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What do we think about Stanley "Tookie" Williams?

DucksgoneWild said:
Oh, I'm no dual. I stopped coming here after a few friends told me how racist the majority of this site is. I was extremely bored with google image and decided to give this place another chance. Btw, what part of the LBC did you live in?


It's pretty much just me and Sarek. :sarek:
I couldn't get in, 6.

I don't believe that longevity is a virtue at all. Kill thirty years ago and pay for it today.

Fine with me. And he died painlessly, so everyone should get down on their knees and thank GOD we have a just society that snuffs this crap out.

Which reminds me, why is Manson still running around in his little cage? Good lawyers, probably.
I'm most definitely a racist, as I hate all races, whether they be foot races, car races, boat races, you name it. Fuckin races!!
jack said:
I couldn't get in, 6.

I don't believe that longevity is a virtue at all. Kill thirty years ago and pay for it today.

Fine with me. And he died painlessly, so everyone should get down on their knees and thank GOD we have a just society that snuffs this crap out.

Which reminds me, why is Manson still running around in his little cage? Good lawyers, probably.

You can thank former California Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Bird for Manson's continued survival. She outlawed the death penalty in California, which commuted Manson's death sentence to life in prison.

And yes, she was a total fucking leftist 60s shithead.
^^Wasn't Manson found to be insane an unfit to stand trial? I've seen a lot of Investigative Reports and MSNBC Dark Heart Iron Hands on the Manson Family and I don't recall hearing that Charles had ever even gone to trial.
Laker_Girl said:

It's pretty much just me and Sarek. :sarek:

I just consider myself an equal oppertunity prick. :P
Laker_Girl said:
^^Wasn't Manson found to be insane an unfit to stand trial? I've seen a lot of Investigative Reports and MSNBC Dark Heart Iron Hands on the Manson Family and I don't recall hearing that Charles had ever even gone to trial.

Oh no, he was tried and convicted!

The site of the murders is just up the hill from me.
Swank...You go Cait. ;) I mean that's weird but it was and I assume still is a very uppity neighborhood.

So he was tried, interesting. I'd have given anything to be a fly on the wall at that circus.
Laker_Girl said:
Swank...You go Cait. ;) I mean that's weird but it was and I assume still is a very uppity neighborhood.

So he was tried, interesting. I'd have given anything to be a fly on the wall at that circus.

LOL, not that swank. I live in the cheap seats in that part of town. Not that the cheap seats aren't nice, they are, just not what I'd call swank. Still th site of the murder's is right up the hill, but it is a long a winding hill and I am at the bottom of it. LOL ;)
Has anyone noticed there are a disproportionate amount of Armenians living in SoCal?

Not that I care. But it caused an uproar in the city council meetings (boy, was I addicted to those for awhile) when the Armenian population of the city wanted to put up a memorial or something. The drama went on for years.
Number_6 said:
Yet more proof that Wikipedia is not a particularly good source of information. The bias literally drips from that entry.
It seemed pretty balanced to me. The article pointed out both her flaws and her accomplishments.
What do I think about Tookie Williams?

I think there should be a funeral coming up here pretty quickly.

Cold, yes. But this guy murdered 4 people. If I murdered 4 people, then spent the next 30 years in prison writing childrens books about not murdering people, I wouldn't think that was redemption enough. He took 4 lives, so conversely, even his one life wouldn't equal out. I don't support the death penalty, but I also think that you should follow the outlined arrangement of things if you are going to insist upon sticing with it. Either everyone gets executed, or nobody does.
Friday said:
It seemed pretty balanced to me. The article pointed out both her flaws and her accomplishments.

Riiight. Her flaws were too often attributed to her political rivals. The overall feel of the article was pro-Rose Bird, anti-Republican. And if you can't see that, I don't want you teaching critical thinking.
I think my view is obvious as I support the death penalty.

This gets me every time. Why do Christians support the Death Penalty? Jesus was crucified by capital punishment. Now, obviously I am not making parallels between a gang lord and Jesus but it makes you think.

Would Jesus support the death penalty? I really doubt it somehow. The death penalty is just revenge, plain and simple. There is nothing to balance the scales with.

An eye for an eye, thats all it is. I just don't get how christians who claim to follow Jesus and want to be more like him and follow his ideals make 360 turns on such things as the death penalty. Jesus would not be happy.

Jesus was all about forgivness. Was he a fool to see the world this way? The son of God was just a bit naive, then?

It's the mix and match of religion in full effect. Pick and mix your religion.

As for Tookie Williams, well he shouldn't be released, he commited these crimes and he should have to pay the pice with life imprisonment. Taking life is not the answer though. In situations of defending your country, your family, innocent people ect it is acceptable in such cases to take life, I'm no hippy but he is not a threat to anyone, Killing him is revenge and is archaic. That goes for everyone on death row.
I'm of the opinion that no civilized governmental authority has the right to tell any human that they no longer have the right to live. I speak with some measure of authority, because my father is the Director of Education at the South Carolina Department of Corrections, hired by an independant federal authority act which assumed direct control of this backwards state's prison system in the mid 90's due to horrific conditions and archaic practices in some of the 100 year old prison facilities that litter the state. He has held several workshops pointing out the fallacy of referring to a prison as a rehabilitation facility, because the fact of the matter is that sitting in a jail cell watching cable TV and wondering when your next yard privelges in the weight-room are does little, to nothing, to help you come to terms with why what you did was a crime against society. Sure, being kept in prison serves the dual purpose of also protecting your victims from further crimes. But I'm in favor of real attempts at education and atonement for prisoners that are serving life sentences, rather then allowing them to simply grow old well fed and given excellent state health care benfits while other law abiding citizens starve to death in the street, their only crime, being poor. I'm against capital punishment, but I'm also against using prison as resort for criminals to be kept away from the public.
I have always held the belief and rightly so that prison is no picnic. And if someone is having it too easy in prison that situation should be re-evaluated. Watching cable TV in your cell and getting all sorts of creature comforts handed to you while people starve on the street who have done nothing is just bang out of order.

And from what I can gather American justice systems are no walk in the park. A freind of my mothers was caught smuggling dope into the USA back in the seventies and did three years in prison. He had the whole right side of his face smashed to bits to the point where the American goverment had to pay for his plastic surgery. I personally couldn't handle prison, it would strip away my soul. I would probably rather die than bother living in prison for 20 years.

Having cable TV in your cell is just insane. No way should that EVER be the case. Prisoners should be put to work making things that help the community.

But killing someone no matter the case is just crossing the line. It's murder, plain and simple. Add to that how the ratios of black deaths by capital punishment squares up to white deaths and the fact that a lot of these cases are not even sufficiently proven without a doubt just adds to the fact that it is too much power for a goverment to have.

As for prisoners living some sort of cushy life? They wouldn't be on my watch, thats for sure, but I would never sentence somebody to death because why should I have that on my head?

Capital punishment is not logical and is against the teachings of Christ and since I find SOOOO many Christians who support the Death Penatly I just have to ask the question: Why?!
Capitol Punishment is not about revenge. Or, at the very least, it's not just about that. Capitol punishment serves three purposes:

-Eye for an eye. Yes, indeed it does. It's restitution. Settling the score. You take a life, you lose yours. That's the deal. You can't give back a life you take, all you can give is yours. It's a neat little social contract, and I'd wager that it works more often than it fails. You take? You give up. That's fair. Don't want to be killed? Don't kill. Neat how fair that is.

-Deterrent, arising from the above. True, people do still murder, but mostly on account of they think they're clever enough to slick it. How many more, we might wonder, elect not to take a human life for fear that they'll lose their own?

-Those who take innocent lives should have something more unpleasant to look forward to than forced early retirement, and we who have not committed their transgression shouldn't have to pay for it.

Oh, and to add to that:

When I go drivin', I stay in my lane.
Deterrent, arising from the above. True, people do still murder, but mostly on account of they think they're clever enough to slick it. How many more, we might wonder, elect not to take a human life for fear that they'll lose their own?

Maybe I'm the only one but I really think it's the easy way out and basically lets the prisoner win in some respects. I would rather have a nice meal and then have a needle shoved in my arm and go to sleep than be locked up in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day freaking the fuck out for the rest of my life.

I honestly would be more scared of being locked up for life than having death handed out to me. When you're caught thats it, you lost. Your freedom is taken away, everything is taken away. I think rotting away in prison is worse than death, I really do. I also think it is the best punishment.

We haven't had capitol punishment in England since the 60's and I would find it diffiuclt to believe that the States is saving lives by taking lives. It's not a deterrent, it just doesn't work. You take a life you are not thinking oh I might only get life inprisonment so it's worth the risk. The Death penalty is revenge, thats it. Save a few tax payer bucks and kill the unwanted. There are a lot of people who get killed on Death Row who don't deserve death and I think I am right in saying, correct me if I'm wrong but not all Death Row inmates are killers. And some are certainly innocents who have had a bad break with the justice system.
The simple fact is that killing is wrong. No matter who is doing it and for what reasons.

You protect your own. You don't kill out of revenge if there is nothing at stake.