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What is....


Whats the ante?

I'll play poker.... and talk about the most uncomfortable social situation I was ever in....


Well, when I was about 14, my best friend told me that another friend was giving a party that night and that I was invited. I was excited and asked my mom if I could go, and the whole nine yards.

What I ahd failed to do was to call the party giver and *verify* that I had actually been invited. :(

So my mom drives me and I arrive.. pretty as a button I might add.. only to have the party giver look at me at the front door like I had leprosy. Well, thank god I'm bright and figured out I'd been made sport of by my [no longer] best friend.

I smiled and she stammered, and I said, I need to use your phone. I was going to call my mom to come and get me. WELL, I walked in and low and behold everyone there was glad to see me, and no one wanted me to go, EXCEPT the party giver and my [I did say she was no longer my best friend right?]

Everyone pretty much made the party giver feel like an idiot.. and I had a blast and met my first boyfriend...

All's well that ends well!!!!! :bigass:
I'm in, nickel ante anyone? I have some change left after New Years.
My most recent uncomfortable social situation?
Fourth of July
I was invited by a co-worker to his house on the harbor to view the fireworks.
He said there would be a BBQ and lots of food, and I could bring a couple friends.
So I invite some friends-tell them there will be food and that they don't need to bring anything-I had asked him many times if I needed to bring food, chips, soda, whatever, and he said, "Please, no, just come, it will be a delight to have you here"
So we show up-and he tells me they just got done eating and the show will be starting in about an hour or so.
My friends show up-and I quickly rush to tell them that I don't think there will be any food-its late-we are in the Harbor-no stores close by that are open-and we wonder what to do.
I finally ask my friend what the deal is-that I thought he would be feeding us-he and his wife were quite drunk-so I think they had no idea what was going on. So he fed us leftovers-what they had left from their dinner-and we decide to make a run for the convience store to get some snacks-closed. So we wait for the show-see a most awesome show of fireworks on the water set up by some lawyer-and then leave, and will never go back again.
I never asked him about it at work-I have no idea what happened-but I think it has something to do with his angry drunk cheating wife.