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Why are we going after Iran, again?

Oh... shit... no... no! Don't tell me.... I can guess it....

It has something to do with nut kicking, right?

Even fucking Sarek has more in his limited repertoire than you.
shit guys!!! Fuck a damn duck!! The US has been engaging with the fucking Islamo fucktards at least since the Philippines in skirmishes that started in 1918!

The fucktarded Islam fuckers hated the US before the establishment of Israel!!!

So go and fucking get a damn education Question! Dont fuckers like you come with a warranty? Or a fucking refund policy? I bet your parents are very dissapointed!
Astral said:
shit guys!!! Fuck a damn duck!! The US has been engaging with the fucking Islamo fucktards at least since the Philippines in skirmishes that started in 1918!

The fucktarded Islam fuckers hated the US before the establishment of Israel!!!

So go and fucking get a damn education Question! Dont fuckers like you come with a warranty? Or a fucking refund policy? I bet your parents are very dissapointed!
Actually, the Phillipines mess started shortly after the Spanish-American war, when it became clear we weren't going to give them their independence like we did Cuba.
SSgt_Sniper said:
Actually, the Phillipines mess started shortly after the Spanish-American war, when it became clear we weren't going to give them their independence like we did Cuba.

The point is that the Mussies were involved. There are people that say the mussies at the time sought to have the state admitted to the Union to achieve our 1st amendment rights to avoid persecution by the Catholics there.

Case in point to the fucktarded Question and Messenger is that the support of the state of Israel is straight up LIE that their liberal "Gods" champion to make people think that is the SOLE FUCKING reason mussies hate us! Get this you retards... the Mussies and the Christians have had nothing but bad blood since way way the fuck before the US was a fucking concept and the founding father were a stinking ass itch their great great great motherfucking great great grandaddies!

O yes I did find a nice post somewhere else about "other" wars the Islamo fucks got roiled it!

Okay here goes:

Credit goes to a guy by the alias of lastchance

The Balkans
Kosovo: Muslim Albanians v. Orthodox Christian Serbs
Bosinia: Muslim Bosniacs v. Orthodox Christian Serbs v. Roman Catholic Croats
Palestine: Muslim Palestinian Arabs v. Jewish Israelis (okay, George Habash of the PFLP is a Christian, but not a good one)
Sudan: Muslim Arabs v. Christian and animist Bantu
Nigeria: (riots mostly) Muslims v. Christians (all Bantu)
Kashmir: Muslim Pakistanis v. Hindu and Sikh Indians
East Timor: (over now, but resentment over the Muslim loss lends support to the Indonesian wing of Al Qaeda) Muslim Indonesions v. Roman Catholic Timorese
Chechenya: Muslim Chechens v. Orthodox Christian Russians (Holy New Martyrs of Beslan, pray for us!)
Xinjiang: Muslim Uigurs v. atheist Han Chinese (doesn't get much press, but the Chi-Coms have had their Muslim troubles, too).
Not involving Muslims, one gets the Cold War left-overs--Korea, the Taiwan Strait, the FARC rebellion in Columbia and the Maoist problems in Nepal--and the ETA Basque separatist movement. (And, if you think Ian Paisley is spot on in doubting the IRA's declaration of full decomissioning, Northern Ireland.)

Case in point... mussies start wars with EVERYONE! Not just the fucking Joos and not just the fucking US!

It is only that the PRESS is keeping these things in the spot light. In much of an effect of keeping you liberal bastards controlled like sheep! The news is the remote control of you bastards! They have their fingers your buttons you silly little lapdogs!
Okay, that point is taken, however, how's this one for you: it's the Israelis fueling the current conflict. The one thing saving Israel (besides us) on a daily basis is that the Arabs are seen as the aggressors. (Which strictly speaking isn't entirely true) If a non-violent muslim protest group were to start up over there, the Israelis heavy-handed tactics would still dictate that they come down hard on them. Which worked out real well for the white supremecist (spelling?) movement in Birmingham, now didn't it?

Not entirely on point, but thrown out as food for thought.
Fucking Moron said:
Case in point to the fucktarded Question and Messenger is that the support of the state of Israel is straight up LIE that their liberal "Gods" champion to make people think that is the SOLE FUCKING reason mussies hate us!

So U.S. support of Israel is a lie, eh? said:
According to official U.S. government sources, the September 11th attacks were consistent with the mission statement of al-Qaeda. The tactics (e.g., hitting multiple targets simultaneously) and depth of careful planning were also consistent with prior major al-Qaeda attacks and plots. The group's prior involvement in the bombing of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania resulted in numerous United States District Court indictments of identifiable top al-Qaeda leaders, including 13 who consequently ended up on the United States Department of Justice's FBI Most Wanted Terrorists list for that 1998 attack. Al-Qaeda's reputed mastermind of 9/11, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, also appeared on the initial FBI wanted list, and had been indicted years earlier for his role in a similar attack, Operation Bojinka, which had a goal of simultaneous carrying out in-flight bombings of 11 U.S. commercial airliners. In addition, al-Qaeda had declared responsibility for the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Aden, Yemen, as well. (see also Yemeni mass al-Qaeda prison escapes, including FBI Most Wanted Terrorists Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi and Jaber A. Elbaneh; also, Buffalo Six, and Ahmed Hijazi, the U.S. citizen killed in Yemen by a U.S. missile, along with al-Qaeda's Cole mastermind Abu Ali al-Harithi.) [17] [18]

The overarching motivation for this campaign of attacks was set out in a 1998 fatwa issued by Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu-Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, Shaykh Mir Hamzah, and Fazlur Rahman (Amir of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh, Fazlur Rahman).[19] The fatwa lists three "crimes and sins committed by the Americans":

U.S. support of Israel.
U.S. occupation of the Arabian Peninsula.
U.S. aggression against the Iraqi people.
The fatwa states that the United States:

Plunders the resources of the Arabian Peninsula.
Dictates policy to the rulers of those countries.
Supports abusive regimes and monarchies in the Middle East, thereby oppressing their people.
Has military bases and installations upon the Arabian Peninsula, which violates the Muslim holy land, in order to threaten neighboring Muslim countries.
Intends thereby to create disunion between Muslim states, thus weakening them as a political force.
Supports Israel, and wishes to divert international attention from (and tacitly maintain) the occupation of Palestine.
The Gulf War and the ensuing sanctions against and bombing of Iraq by the United States, were cited, in 1998, as further proof of these allegations. To the disapproval of moderate and liberal Muslims, the fatwa uses Islamic texts to exhort violent action against American military and citizenry until the alleged grievances are reversed: Stating "ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries."

Aerial photo taken April 27, 2004 of the area of the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA (USGS)Statements of al-Qaeda recorded after 9/11 add weight to the U.S account of who was responsible for the attacks. In a 2004 video, apparently acknowledging responsibility for the attacks, bin Laden stated that he was motivated by the 1982 Lebanon War, which he held the U.S. partially responsible for. In the video, bin Laden also claims that he wants to, "restore freedom to our nation," to, "punish the aggressor in kind," and to inflict economic damage on America. He declared that a continuing objective of his holy war was to, "[bleed] America to the point of bankruptcy."[20] Bin Laden said, "We swore that America wouldn't live in security until we live it truly in Palestine. This showed the reality of America, which puts Israel's interest above its own people's interest. America won't get out of this crisis until it gets out of the Arabian Peninsula, and until it stops its support of Israel."

The 9/11 Commission Report determined that the animosity towards the United States felt by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the so-called, "principal architect" of the 9/11 attacks, stemmed "not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel." The same motivation has been imputed to the two pilots who flew into the WTC: Mohamed Atta was described by one Ralph Bodenstein—who traveled, worked and talked with him—as "most imbued actually about... U.S. protection of these Israeli politics in the region." Marwan al-Shehhi is said to have explained his humorless demeanor with the words: "How can you laugh when people are dying in Palestine?"

By contrast, the Bush administration says that Al-Qaeda was motivated by hatred of the freedom and democracy exemplified by the United States.

So we have the motive the terrorists admitted they have, and in contrast we have the motive our government says they have. Now if our government brought this shit down on us, why would they admit so?

But you go ahead and call me the lapdog while you just swallow whatever shit the government wants to feed you. Fuckin' moron.
TQ should call a "hudna" until TQ can garner the knowledge that would temper TQ's intellect with the wisdom needed to effectively debate the issue of Dar al Harb versus Dar al Salaam.
The Question said:
So U.S. support of Israel is a lie, eh?

So we have the motive the terrorists admitted they have, and in contrast we have the motive our government says they have. Now if our government brought this shit down on us, why would they admit so?

But you go ahead and call me the lapdog while you just swallow whatever shit the government wants to feed you. Fuckin' moron.

You simply have no fucking intelligence do you? You cant even understand what I said. WE ALL KNOW THE US SUPPORT ISRAEL BITCH! The point is that, our support of israel is not the primary reason those fuckers hate us! It is a lie that gets bandied about by the media! Just like the fucking bullshit with the midnite ride of Paul Revere instead of Israel Bissell (who really made the ride) you get your information from people who are far more intersted in telling a lie to press their agenda before they would ever spit a lick of truth at you! History is full of this kinda of shit BITCH get over it and get with the motherfucking program! Stop listening to people who lie to you day in and day out and get your own fucking brain. NEWS is just 1% of the motherfucking story and that giving them a fucking lot! There is so much history you would fucking die of old age before you get through all of it! Instead get some rough ideas and focus on the main themes.

ISLAM fucking hates the whole world!! If you are not ISLAM you are fucking infidels!!! America is not Islam and neither is Israel or any other countries they fight! That is all it took, but sheep fuckers like you refuse truth like it is 10 year old spam!
Gurk should simply concede what are self-evident truths supported by evidence, rather than continuing to blather on about red herrings in obstinate refusal to see the obvious.
Astral said:
You simply have no fucking intelligence do you? You cant even understand what I said. WE ALL KNOW THE US SUPPORT ISRAEL BITCH! The point is that, our support of israel is not the primary reason those fuckers hate us!

I know that's your "point", you dumb cunt. I just posted statements from the terrorists themselves that that is the primary reason.

It comes down to this: Who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the people who have no reason to lie about why they committed these monstrous acts? Or are you going to believe the bootlicking asswipes who brought the monstrous acts down on us and want to deflect attention away from their own culpability?
TQ, it is obvious that our current support does fuel some of the (as stupid as this sounds) less-radical of the radicals. However, it should be pointed out that so did our betrayal of the Afganis after Russia left, our meddling in half the Kingdoms of OPEC, and the fact that we are (or used to be) the haves against their have-nots. Take Israel away, a lot of the radicals would still hate us.
The Question said:
Gurk should simply concede what are self-evident truths supported by evidence, rather than continuing to blather on about red herrings in obstinate refusal to see the obvious.

lol... what a fuck tard! o yes... we know you like the evidence that supports you claims... like the lies int he media and the lies from the mussies. But we did notice you dont give a shit about the true evidence provided by history and historians. You see a historian is a liar to you and the Media as a tell all truth God! I wonder why these bastards contradict each other so much?

You are just like a pseudoscientist. Who performs an experiement. You toss the evidence produced into the trash because you dont like it, and keep the evidence that you do like because it advances your adgenda. Lets just keep the "other" evidence in the trash.

You are not after the truth.
SSgt_Sniper said:
TQ, it is obvious that our current support does fuel some of the (as stupid as this sounds) less-radical of the radicals. However, it should be pointed out that so did our betrayal of the Afganis after Russia left, our meddling in half the Kingdoms of OPEC, and the fact that we are (or used to be) the haves against their have-nots. Take Israel away, a lot of the radicals would still hate us.

Sure, but look -- the Afghan thing had pretty much died out on its own merit by 9/11. Our meddling in half the Kingdom of OPEC is a manifestation of our acting as Israel's mercenary whore, and our being haves to their have-nots makes us distant haves, when their billionaire princes are right in their backyard, so to speak. It's our being Israel's international Big Brother that got the imams calling for our blood on an international scale in the 21st century.
SSgt_Sniper said:
TQ, it is obvious that our current support does fuel some of the (as stupid as this sounds) less-radical of the radicals. However, it should be pointed out that so did our betrayal of the Afganis after Russia left, our meddling in half the Kingdoms of OPEC, and the fact that we are (or used to be) the haves against their have-nots. Take Israel away, a lot of the radicals would still hate us.

LOL did I get that right? HE CAN BE TAUGHT!!! Kudos! You show promise. Anyone who can learn and accept the truth has promise! Dont let ANYONE tell you how to react. Get the facts for yourself and learn!
Astral said:
lol... what a fuck tard! o yes... we know you like the evidence that supports you claims... like the lies int he media and the lies from the mussies. But we did notice you dont give a shit about the true evidence provided by history and historians.

Really. So you think the fuckers that blew up the Cole or the assclowns who hijacked those airliners had Hindus and Turks on their minds. Jesus Christ, words don't describe it.
The Question said:
Sure, but look -- the Afghan thing had pretty much died out on its own merit by 9/11. Our meddling in half the Kingdom of OPEC is a manifestation of our acting as Israel's mercenary whore, and our being haves to their have-nots makes us distant haves, when their billionaire princes are right in their backyard, so to speak. It's our being Israel's international Big Brother that got the imams calling for our blood on an international scale in the 21st century.

Thats what gets me about you freaks... You think Israel is behind every plot in the world! If the price of tennis balls go up there is a scum bag Joo getting greedy for more money!

Get over it bitch! There are far more "Other" races in the world! Why do you focus on the most insignificant of them? O.... perhaps you just hate the chosen people of God.... is that it? envy? jealousy? did you know the bible said that fuckers like you would be around? They predicted this BEFORE Israel was intially destroyed by Rome. It also said they would come back. You need to kick the fuck back and read some prophecy. The stuff is true! It does not take a religious or historical scholar to get that small tidbit of Prophecy down!