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You Might Be A Nationalist

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
From the pen of Edgar J. Steele:

If you are opposed to the flood of illegal aliens across American borders, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe racial quotas, preferences and affirmative action simply are unfair, you might be a nationalist.

If you dislike the impending removal of North American borders, so that Canada, America and Mexico become a single country, you might be a nationalist.

If you oppose the so-called New World Order, whereby a self-selected and secret elite call the shots, you might be a nationalist.

If you are confounded that globalists, neither elected nor even citizens, seem to direct American domestic and foreign policy through officials who increasingly ignore the obvious common will, you might be a nationalist.

If you are outraged that American boys and girls are sent to die in Middle-Eastern hellholes so that oil company profits and Israeli hegemony are protected, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe in the rule of law, whereby none are above the law, you might be a nationalist.

If you think that a country's own government should issue and control its own money, not a private consortium of international bankers, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it is wrong that American corporations send their factories and your job overseas, you might be a nationalist.

If you think a government should be selected by its own citizens in fair and free elections, you might be a nationalist.

If you think that a government should be granted only limited powers by its own citizens, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that rights are inherent to being alive and not privileges to be dispensed by government, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it wrong for one country to overthrow the lawfully-elected governments of other countries and replace them with dictatorships, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it is okay to root for your favorite sports team and against others, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe in merit-based pay and advancement, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it is okay for your family to exclude the forced quartering of others in your home, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it is okay for any group of people with a common heritage or identity to live together voluntarily and exclude others, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe there is room in America for groups of people with a common heritage or identity to live together and exclude others, so long as there remains a place for all current citizens, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that it is okay for European nations to break apart into separate countries, each with its own ethnic background, as did the former Soviet Union, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that what other countries do is none of America's business, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe there is room for all races and peoples on the face of the Earth, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it wrong that one group, simply because it is larger than another group, is entitled to take anything it wants from the smaller group, you might be a nationalist.
If you disagree that might makes right, you might be a nationalist.

If you refuse to believe that oil in the Middle East somehow belongs to the West, you might be a nationalist.

If you consider what Israel does every day to Palestinians to be wrong, even war crimes, you might be a nationalist.

If you consider what America does every day to Iraqis and Afghanis to be wrong, even war crimes, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe in the separation of those with violent tendencies from the rest of society, as with prisons, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that some races may be much more prone to violent behavior than other races and should, therefore, be separated for that reason alone, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that racial differences are more than skin deep, yet do not make one race superior to another, you might be a nationalist.

If you think it is wrong to force everybody to think exactly the same way, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe in equal opportunity for all citizens of America, versus equal outcome, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe there is something dreadfully wrong with America's welfare system, you might be a nationalist.

If you believe there is room in America for different religious beliefs, you might be a nationalist.

If you refuse to be held accountable for the alleged shortcomings of your ancestors, you might be a nationalist.

If you are not ashamed of being White (or any color, for that matter), you might be a nationalist.

If you believe that a people whose nation has been subverted by a foreign cabal are entitled to take up arms against that foreign cabal and remove it from power, you might be a nationalist.
I heard a whispering about this guy and investigated. I suspect the reason I haven't heard a LOT about this guy is because he makes too much sense.

CoyoteUgly said:
From the pen of Edgar J. Steele:

If you think it is wrong that American corporations send their factories and your job overseas, you might be a nationalist.
what's wrong with that? We get stuff cheaper and profits go up!