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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

Now if only that pesky GOP would stop fighting in Pootie's corner against the interests of the United States...
Um... what are "the interests of the United States" in this? Ukraine isn't a NATO member. NATO hasn't even wanted Ukraine to be a NATO member. So what, exactly, is the U.S.' stake in Ukraine?
Jeebus Question. Don’t fault some crazy members for copying and pasting from Wikipedia when you’re trying to make YouTube noise points.
I’m not listening to that shit.
What is NATO’s stake in Ukraine? If nothing else it borders NATO countries so if Putin has any legitimate interest in trying to prevent NATO encroachment towards Russia, so does NATO have interest in protecting Russian movement towards its borders. A reasonable diplomatic solution might have been some neutral status for Ukraine but Putin hasn’t really been interested in any compromise.
But regardless of Ukraine’s strategic value, by failing to confront his nuclear threats now (and ignoring his past war crimes) we’re (NATO and the EU) are basically negotiating with/giving in to a terrorist threat. We’ll ONLY confront that threat if there’s some bomb that falls twelve miles away from Ukraine in Poland?
Pretty stupid IMO. I’m glad we’re practicing restraint and trying all other means but I don’t think we have good reason not to get directly involved eventually. I don’t know about the exact timing but I think it’s not in our (the collective “our”) best interests if Putin succeeds in Ukraine. He needs to fail.
This could all easily recur over Taiwan.
Jeebus Question. Don’t fault some crazy members for copying and pasting from Wikipedia when you’re trying to make YouTube noise points.
Well, this is sort of an "anything goes" thread. Says so right on the tin.

What is NATO’s stake in Ukraine?
Not what I asked. I asked what our stake is. And not our outlaw government's, I know what their stake is -- same as it always is: a chance for foreign military adventure, aka money laundering. I want to know what We, The Tax Cattle get out of this, other than maybe bombed because our ruling class won't keep their collective dick in their pants.
Pet peeve: People (and it's now an increasing percentage of the population, at least in the U.S.) who speak with the "misplaced interrogative lift."

To explain: the misplaced interrogative lift is where the speaking voice rises in pitch at the end of a sentence, as if one is asking a question... when the speaker is not asking a question.

Example: "So, the other day? I'm driving to the grocery store? And I get pulled over even though I'm not speeding?"

Fucking annoying.
Aborigines and Australians have the same accent, so did the English immigrants pick it up from them when they taught them English, or was it the other way round?
Well, this is sort of an "anything goes" thread. Says so right on the tin.

Not what I asked. I asked what our stake is. And not our outlaw government's, I know what their stake is -- same as it always is: a chance for foreign military adventure, aka money laundering. I want to know what We, The Tax Cattle get out of this, other than maybe bombed because our ruling class won't keep their collective dick in their pants.
Our interest in Ukraine is what’s better for NATO is better for us where Russia is concerned. I believe there is strength in numbers and if we ever were to go to war with Russia or North Korea or China or anywhere overseas I’d just assume fight it from NATO bases over there vs from here.
I don’t think we (the U.S.) should police the world in all circumstances but this unprovoked attack by Putin and his desire to nation build (which I think is more real than any “threat” he’s making up from a non-nuclear, non NATO member-Ukraine) is different. I wasn’t paying as much attention during the Crimea annexation but we probably should have done far more then or Putin might not have felt so emboldened.
Our interest in Ukraine is what’s better for NATO is better for us where Russia is concerned.
This strikes me as being along the same line of thinking that goes, "We should give away billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel year in and year out because they're our best ally in the region."

They're actually a fucking shit ally, and our alliance with them is, in fact, the primary if not exclusive reason why we even have any enemies in the region. We're subsidizing them and get nothing for it but a bullseye painted on us. Seems very much to me like NATO is the same kind of "bargain."
This strikes me as being along the same line of thinking that goes, "We should give away billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel year in and year out because they're our best ally in the region."

They're actually a fucking shit ally, and our alliance with them is, in fact, the primary if not exclusive reason why we even have any enemies in the region. We're subsidizing them and get nothing for it but a bullseye painted on us. Seems very much to me like NATO is the same kind of "bargain."
Israel who?
I was just thinking the other day that their lackluster participation against the Russian invasion of Ukraine was quite…Jewish. Plus their treatment of Palestinians is abhorrent. I think we should definitely start pulling back on our funding and military support to them but not abandon that alliance yet entirely.
The geopolitical situation shifts. There was a time when that relationship was beneficial to the US but every time funding and military aid are considered, we ought to be making adjustments at least (instead of increasing it year after year). In the current global situation I see value in the NATO alliance. Was very happy that Germany did an about face and decided to dramatically increase their military budget. Some NATO countries bring more to the table than others but I generally see alliances, where they can reasonably be forged, as beneficial (although we shouldn’t need to be always paying some huge tab for them).
It’s a worldwide political game…like Survivor.
Bad analogy but I felt like invoking the show. :)