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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

Saw them at Kroger today. I am too old to eat Little Debbies. Unless I want to be fat and soft. :( There was a day when I could buy a box of Swiss Cake Rolls and call it lunch. But no more. I'm hoping I can get back to where I can add sausage and ham back into my diet. And much more butter than I currently eat. Getting old sucks.
In the bit in Deadpool, where he says "pegging may be new to Disney but it isn't to me," technically false. Just ask Marcellus Wallace. In 1993 Disney bought Miramax so they could release more mature films that didn't fit the Disney brand. In 1994 Miramax released Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction."
Interesting how a teenager can enjoy "The Hobbit" and fine "The Lord of the Rings" clunky and plodding and a 40 year old can enjoy "The Lord of the Rings" and find "The Hobbit" lightweight and silly.
I just made possibly my best omelette ever. Sundays are for 2 eggs, toast with jam and butter, hashbrowns, and ham, with orange juice and milk, but since I started trying to lose weight I've switched to omelettes. Instead of ham I used diced turkey. 2 eggs with a splash of milk, chopped up onions and tomato with some grated Swiss and the hashbrown patty. Parmesan. Pop out to the yard for some chives.

Stick the frozen hashbrown in the toaster while prepping all the other ingredients. Shoot some Pam onto a frying pan. My toaster is a little finicky so when the hashbrown comes out I stick it in the pan while I finish all the prep. Once everything's ready I pour the egg mixture into the pan and tilt it around to get it distributed evenly. Sprinkle in the onions, then the turkey and tomatoes. Bust up the hashbrown into little chunks and spread that over everything else, then top with the grated Swiss, Parm, and chives. (I shut the heat off about the time I added the onions, as the egg was largely set up.) Then the moment of truth: Caaarrrefully work the spatula under the egg to get it to separate from the pan. It's tricky with only 2 eggs because it is pretty thin but it starts coming up.

Usually when I do an omelette it winds up folded over like a semicircle, which is fine and an accepted way to serve one but today it actually rolled up like a burrito, which is what I always try to do and fail at. Finish off with salt, pepper, and Tabasco. Mmmm. I'm a little sad because I don't think I'll ever be able to make one that turns out so well again.
I have started to develop the ability to see black & white footage in color. I'll be watching some documentary that has old-timey footage and I'm almost able to actually see what it looked like in color.
The Wright Brothers should've named their airplane the "Rong" instead of the "Wright Flyer." Because then they could've said "Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights can make a Rong."
I had an interesting Bible thought the other day: Now, Catholics have a huge boner for Mary being a virgin. And not just when Jesus was conceived, but always. I hadn't really noticed it that much until I started reading old prayers; the number of times there's a line like "...blessed Mary, ever virgin..." This doesn't jibe particularly well with Jewish custom at the time--or with scripture. One of the gospels has Jesus preaching in Nazareth and his brothers and sisters are explicitly mentioned. Catholics explain this away that they were cousins--or metaphorical brothers and sisters, while Protestants just accept that after Jesus was born Mary and Joseph had sex. Well yesterday I had another thought: Joseph might've had a second wife. Polygamy isn't forbidden in Judaism. Kings Solomon and David are the best examples. There's one bit in Genesis where one of the big characters--Abraham? I forget--his wife couldn't have kids so she encouraged him to fuck the housekeeper or something. So what if Joseph just had a second wife, along with Mary?
Holy fuckknuckles. History Channel Roulette. "Empire Games" marathon tonight. Obviously history documentaries require historians to comment on the events in the episode. What would a rational person look for in a contributor? Probably knowing something about the topic they're talking about. Maybe being pleasant to look at. Being understandable might be nice. Apparently the producers misheard the Meatloaf song and decided (maybe) 1 out of 3 isn't bad. Last episode had a morbidly obese chick with a heavy Franch acccent: "Un ze shing dynasty oui-oui, beacoup iz tre bien merci!" Fucking torture. Thought maybe it was a fluke, but now we're into the Celts and I swear, one of the narrators is dressed up as a nerdier version of Alec Baldwin's character in "Beetlejuice." Black and white plaid shirt with a turtleneck underneath, glasses, long hair. The other commentator is, like, a Mexican hobbit, for lack of a better word. Bulky plaid jacket with a plaid tie and an unfortunate haircut who literally needs subtitles. I'm watching him try to talk and going "BLIBBETY BLIBBETY BLBIBIBLIIB...." As an added bonus, the producers put the captions to tell us who these two "experts" in a font that is tiny and unreadable and only display it long enough that you might get 1/3 of it. HOW THE FUCK?!