Wunce... therr wuz this kewwwwwn hoo (sounding like the singer of Crash Test Dummies here)
Joynd a cuntry club 'n' got all stawmpd in thuh menz rewm
And whennn he went to thayyyrrr board
Uv d'rectors
They laffd 'n' sed "That's whut yewww get!
Ya stewpid muther fuck-errr, whut didjoo ex-pehhhhhhhhct
Hmmm mmm mmm mmm hmm mmm mmm mmm
Joynd a cuntry club 'n' got all stawmpd in thuh menz rewm
And whennn he went to thayyyrrr board
Uv d'rectors
They laffd 'n' sed "That's whut yewww get!
Ya stewpid muther fuck-errr, whut didjoo ex-pehhhhhhhhct
Hmmm mmm mmm mmm hmm mmm mmm mmm