Troll Kingdom

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Who do you hate on other message boards?

Granted, I'm sure we all hate someone here at TK. I personally can't stand _________. And don't even get me started on that motherfucker _________.

But this is about other boards. Here's who I can't fucking stand at the Trek BBS:

1-The God Thing: I don't know who this guy really is, but he is the biggest douchebag fuckwit I've ever encountered. Why? Mainly because of his snobbery over geekery. I mean, c'mon jackass...Star Trek ain't real. Go fuck yourself.

2-Dennis Bailey: He'd have the top spot, but I've hated TGT longer. Dennis Bailey is arrogant, snobbish, hateful, and to top it all off, a leftist Marxist douchebag who hates religion and anyone with faith. He also thinks he's some big deal because he wrote that shitty episode of TNG, "Tin Man." More like "Tin Fag." Oh, and he does poor CGI for that asinine "New Voyages" nonsense. What the fuck ever. If I ever met Bailey in person, I'd put my foot up his ass. Though knowing him, he'd enjoy it.

3-JK Tim: One of the worst "moderators" at the Trek BBS. A complete asshole, who trolled the joint by following me from thread to thread and subtly flaming me. I accused him of this by PM, and the asshole took it to Bonnie. What a fuckrag.

There are others, but this is just a start.


Never mind, chummy. I advice logging off, getting some fresh air, and putting an ad up in a phone box for some hot arse action. I reckon you'd have far more luck with that, than coming over as a thorn in the side of a Star Trek board.
Oh, and
VKD. *snore!* on the pix. Any pics I have up on the Internet (and there aren't many) will eventually be snooped out by someone. I don't care. If I was afraid of that, I wouldn't have put them up anywhere, you know? Nothing is secure online. Not PMs, not photo sites, not posts, etc. If I've posted something, it means I know that it may appear in odd places.

And I've posted all but one before, IN threads at times or as avs. So no biggie. If it makes your day to mock the looks, have at it. I'm 50. Hottie I'm nottie. Fortunately, I don't care. *grin*

that's a lot of not caring.

Anyway, since you don't care here's another one to ponder... ;)

It doesn't take a genius to see she's old, fat & ugly, VKD, and it's an easy target to go for - even in a Kindergarten.

When will you be showing us your pictures, coward? Maybe your fat & ugly, too?
Is Superman a Conundrum dual? There's no way there can be two bitches that whiny on the planet at once.
So let me see, someone goes whining to Menty the minute his real pic is posted here. Are you sure you're tough enough to hang out here honey?


Yes, I am.

I think we can all admit to liking to keep our "real worlds" separate from here to some degree.

And if some people disagree, they can go fuck themselves.

And VKD, thanks for pointing out that A) Bonnie does indeed do a lot of "not caring" in that post and B) she is hideous.

Nah. I don't care. I just thought it was funny that someone thought that digging up some pics of me would intimidate me somehow and I couldn't resist saying so. :phpmrgreen:

Fat, ugly, old and hideous. *grin*. That's great! You've given me a cool idea for a silly av. Thanks!
P.S. I'm lazy. Hey VKD. You're good with the art stuff. Find me a troll (the plastic type with funky hair) and photoshop my mug on the head. I'll use it as an av here.
I think we can all admit to liking to keep our "real worlds" separate from here to some degree.
And if some people disagree, they can go fuck themselves.

You mean you dont want anyone seeing YOUR photo, everyone else is fair game, right?

^^^No. I didn't post those pics of Bonnie...and if she doesn't care, there's no problem.

In fact, those photos weren't new. Bonnie's posted them elsewhere and apparently doesn't have a problem with them being posted.

I, on the other hand, did.

But let's leave that issue aside for now...what really matters is seeing you, MM. What do you say? Any pics of you?

It's so much fun to watch Superman demonstrating once again what a cowardly little bitch he is.

Plenty of pictures of me on the Internet, Stupes. If you get over being too lazy or stupid to search, I'm sure I'll be amused by your inept attempts to be abusive.

I certainly hope to meet you one day so that we can put the lie to yet another of your miserable little fantasies. :)
I love how people post pictures of others, but then when it comes to their own, all the sudden they have some inner integrity that makes them puff their chests out and sputter.
See, that's the beauty of not giving a damn about one's looks. One isn't afraid to have pictures seen.

Hey! I look NOTHING like Ozzy Osborne. I can handle being called ugly or hideous, but jeez, being compared to Ozzy?

You guys are MEAN! :2fingers:
^Your lack of talent with photo shop is only eclipsed by your lack of talent as a troll, Dick.