Internet God
Or it just might be that "The Saint" isn't the username I use there. D'hurrr! :lol:
(shhh! I'm trolling down bertfoot's memory lame. lol)
Or it just might be that "The Saint" isn't the username I use there. D'hurrr! :lol:
You don't remember The Saint at asvs? I thought you were an "up top" level member. Guess not.
Or it just might be that "The Saint" isn't the username I use there. D'hurrr! :lol:
no shit num-nuts. That's why i called bullshut on your account at "asvs".
what usernam do you use at "asvs"?
NX-01, maybe?
Why are you putting asvs in quotes? That's actually what the board is called. That's just fuckin' weird.
Busted :bigass:There was plenty of activity when i was a member. i ran two boards at "Dirk's" spot.
Blackfoot's Sports Bar
The Brig
:bigass:Shut the fuck up, Charles. You're bullshit is annoying and you're talking about a forum no one gives the tiniest shit about, except you.
Fuck off and fall off a cliff asshole.
Shut up @bertshocka
You won't have nor likely ever will again. In it's hey day had about as much energy as a wax museum.
Bumped for who's who and what's what around here.
In this thread "Blacklfoot nap" reveals himself to be "c-40"
Q.E.D. reference the marathon ASVS thread for proof of this post.
:bigass:Bumped for who's who and what's what around here.
In this thread "Blacklfoot nap" reveals himself to be "c-40"
Q.E.D. reference the marathon ASVS thread for proof of this post.
i was 'bertshocka' when i posted this thread, shared with 'dershocka'
eventually we got 'blackfoot'/'ceejay 'reinstated.