no time in getting you hooked. It's very good.

I've liked Ben Mendelsohn in all the things I've seen him in (two movies and a post credit scene) so maybe I'll watch it sometime.
The final episodes of Bojack are up, for anyone who needs to know. I think I'm going to watch it slowly because of the emotions.

Should I watch Uncut Gems? Everyone seems to say it's great...
The final episodes of Bojack are up, for anyone who needs to know. I think I'm going to watch it slowly because of the emotions.

Should I watch Uncut Gems? Everyone seems to say it's great...
Yeah 3 episodes into the Bojack final episodes. Great so far.
I forgot about that movie.

I watched The Americans last week on Amazon Prime. Anyone watch that? I started in the middle. Season 5 or something.

I am also supposed to check out Lilyhammer and that movie about the guy jumping out of the window when he was 100. DId I ask about that somewhere?

Oh yes, I probably asked about it in the thread I Created in the Badlands! :D :D
I watched The Americans, I don't remember how many season but at least 2. It was pretty good.
I watched Uncut Gems. I'm trying to make myself watch more critically acclaimed movies that normally I might not bother watching and just think "oh I'll review a Voyager" instead. Need to broaden my mind. It was certainly upsetting and anxiety-inducing. Sandler was very good, though I wonder if all the praise he's getting is because he usually does shit movies (that I don't watch so I have no expectations) and people are just excited to see him act in something serious again (well kind of serious, it's funny in places.) His character isn't likable at all so if you hate movies with an unlikable lead you probably shouldn't watch, but I think it's more about watching a self destructive shouty man self destruct in the most spectacular way possible. I did feel sorry for him in the end. Supporting cast are very strong (Julia Fox as his mistress stood out) and even though it's a movie of mostly scummy people being scummy it is compelling and I didn't get bored. I'll never watch it again though.
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“I’ll never watch it again though”

Put it on the poster.

I know what you mean, though. I enjoyed Inception and Interstellar but I have no inclination to watch them again. I won’t get anything more out of them a second time around.
There's also just too many new things to watch these days to able to watch anything more than once (except I'm rewatching every Star Trek and still loosely plan to rewatch the whole MCU and Star Wars later this year lol.)
Final episodes of Bojack maintain the high standards of writing and acting. One thing that was noticable though was that it felt rushed in places, no doubt because Netflix told them to end it with this (split) season. They obviously had plans for more and you can see some things that should have been longer plotlines: the episode where Bojack becomes a hero to MRAs for example. Bojack going to prison also seemed like just a thing that happened then they moved on when I imagine they would have wanted to spend several episodes there. The near death episode felt like they were just doing it because so many viewers predicted Bojack would die...but it was still a great eipside (the poem!) So yeah this is a great show eveyrone should watch.
I watched Lady Bird. It was really great. The characters felt real, it was very funny, but will also make you cry, performances were great...I think it's literally the best reviewed movie of all time so you don't need me to tell you to watch it, really. Just read a proper review by someone else if you want. I will say that Saoirse Ronan is wondeful and deserves all the awards she won.
I would watch Soairse read the phone book. She’s so down to earth I feel like she could be in my family. I could watch Brooklyn again and again.
Just watched the first three episodes of The Outsider. Really not close to your typical King adaptation (I've never read the book.)

Mendelsohn is fantastic in it and the mystery takes no time in getting you hooked. It's very good.

I finally remembered to add this to my list...then realised this isn't actually on Netflix. You lied to me through implication!

(I'm fucking obsessive about only posting about things I've actually watched on Netflix in this thread I'm not actually angry at you.)

((I could still watch it somehow some day.))