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Walmart Under Fire...


...for not stocking the "morning after" birth control pill in their pharmacies.

I recommend that Walmart be required to carry the pill in those areas that do not have pharmacies within a reasonable distance.

Walmart being the conservative organization that it is, certainly has a right to decide what inventory it will stock. However, when the chain takes advantage of their monopoly status to deny women what the FDA said should be available to them, it is a travesty.
Where does WalMart have a monopoly in terms of pharmaceuticals? Even the one-horse town I live in has several alternatives to WalMart. There are also hospital pharmacies.

This is really a non-issue, and an attempt by NOW and NARAL to force people to adopt their value system.

That said, I think the morning-after pill should be available free of charge at all county health clinics, which would make this sort of grandstanding by the pro-abortionists moot.
Number_6 said:
... pro-abortionist...
I hate when you refer to me, or anyone who is pro-choice, with this term. It's painting with a broad stroke, and is not fair.

As far as Walmart being the only game in town, in some areas it is true. My sister lives in the boonies up in Maine, and the only pharmacy available to her within a 20 minute drive is Walmart.

I agree with you about it being available free of charge at county clinics. That would drastically reduce the abortion rate.
Sardonica said:
The thought of walking into a pharmacy and not being able to fill your prescription is absolutely appalling. :(
I just did a quick scan of the US Constitution, and I couldn't find the clause that requires life to be palatable.

Somehow, the thought that WalMart pharmacy not carrying a particular medicine doesn't strike me as "appalling." Interesting? Yes. Ignorant. Sure. But not appalling.

Appalling is having to tell your teenage daughter that the US Army and the Union Army in the 1860s was actually the same entity despite what the highschool History teacher said to the contrary.

Appalling is having to wait a hideously unreasonable amount of time in the supermarket checkout line this morning because it's "check day" and the great Chocolate Mob has swarmed the place to get their handout from Uncle Sugar cashed...and you still couldn't find your cat's favorite brand of catfood.

Appalling, and sickening, is a TV schedule that delights in showing dissected bodies in various stages of decay while showing female breasts can draw an FCC fine.

Somehow, not being able to snag that magic pill that erases the drunken mistake of the night before from WalMart just doesn't strike me as a major health care problem.

In any case, if you can't get the Morning After Pill at WallyWorld, they do sell coathangers at a much cheaper price. ;)
CoyoteUgly said:
Appalling is having to wait a hideously unreasonable amount of time in the supermarket checkout line this morning because it's "check day" and the great Chocolate Mob has swarmed the place to get their handout from Uncle Sugar cashed...and you still couldn't find your cat's favorite brand of catfood.
No, that is not appalling. That is not understanding that there are some that need a helping hand now and then. That is not being compassionate.

Appalling, and sickening, is a TV schedule that delights in showing dissected bodies in various stages of decay while showing female breasts can draw an FCC fine.
Meh. That is a minor inconvenience, at most.

Somehow, not being able to snag that magic pill that erases the drunken mistake of the night before from WalMart just doesn't strike me as a major health care problem.
This is reducing the problem to a stereotype. Not helpful, and definitely not a solution to the issue.

In any case, if you can't get the Morning After Pill at WallyWorld, they do sell coathangers at a much cheaper price. ;)
Eh. This is just plain trolling, so I will ignore it. ;)
Friday said:
No, that is not appalling. That is not understanding that there are some that need a helping hand now and then. That is not being compassionate.

And then there are those who appear to need a helping hand now and then and later and forever.

There's a limit to compassion.
Number_6 said:
And then there are those who appear to need a helping hand now and then and later and forever.

There's a limit to compassion.
If we had better programs in place that would help educate the "lifers" out of their vicious cycle, this would not be a problem.
The Liberal idea for fixing a money sucking social program: Create another money sucking social program to oversee the original program.
And then there are those who appear to need a helping hand now and then and later and forever.

There's a limit to compassion.

Most poor people in the U.S. are not unemployed. They work very hard for poverty level wages at places like... Walmart.
Big Dick McGee said:
The Liberal idea for fixing a money sucking social program: Create another money sucking social program to oversee the original program.
No. I'd look at it as a short term investment with long term gains. A little money spent wisely now, in viable, working programs, would enable these people to get off the welfare rolls. They would become self sufficient, thereby saving taxpayers money in the long run.
Friday said:
If we had better programs in place that would help educate the "lifers" out of their vicious cycle, this would not be a problem.

Last time I checked, public schools were free and community colleges were cheap--and offered a lot of financial aid to people who lived under the poverty line.

Trouble is, you have to have the ambition to make something out of the opportunities provided.

You really need to divest yourself of what essentially amounts to racism and classism, as you appear to have decided that these people cannot possibly make their lives better without the help of you and other guilt-ridden lefties.

And Wordin, I have no problem with helping people who help themselves. If you want to subsidize people who are in the workforce but not making enough to support themselves, I'm okay with that.

I'm not okay with somebody not working, deliberately botching or missing job interviews, and collecting their check the third of every month.
Friday said:
No. I'd look at it as a short term investment with long term gains. A little money spent wisely now, in viable, working programs, would enable these people to get off the welfare rolls. They would become self sufficient, thereby saving taxpayers money in the long run.

It's called community college and financial aid.
dogbert said:
The same financial aid Bush and the republicans just cut?

And rightly so. I cannot tell you how many of my friends in college abused financial aid something fierce, using it to finance big purchase items, like cars, or pissing it away on CDs, booze, and frequent meals out.

However, I think that I read somewhere that financial aid hasn't actually been cut, but that the way in which the program is financed has been altered.

Regardless, there's still plenty of aid for those who truly need it. And there are many other programs in place for the impoverished, particularly if they are minorities.

The problem is, the government doesn't send somebody to your door to tell you about them and to fill out all of the forms for you. Nor does the government provide someone to come over to your house every morning to get your lazy ass out of bed and into the classroom, nor someone to learn the material and take the exams and write the papers for you. You have to do all that stuff yourself.

Of course, I can see where you couldn't possibly be expected to do those things for yourself, what with the vicious cycle of welfare and all.
Yep. No real cut in the amount of financial aid available, but a small increase in the interest rate, which will also make the interest rate fixed, rather than variable.

Also, it looks like the saved money is partly being used to fund GRANTS (not LOANS) to low-income students.

So you're talking out of your ass, using the typical rhetorical diversions of the left to cloud the reality of the situation.

Number_6 said:
You really need to divest yourself of what essentially amounts to racism and classism, as you appear to have decided that these people cannot possibly make their lives better without the help of you and other guilt-ridden lefties.
I know you didn't just call me a racist. That must have been my wild imagination.

The truth of the matter is, Number_6, is that some are so mired in their poverty stricken lifestyle that they are unaware of their resources, and are not made aware of them by whatever gov't employee is assigned them to monitor their progress. Don't kid yourself. These "social workers" are not there for their client's best interest. They are there to make sure the money is allocated appropriately. Their main concern is that their clients get the appropriate amount every month, nothing more. So, in essence, these people are left to fend for themselves. If they are part of a generational cycle (their parents/guardians were on welfare), then odds are even greater that the resources available to them were never disclosed.

What we need is a system in place to educate about these resources.

I broke my generational cycle. My sister didn't. The difference? I stayed in school, but my sister chose to emulate my mother, stay on the roll, and pop out kids like a toaster. Not to blow my own horn, but I also am more intelligent than she, and I used that intelligence to climb out of my situation.

Some are just born into generational poverty, and know no other way of life.

BTW...I was fortunate enough to qualify for those GRANTS. Thank God.
Friday said:
I know you didn't just call me a racist. That must have been my wild imagination.

The truth of the matter is, Number_6, is that some are so mired in their poverty stricken lifestyle that they are unaware of their resources, and are not made aware of them by whatever gov't employee is assigned them to monitor their progress. Don't kid yourself. These "social workers" are not there for their client's best interest. They are there to make sure the money is allocated appropriately. Their main concern is that their clients get the appropriate amount every month, nothing more. So, in essence, these people are left to fend for themselves. If they are part of a generational cycle (their parents/guardians were on welfare), then odds are even greater that the resources available to them were never disclosed.

What we need is a system in place to educate about these resources.

I broke my generational cycle. My sister didn't. The difference? I stayed in school, but my sister chose to emulate my mother, stay on the roll, and pop out kids like a toaster. Not to blow my own horn, but I also am more intelligent than she, and I used that intelligence to climb out of my situation.

Some are just born into generational poverty, and know no other way of life.

BTW...I was fortunate enough to qualify for those GRANTS. Thank God.

Poor fucking babies.

What you want is a great big fucking nanny-state, that makes sure no one gets hurt as a result of their own stupidity.

Well, fuck that.

You really do want someone to go to these people's homes and hand carry them to success. That is racist and classist. You assume that they are completely incapable of doing anything for themselves.

What ultra-lefty horseshit.
One more thing, and I have relayed this story before, but it bears repeating...

When it was time for me to go to college, my social worker told me that if I did attend, i would lose my welfare subsidy. She did say, however, that if I found a job straight out of high school, my subsidy would decrease, but not be cut off.

That put me in a very awkward position. What should I do? Should I go to school, but be dirt poor for 4 years, or should I just not consider school at all, and find a minimum wage job to put food on the table? Keep in mind I also had my infant nephew to consider.

Well, guess what? I went to school, made due with barely having enough food on the table, applied for and received WIC for my nephew, and we all made it through.

The more I'm writing this, the angrier I'm getting, Number_6. Never call me a "classist" or "racist" again. I've been through the war, and survived.
Number_6 said:
Poor fucking babies.

What you want is a great big fucking nanny-state, that makes sure no one gets hurt as a result of their own stupidity.

Well, fuck that.

You really do want someone to go to these people's homes and hand carry them to success. That is racist and classist. You assume that they are completely incapable of doing anything for themselves.

What ultra-lefty horseshit.
Oh, you're getting me really, really, fucking angry here.

I don't assume anything. I know what it's like. I've been in the trenches. I know how hard it is. I know what real hunger feels like.

I don't assume they can't help themselves. But everyone needs to be shown how to start. No one is showing these people how to start. They are left to perpetuate their own poverty.

Dammit, Number_6, I speak from experience. I've seen it.

Quit being such a fucking elitist.