Internet God
Synchronized snow dancing or weird mating ritual. Either way, I love it.
Synchronized snow dancing or weird mating ritual. Either way, I love it.
Yes we met on Keith's board, coming up on 20 years. We were of course mere children. I've been trying to hunt down Lorne, he was at WF but I missed him. The 3 boards were Troll Kingdom, Dark Kingdom, and Orb Hall.. You could register a global account and post on any global board without registration on individual boards. I need a rocking chair to tell all this. And get off my lawn!That's how we met. On Lorne's EZ Board for SS. No wait, I met you on Keith's board. You do know that was a lifetime ago. I finally got rid of all the threads I had saved from a board I got a dual into. Ah, those were the good ol days. Now I'm older and wiser, and I never troll anyone nor gain access thru a dual. LOL
It reminds me of....Reminds me of a charming ditty by a lovely little band called "Butt Trumpet":
Dead dogs!
Dead dogs!
Dead dogs in my garage, I got...
Dead dogs!
Dead dogs!
Dead dogs in my fuckin' GARRAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!
Here's all I have of the Ezboard for those interested. It was all patched together from odds and ends sent from different members. I think you had sent the majority of it.EZBoards. And somewhere I have a bunch of threads saved. Yes I'm a packrat.
It was in a thread called "Trollkingdom Timeline *Assistance Please*" Looks like it's been purged from here but I should have it in my archives. I'd just have to do some digging to find it.Oh dear....good thinking or bad thinking? Wondering where my grave was maybe? This was back before the .com and .net, "Lorne" was involved with hosting the banner and I believe he wrote up a history of TK, but I can't find that post now.
As if I'd bother to post over on that woke for broke cry to the crimes of western culture forum. Now that I think of it I'd like to see old angry Mike shitroll all over the kindlier gentler SD.net.Holy shit, look who's back. Mike Wong's man-boob-milk turn sour on ya, did it?
No takers yet. I can't imagine why anyone would be afraid to open up a compressed zip file on a board like this.Anyone going to click on that link up there and download the content?
Things are good. Caco is long gone. But I'm happily married and spend my free time on various hobbies and interests. Just started getting back into the web development stuff in the last few months.Hey Cow...hows it going? You guys in Canada? Still with Caco? Nice to see your mooey face. I was just going through the TKR archives and fondly remembering you getting me up to speed with Audacity. Hope all is well for you and yours.