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Who could beat Hillary in '08?

I'll say this; Guliani would have a chance with me, depending on his running mate. If he grabs either one of the aforementioned two, he's probably on the "ins" with me.
Hilary won't be running in '08 is my feeling. There's NO WAY the Dems will do that. She can't win because of the ruckus the fascist neocons will create, talk about "activist judiciary" wow, you won't see investigations of that magnitude on one person again for some time, should she decide to run. I bet Karl Rove is itching for a chance to show that "Swift Boat Veterans" wasn't a fluke.

Her only hope is that her farts don't stink, otherwise it's "Clinton II"
I sincerely hope that Hillary runs in 2008, and ultimately wins the nomination. That will assure another Republican Administration for another 4, possibly 8 years. The only thing better than 8 years under a Republican President is 12 or 16 years!!! GO HILLARY!! RUN! RUN! RUN!!
Henoch said:
It would just be refreshing to see someone who isn't a halwit as the President.

A halwit? Is that like a halfwit, only you're too stupid to type it correctly?

Big Dick McGee said:
I sincerely hope that Hillary runs in 2008, and ultimately wins the nomination. That will assure another Republican Administration for another 4, possibly 8 years. The only thing better than 8 years under a Republican President is 12 or 16 years!!! GO HILLARY!! RUN! RUN! RUN!!

Somehow I see you saying this in Laker Girl's little cheerleader's outfit ;)
Just because those are your pet issues doesn't mean they'll decide the election. Expanding entitlements is one of the ways Bush has kept poor, blue collar conservatives in his coalition. If the Republican party actually lived by its stated values and decreased the size of government, it would be much more difficult for it to maintain its electoral majority.
My pet issues? Nope. But those are the issues that have most people concerned... Hence why you have Hillary running as far Right as she can on border security, and tacking as far Left as she can on large government, still even pushing HillaryCare. But right... Must be my "pet issues". Yep.

I don't know what polls you read, but I've seen her get up into the mid forties when paired against Rice and Giuliani. She doesn't do well against McCain, but her support has increased significantly over the past few years. She's a skillful politician, and she's married to one of the most skillful policiticans that has ever lived. I think she'd run a much better campaign than Kerry or Gore.
Wow! MID Forties! OMG! OMG! So this is how liberals think! "Lets put forward a candidate that STILL CAN'T WIN!" Brilliance. And skillful politician? She's hardly skilled, and you've got Freeh's new book making Slick Willy look even more incompetent. Super.

Hilary won't be running in '08 is my feeling. There's NO WAY the Dems will do that. She can't win because of the ruckus the fascist neocons will create, talk about "activist judiciary" wow, you won't see investigations of that magnitude on one person again for some time, should she decide to run. I bet Karl Rove is itching for a chance to show that "Swift Boat Veterans" wasn't a fluke.

Her only hope is that her farts don't stink, otherwise it's "Clinton II"
Activist judiciary, like say... Ronnie Earle? Right... I mean shopping Grand Juries when the first TWO turn down the case? BRILLIANCE! And Karl doesn't have to do anything, Bill and Hillary have already dug their own political pitfalls.
I'd like to see Rice run, at least as VP if not President.

What I would like and respect about Rice is that she would be a person running for president who just so happens to be a black woman.

Hillary would be a woman president.

Of course, that's the difference between regular folks and leftists. Leftists are obsessed with the color of your skin and both what kind of genitals you have and who you like to have play with them. The rest of us are just interested in people.
I can't think of anybody who wouldn't vote for John McCain, to tell you the truth, besides the Pat Robertson -listening nutjobs.


I think Bronson would predict that the Dems are going to run Hillary (too far left to elect), the Pubes are going to run some ultraright nutjob (too far right to elect), and the Supreme Court will split the difference.

And as far as who beats Hillary in 2008, it's Bill. Only he's all plastered and she kills him and makes it look like a suicide.
I think McCain should win. He'll get the "I don't feel like thinking so i'll vote for my party" Republican votes, as well as a good portion of democratic votes because of his highly moderate views.
The thing with mcCain is he's a RINO... Republican in Name Only. He's fucked up election law more than anyone in the last 3 decades, he's a gloryhound and can't be trusted.
My pet issues? Nope. But those are the issues that have most people concerned... Hence why you have Hillary running as far Right as she can on border security, and tacking as far Left as she can on large government, still even pushing HillaryCare. But right... Must be my "pet issues". Yep.

My dear, like it or not, abortion and gay marriage are the biggest issues for your party's base. The President hardly ever talks about immigration issues, and that's not an accident. Coming down hard on immigration would be politically risky for any Republican candidate.

Wow! MID Forties! OMG! OMG! So this is how liberals think! "Lets put forward a candidate that STILL CAN'T WIN!" Brilliance. And skillful politician? She's hardly skilled, and you've got Freeh's new book making Slick Willy look even more incompetent. Super.

Mid forties gives her a solid lead over Rice and a slight lead over Giuliani. Of course, polling this far out is meaningless.

Activist judiciary, like say... Ronnie Earle? Right... I mean shopping Grand Juries when the first TWO turn down the case? BRILLIANCE! And Karl doesn't have to do anything, Bill and Hillary have already dug their own political pitfalls.


(1) Ronnie Earle is not a member of the judiciary. He's what we call a "prosecutor."

(2) Indictment of the Republican House majority leader for money laudering hurts the Republicans, not the Democrats. I know you like to live in magical Buttonsland, where Karl Rove and Dick Cheney ride giant pink elephants through the sky, but it's time to come on back to the real world.
My dear, like it or not, abortion and gay marriage are the biggest issues for your party's base. The President hardly ever talks about immigration issues, and that's not an accident. Coming down hard on immigration would be politically risky for any Republican candidate.
Actually, no they aren't. And my party's base? You really are incompetent, you know that? I'm not Republican. I'm not Democrat. I'm a card carrying registered Libertarian. Man are you slow. Abortion is a nonissue for me, as is gay marriage. Both Demos and Republicans are wrong on both issues. The president doesn't talk about immigration because he knows its a weak point. Hillary is running to the Right specifically to try and get that vote. Perhaps you should actually understand what you're talking about before opening your mouth. Expanding entitlements, and specifically the beaucracy it creates are the major issues, or did you forget the Demo's talking points for 06-08 election? Damn. They make kids ignorant now a day, don't they?

Mid forties gives her a solid lead over Rice and a slight lead over Giuliani. Of course, polling this far out is meaningless.
Sorry buckwheat, Rice consisently is getting 48-49% in polls. But right... 42 > 48. BRILLIANCE! If thats the math you're learning you might want to check the credentials of your Profs. But nice attempt to hide your own stupidity. Fantastic job.


(1) Ronnie Earle is not a member of the judiciary. He's what we call a "prosecutor."
Yawn. You do realize the role of Prosecutor in the Judical system don't you? Oh right... Let me guess he's a member of the Legislature! It's his job to actually KNOW the law he's trying to prosecute, understand it's limitations, and it's implications, not make up limitations and misinterpret the statutes...

(2) Indictment of the Republican House majority leader for money laudering hurts the Republicans, not the Democrats. I know you like to live in magical Buttonsland, where Karl Rove and Dick Cheney ride giant pink elephants through the sky, but it's time to come on back to the real world.
No, the failure of the indictment will gut the Texas Demos even more and continue to show that Demos are ignorant, fradulaent and vindictive idiots. But thats really just showing people whats always been in front of their eyes. So hmmm... Please explain the Grand Jury shopping. Please explain that after spending months going over the evidence with the first grand jury, and their refusal, then sending weeks on the second grand jury and their refusal, why he went to a THIRD, with a sealed transcript this time, eh?
WordInterrupted said:
My dear, like it or not, abortion and gay marriage are the biggest issues for your party's base. The President hardly ever talks about immigration issues, and that's not an accident. Coming down hard on immigration would be politically risky for any Republican candidate.

Republican candidate?

I guess I've forgotten that Clinton had an excellent handle on the INS, I mean, how else would we have prevented the 9/11 terrorist attacks...Oh wait.
Actually, no they aren't. And my party's base? You really are incompetent, you know that? I'm not Republican. I'm not Democrat. I'm a card carrying registered Libertarian. Man are you slow. Abortion is a nonissue for me, as is gay marriage. Both Demos and Republicans are wrong on both issues. The president doesn't talk about immigration because he knows its a weak point. Hillary is running to the Right specifically to try and get that vote. Perhaps you should actually understand what you're talking about before opening your mouth. Expanding entitlements, and specifically the beaucracy it creates are the major issues, or did you forget the Demo's talking points for 06-08 election? Damn. They make kids ignorant now a day, don't they?

Bush has increased domestic entitlements more than any president since Lydon Johnson, and most Republicans love him anyway. Again, you may get all hot and bothered about it, but it doesn't bother most people.

Sorry buckwheat, Rice consisently is getting 48-49% in polls. But right... 42 > 48. BRILLIANCE! If thats the math you're learning you might want to check the credentials of your Profs. But nice attempt to hide your own stupidity. Fantastic job.

What poll are you looking at? I've only found two polls that match Rice with Clinton--the Fox news poll and the Marist College poll--and they both give Clinton a healthy lead. Source Can you provide a source for your claims, my dear?

Yawn. You do realize the role of Prosecutor in the Judical system don't you? Oh right... Let me guess he's a member of the Legislature! It's his job to actually KNOW the law he's trying to prosecute, understand it's limitations, and it's implications, not make up limitations and misinterpret the statutes...

The role of the prosecutor is to enforce the laws of the United States.

No, the failure of the indictment will gut the Texas Demos even more and continue to show that Demos are ignorant, fradulaent and vindictive idiots. But thats really just showing people whats always been in front of their eyes. So hmmm... Please explain the Grand Jury shopping. Please explain that after spending months going over the evidence with the first grand jury, and their refusal, then sending weeks on the second grand jury and their refusal, why he went to a THIRD, with a sealed transcript this time, eh?

(1) It may fail and it may succeed. We'll have to wait and see. I do think it's sort of funny that you're defending Delay, seeing as even some Republicans are glad to be quit of him. You did read his recent comment that there isn't any fat to cut from the Federal budjet?

(2) Even if it Earle doesn't get a guilty verdict, that has nothing to do with the Democratic party. Political parties don't hand down indictments.
Hillary in 08, Hillary in 08, Hillary in 08. Thats all you cons ever fantasize about. It will be Jeb Bush vrs Rod Blagojevich in 08. Hillary wont be on the ticket and wont even run in the primaries.
Bush has increased domestic entitlements more than any president since Lydon Johnson, and most Republicans love him anyway. Again, you may get all hot and bothered about it, but it doesn't bother most people.
Actually it destroys a large part of the Republican tent, those who are only in it due to small government stance. It also upsets Demos and centrist who want a balanced nonintrusive government. But right... domestic entitlements aren't going to be one of the key issues of the election... I guess thats why both sides of the aisle are already lining up taking their potshots early and trying to position themselves to be more fiscally conservative and want cutbacks...

What poll are you looking at? I've only found two polls that match Rice with Clinton--the Fox news poll and the Marist College poll--and they both give Clinton a healthy lead. Source Can you provide a source for your claims, my dear?
Yes I can but I'm not going to take the time, as you'll simply ignore it as you always do when faced with any proof which directly contradicts your ignorance. And amazing! You look at ONE even remotely current data point! Terrific job there turbo. Thats brilliant. Your Marist College poll is quite moot. Whats that FEB? Fantastic job there. Maybe you should look at the shit you try and post.

The role of the prosecutor is to enforce the laws of the United States.
Pretty important part of the judicial system, no? After all they are the ones who PROSECUTE the crime. Unfortunately Earle has no apparent understanding of what he's doing. After all, trying to prosecute someone for a law which wasn't even on the books when the crime was supposedly comitted? BRILLIANCE! Or the fact that Earle and his entire office have been subpeonaed.

(1) It may fail and it may succeed. We'll have to wait and see. I do think it's sort of funny that you're defending Delay, seeing as even some Republicans are glad to be quit of him. You did read his recent comment that there isn't any fat to cut from the Federal budjet?
Budjet? Oh, did your infantile mind break? I'm not defending Delay. I wouldn't know him from Adam. Instead I see an ignorant fool, Earle or you depending on the time, trying to trump up charges both incorrectly and falsely. Did you read the recent comments from numerous House and Senate Democrats denying that their is pork in their highway bills? Of course not. Kettle. Pot. Wordin's retarded.

(2) Even if it Earle doesn't get a guilty verdict, that has nothing to do with the Democratic party. Political parties don't hand down indictments.
No, politically motivated braindead hacks try and get those indictments. Right... You forgot about that bit didn't you.
Actually it destroys a large part of the Republican tent, those who are only in it due to small government stance. It also upsets Demos and centrist who want a balanced nonintrusive government. But right... domestic entitlements aren't going to be one of the key issues of the election... I guess thats why both sides of the aisle are already lining up taking their potshots early and trying to position themselves to be more fiscally conservative and want cutbacks...

You may be right that they will be a big issue, but I think the debate will be over what kind of entitlements to create, not whether to create them.

Yes I can but I'm not going to take the time, as you'll simply ignore it as you always do when faced with any proof which directly contradicts your ignorance.

You have nothing to back up your position. You were just blowing hot air. Pathetic.

I'm not defending Delay. I wouldn't know him from Adam. Instead I see an ignorant fool, Earle or you depending on the time, trying to trump up charges both incorrectly and falsely. Did you read the recent comments from numerous House and Senate Democrats denying that their is pork in their highway bills? Of course not. Kettle. Pot. Wordin's retarded.

Of course you're defending him. You're a Republobot.

Asf for the highway bill, that was Chairman Young's doing. He's the one refusing to give up his bridge to nowhere. Hehehehehe... just keep telling yourself that Republicans are for smaller government. You can probably keep lying to yourself until we go bankrupt.
You may be right that they will be a big issue, but I think the debate will be over what kind of entitlements to create, not whether to create them.
Keep backpedalling, braindead. I thought these were just my "pet issues".

You have nothing to back up your position. You were just blowing hot air. Pathetic.
No, I have numerous straw polls conducted. You're simply not worth my time. Whats that make you?

Of course you're defending him. You're a Republobot.

Asf for the highway bill, that was Chairman Young's doing. He's the one refusing to give up his bridge to nowhere. Hehehehehe... just keep telling yourself that Republicans are for smaller government. You can probably keep lying to yourself until we go bankrupt.
Yawn. We've covered this. I'm not a Republican. I'm a registered Libertarian. And as for going bankrupt? Right... Whos party focus is stealing money from the people who actually earn it for the express purpose of giving it to their patsies? That'd be the Demos. Or maybe you forgot about welfare.