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You know what's interesting

Cranky Bastard said:
Israel doesn't hate America whereas the Iranians do.
The Iranians, even when they took American hostages, made it clear that their qualms were with the US government and not with Americans at large.

I'd rather crater the capital of someone who hates us.
Because countries are like the bad guy in Rocky flicks.
Messenger said:
The Iranians, even when they took American hostages, made it clear that their qualms were with the US government and not with Americans at large.

That is debatable in the current situation and I'm not sure either could press home the point. Much has morphed from disdain of the American government to disdain of its people - mainly due to Hollywood and the image sent to the rest of the world.

Because countries are like the bad guy in Rocky flicks.

Sometimes they are. Don't neglect to afford the ills if humanity to others. Americans aren't alone in being human and wrong.
Cranky Bastard said:
That is debatable in the current situation and I'm not sure either could press home the point. Much has morphed from disdain of the American government to disdain of its people - mainly due to Hollywood and the image sent to the rest of the world.
How is this supposed to be relevant towards Iran ? There have been numerous calls for economic sanctions, like the ones Iraq experiences, and for what? Because they are not Western? I'm sure the average Iranian has good reason to blindly and irrationally hate all Americans, much as in the same way an American who couldn't point Iran out on the map has to hate of them.

Let's stop that direction for a moment. Permit me to ask you: Do you think that the average Iranian who hates the US hates it because it's not Muslim, or because it supports Israel, or because the US, as the most prominent representative of Western culture in that part of the world, has done nothing but insult it and treat it like shit as of late?

Poor Jews. Iran is the next Germany. Oh lordy!! Those poor, poor Jews.

Because countries are like the bad guy in Rocky flicks.
Sometimes they are.
How the FUCK can someone be your age, and still believe in fairy tales?

Don't neglect to afford the ills if humanity to others. Americans aren't alone in being human and wrong.
Guess what - Americans will not be blamed for Iraq - Bush, his neophytes, and the 'country of Israel, who is a bad Rocky guy' will be.
Cranky Bastard said:
Israel doesn't hate America whereas the Iranians do.
Israel has spied on us and leaked classified information to hostile nations; I wouldn't call that a sign of deep affection. That government is a tick and the American tax base is the host; there's no love in it, and an absence of open hatred isn't enough to justify letting the tick continue to feed.

I'd rather crater the capital of someone who hates us.
If I get a cold, I take cold medicine. I don't wipe my stuffy nose until the skin is gone. Our government's funding of Israel is the condition, Arabs hating us is a symptom.
The Question said:
Or if Washington cratered Tel Aviv. All that money for nothing, all the spying, all the American lives wasted to achieve Israel's strategic objectives while ignoring the defense of American ones. One push of a button is all it would take to set America on course back to where she should be.

Well we cratered Manhattan in broad daylight, so I guess that's not so far off.
Messenger said:
How is this supposed to be relevant towards Iran?

Because Iran is a fundamentalist state. It is state religion and the religion itself has targeted Israel/America as the Great Satan.

There have been numerous calls for economic sanctions, like the ones Iraq experiences, and for what? Because they are not Western?

I don't agree with sanctions. Let Iran get the bomb. Matters not to me. Gives us excuse to nuke them if they nuke someone else.

Let's stop that direction for a moment. Permit me to ask you: Do you think that the average Iranian who hates the US hates it because it's not Muslim, or because it supports Israel, or because the US, as the most prominent representative of Western culture in that part of the world, has done nothing but insult it and treat it like shit as of late?

All of those.

Poor Jews. Iran is the next Germany. Oh lordy!! Those poor, poor Jews.

Iran may be. I have other reasons, religious, for believing Iran is ascendant. Nothing will stop them.

How the FUCK can someone be your age, and still believe in fairy tales?

You may have used the analogy as a slur, and I laughed. But sometimes nations are "bad guys" (enemy states led by bad people). In this case? I believe Iran is the bad guy, but I promote NO action against them.

Guess what - Americans will not be blamed for Iraq - Bush, his neophytes, and the 'country of Israel, who is a bad Rocky guy' will be.

I disagree. In America, partisans will blame as you say. World opinion is quite different. We were hated and blamed as Americans when Clinton did things, no matter how the right blamed Clinton. It will be the same with Bush.

The Question said:
Israel has spied on us and leaked classified information to hostile nations; I wouldn't call that a sign of deep affection.

They have also murdered American troops. When they thought it expedient, we were discarded in any "friendly" sense.

That government is a tick and the American tax base is the host; there's no love in it, and an absence of open hatred isn't enough to justify letting the tick continue to feed.

According to such media as The Jerusalem Post, much of Israel feels betrayed by America that we have not done enough - or more specifically, we keep forcing peace on them when they react to 1000s of rocket attacks against civilian centers. I can't blame them.

I'm generally an aid supporter at this point. Supply them with arms and let them fight the terrorists. Currently, our support for Israel is not the only reason the muslims hate us. The media decadence and spread of what they consider immorality comes in a close second.

France doesn't support Israel, and look at what lack of support has garnered them with Islam. Zilch. In fact, they are ahead of the US on "the target list" due to their "decadence."

Islam views such "decadence" truly as Dar al Harb. It is open season and supported by Allah. This isn't just about Israel.
According to such media as The Jerusalem Post, much of Israel feels betrayed by America that we have not done enough - or more specifically, we keep forcing peace on them when they react to 1000s of rocket attacks against civilian centers. I can't blame them.
Boo hoo for them. First, we subsidize their very existence. Their nation exists only because of its parasitic relationship to ours. Second, the rocket attacks were a reaction to Israel's invasion of Lebanon, which was a reaction to... two soldiers being captured in Southern Lebanon, which the IDF committed frequent illegal incursions into.

I'm generally an aid supporter at this point. Supply them with arms and let them fight the terrorists.
I'm firmly convinced by their military's actions that they are a terrorist state.

Currently, our support for Israel is not the only reason the muslims hate us. The media decadence and spread of what they consider immorality comes in a close second.
And I say unequivocally that if our support of Israel ends, we should obliterate any Muslim nation that attacks us utterly and without hesitation immediately after the very first attack that comes after, regardless of how small. But first, let's knock any kind of pretense out from under them.

France doesn't support Israel, and look at what lack of support has garnered them with Islam. Zilch. In fact, they are ahead of the US on "the target list" due to their "decadence."
Or due to their wussiness. Terrorists historically prefer to target the weak.

Islam views such "decadence" truly as Dar al Harb. It is open season and supported by Allah. This isn't just about Israel.
No, it isn't just about Israel. But the fact remains that funding Israel is their primary excuse for attacking us, and Israel does nothing to benefit us that even comes close to being worth what it receives.

I'd settle for this, though: Put continued financial support of Israel to a vote on the federal ballot. Until people are given a choice in whether or not our taxes fund Israel, paying taxes amounts to every American being a slave for that country, and that ought to be absolutely appalling to everyone.
I'm firmly convinced by their military's actions that they are a terrorist state.

Except for that, I agree with everything else you said. Nothing to argue about.

I am an isolationist. I'm not sure when that became a bad word and for what reason, but America should take its ball and go home. Troops out of the 100+ countries we have them stationed in. Fuck South Korea. Fuck Iraq. There's not a country we have troops in today where we are needed.

It's a waste of money, time, and manpower.

Charity? Withdraw all that bullshit, too. We have plenty here we can be spending charity on rather than feeding people who hate us anyway. Breast cancer? Prostate cancer? Why not tackle the #1 killers of men and women before feeding Mtumbo and her muslim brat-herd hoping that such charity brings their respect?

Europe? Fuck 'em. They don't like us anyway.

And as you said, any country that attacks America should be melted - not just peppered with a few cruise missiles.

Yes, I am one of those "dirty" isolationists.
Cranky Bastard said:
Except for that, I agree with everything else you said. Nothing to argue about.

To that, I can only say this: Give it time and looking at this with hopefully an angle on it you might not have looked at it from before. I think you'll start to at least question the cut-and-dried nature of the dynamics between Israel and its neighbors.

Here's a starter: What if the positions were reversed, and the Jewish state were fighting with negligible resources (military or otherwise) against a Muslim neighbor with vastly superior technology and funding?

I am an isolationist. I'm not sure when that became a bad word and for what reason, but America should take its ball and go home. Troops out of the 100+ countries we have them stationed in. Fuck South Korea. Fuck Iraq. There's not a country we have troops in today where we are needed.

Absolutely right. What's more, they're needed on our southern border. Whether you agree that it's right to use them to deter or physically combat illegal occupation by foreign nationals, they sure as hell would come in handy for defending against armed drug runners and "rogue" Mexican military personnel.

Charity? Withdraw all that bullshit, too. We have plenty here we can be spending charity on rather than feeding people who hate us anyway. Breast cancer? Prostate cancer? Why not tackle the #1 killers of men and women before feeding Mtumbo and her muslim brat-herd hoping that such charity brings their respect?

Once again, right on. And I'd go a step further -- penalize the outsourcing of American jobs, and strictly (harshly, if necessary) enforce those laws along with laws against employing illegal aliens. It's not enough for our government to stop giving our economy away and letting our southern neighbor steal it -- it needs to be rebuilt.

Yes, I am one of those "dirty" isolationists.

Nothing dirty about it, IMO. :)
jack said:
Is how Muslims get all frantic and death sentencey when someone makes a joke or cartoon about Allah, and then they act like this conference is some sort of truth telling, not understanding the depths of their hypocrisy.
It would be interesting to research the parallels between Islamic Extreamism and the witchhunts the Puritans engaged in at the birth of this nation.

The Spanish Inquisition?
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. (Of course, the ironic thing is that since people have been spouting that line since approximately forever, it's very probable that damn near everybody expects the Spanish Inquisition now.)
LomiMonet said:
It would be interesting to research the parallels between Islamic Extreamism and the witchhunts the Puritans engaged in at the birth of this nation.

The Spanish Inquisition?

The most recent records of the Spanish Inquisition reveal a casualty rate of less than 2,000. Do you know WHY the Spanish inquisition took place? Or only that it was "christianity run amok"?

The muslims have killed a couple hundred million Indians, alone, over the centuries. Muslims hate the shit out of hindus.
I wasn't meaning to equate The Span Inq with centuries of ethnic conflict.
And the Eastern Europeans have been doing pretty much the same for almost as long. Even our own country has waxed a few in it's 200+ years of existance. There are none without blood on their hands.

I figure these things occur for either/or A) we kill you 'cuz you have something we wan't B) we kill you 'cuz you killed us first. c) we kill you cuz it makes our dick's seem larger. d) all the above.

In short I guess people suck.
The Spanish Inquisition was the result of the reconquest of Spain from the muslims after they slaughtered their way into France and were defeated at Tours.

The muslims didn't like having their lands they murdered through retaken by christians.

The Spaniards reclaimed their country and rooted out islamic subversives who were trying to turn the country back towards islam. There wasn't just one inquisition, but several.
Cranky Bastard said:
The Spanish Inquisition was the result of the reconquest of Spain from the muslims after they slaughtered their way into France and were defeated at Tours.

The muslims didn't like having their lands they murdered through retaken by christians.

The Spaniards reclaimed their country and rooted out islamic subversives who were trying to turn the country back towards islam. There wasn't just one inquisition, but several.

Well done.

Furthermore, the Office of the Inquisition was expanded throughout europe as a means of rooting out the last vestiges of the old pagan beliefs. That's what the "witch burnings" were all about.