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Cranky Bastard said:
Been there done that, Luci. I quoted ALL of the major domestic political policies of the third reich, and ALL of them were socialist.

You responded with opinion from bloggers.

Case fucking closed, moron.

*sigh* I must PWN your ass yet again yes? Fine, if you insist.

TWhen the Nazis came to power the most pressing issue was an unemployment rate of close to 30%. The economic management of the state was first given to respected banker Hjalmar Schacht. Under his guidance, a new economic policy to elevate the nation was drafted. One of the first actions was to destroy the trade unions and impose strict wage controls.

The portion I highlighted in bold is FASCISM you dumb bitch.

According to economic theory, price control combined with a large increase in the money supply should have produced a large black market, but harsh penalties that saw violators sent to concentration camps or even shot prevented this development. Repressive measures also kept volatility low, reducing inflationary pressures. New policies also limited imports of consumer goods and focused on producing exports. International trade was greatly reduced remaining at about a third of 1929 levels throughout the Nazi period. Currency controls were extended, leading to a considerable overvaluation of the Reichsmark. These policies were successful in cutting unemployment dramatically.

All of the above highlighted in bold are trademarks of FASCISM.

Most industry was not nationalized, however industry was closely regulated with quotas and requirements to use domestic resources. These regulations were set by administrative committees composed of government and business officials. Competition was limited as major companies were organized into cartels through these administrative committees. Selective nationalization was used against businesses that failed to agree to these arrangements. The banks, which had been nationalized by Weimar, were returned to their owners and each administrative committee had a bank as member to finance the schemes.

Boy howdy but is this EVER not socialism. The above are entirely trademarks of fascism! Damn but you are PWNed! *smiles sweetly* Private banks? In a socialist regime? Bwaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa!! You silly old man.

While the strict state intervention into the economy and the massive rearmament policy led to full employment during the 1930s, real wages in Germany dropped by roughly 25% between 1933 and 1938. Trade unions were abolished, as well as collective bargaining and the right to strike. The right to quit also disappeared: Labor books were introduced in 1935, and required the consent of the previous employer in order to be hired for another job.

Absolutely 100% FASCISM.

The German economy was transferred to the leadership of Hermann Göring when, on 18 October, 1936, the German Reichstag announced the formation of a Four-Year Plan. The Nazi economic plan aimed to achieve a number of objectives. Under the leadership of Fritz Todt, a massive public works project, the Reichsarbeitsdienst, was started, rivaling Roosevelt's New Deal in both size and scope. It functioned as a military-like unit, its most notable achievements being the network of Autobahnen and, once the war started, the building of bunkers, underground facilities and entrenchments all over Europe.

Again, absolutely 100% FASCISM. According to your dumbass argument, the USA under Roosevelt was socialist thanks to his 'New Deal'. The more I post, the dumber you look. Please remember, these are proven FACTS.

After ousting the left wing of the party, represented by Gregor Strasser, Hitler, once in power, secured his position by the “Blood Purge” (June, 1934) of SA leader Ernst Roehm and others who might challenge him. Loyal Nazis were placed in positions of authority within the government and eventually came to control it. A corporative state was established in which labor lost all rights and was even regimented in its recreation by the “Strength through Joy” movement. Youth, schools, and the press came under repressive control. The books of “undesirable” authors were repeatedly burned.

*gasp!!* Hitler ousted the left wing of his party? You do understand the 'left wing' means 'socialist' yes? Such a moron you are. I have been aware of this fact since I was but a toddler, yet you in your advanced age STILL do not know about this.

By demagogic appeals to latent hatred and violence, through anti-Semitism, anti-Communist diatribes, and attacks on the Treaty of Versailles, the party gained a considerable following. Its inner councils were swelled by such frustrated intellectuals as P. J. Goebbels, and by the element of riffraff typified by Julius Streicher, while its public adherents were heavily drawn from the depressed lower middle class. Hitler minimized the socialist features of the program. National Socialism made its appeal not to an economic class but rather to the insecure and power-hungry elements of society.

Oh yes, sounds like socialism to me. *eyes roll upwards* The Nazis were socialist, which is why Hitler got rid of socialism yes?

National Socialism was similar in many respects to Italian fascism (see Fascism). The roots of National Socialism, however, were peculiarly German, grounded, for example, in the Prussian tradition of military authoritarianism and expansion; in the German romantic tradition of hostility to rationalism, liberalism, and democracy; in various racist doctrines according to which the Nordic peoples, as so-called pure Aryans, were not only physically superior to other races, but were the carriers of a superior morality and culture; and in certain philosophical traditions that idealized the state or exalted the superior individual and exempted such a person from conventional restraints.

Ooopsy! Again, Nazism is in the same class as fascism. Too bad.

Hitler was released from prison in little less than a year. The National Socialist Party was then in a state of virtual dissolution, in large part because improvement in the country's economic conditions had created an atmosphere more favorable to moderate political organizations. During the following years, with the aid of a small number of loyal associates, Hitler slowly rebuilt the party. In 1926 he established himself as the Führer (leader) of the party and organized the armed and black-shirted Schutzstaffeln (protective units), or SS, known as the Elite Guard, to supervise and control the party and its semimilitary arm, the SA. Following the onset of the world economic depression in 1929, the flow of foreign capital into Germany ceased, the country's foreign trade declined, the wheels of German industry slowed, unemployment increased greatly, and agricultural prices fell. As the depression deepened, a situation ripe for revolution began to emerge. Fritz Thyssen, head of the Thyssen conglomerate of steelworks and related enterprises, and other capitalists contributed large sums of money to the National Socialist Party.

*gasp!!* Capitalists handing their cash over to 'socialists'? Not bloody likely you moron.

The movement grew rapidly, recruiting thousands of discharged civil servants, ruined shopkeepers and small-business owners, impoverished farmers, workers disillusioned with the Socialist and Communist parties, and a host of frustrated and embittered young people of all classes, brought up in the postwar years and without hope of personal economic security.

I thought you said the Nazis were socialist. Yet here it clearly states there were socialist and communist parties. WTF?

Hitler began to create the National Socialist state by eliminating all working-class and liberal democratic opposition. The Reichstag fire trial served as the pretext not only for suppressing the Communist and Social Democratic parties, but also for abrogating all constitutional and civil rights and for instituting concentration camps for victims of National Socialist terror.

Socialists getting rid of 'working-class' opposition? WTF? You do understand socialism IS the working class yes?

I was just getting started. Here's more:

The Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police), known as the Gestapo, was created in 1933 to suppress opposition to the Hitler regime. In 1936, when it was incorporated into the state, the Gestapo was declared not subject to legal restraints and responsible only to its chief, Heinrich Himmler, and to Hitler.

Clearly a fascist organisation. What a moron CRANKY is. Socialist indeed.

Private property rights were preserved, and previously nationalized enterprises were “reprivatized”—that is, returned to private ownership but all owners were subject to rigid state controls. By all of these and related means the Hitler regime eliminated competition. Ultimately the “new order” was economically dominated by four banks and a relatively small number of huge conglomerates, including the vast munitions and steel-manufacturing empire of the Krupp family and the notorious Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie, known as I. G. Farben, which produced dyes, synthetic rubber, oil, and other products and participated in or dominated almost 400 enterprises. Some of these enterprises made use of millions of prisoners of war and inhabitants of conquered countries as slave laborers in German industry.

Private property in a socialist society? Nationalised enterprises reprivatised? This is CRANKY's 'socialist Nazis'? What a maroon. Even non-socialist Canada does not recognise private property. WTF?

The outstanding events of the era of totalitarian aggression were the remilitarization of the Rhineland (1936), formation of the Italo-German Fascist Axis (1936), intervention in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) on behalf of the royalist forces of Francisco Franco, Anschluss (“union,” that is, annexation) with Austria (1938), destruction of the Czechoslovak state (1939), negotiation of a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union containing a secret agreement to partition Poland, and, in consequence of that pact, the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, which precipitated World War II.

If the Nazis were 'socialist' as the dipshit CRANKY claims,then why the term 'Italo-German Fascist Axis'? Should it not read 'Fascist Italian and Socialist Germany Axis? WTF?

While its destructive impact on Germany and Europe was profound, the historical significance of National Socialism is still far from clear. Nazism has been viewed as a specific product of German history; as a type of modern totalitarianism comparable to Soviet communism; and as a form of fascism similar to MUSSOLINI's. Some consider it to have been a counterrevolutionary, ultraconservative movement. To others, National Socialism was revolution in a new guise.

Oopsy, that word 'fascism' again.

In April, 1920, Hitler advocated that the party should change its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). Hitler had always been hostile to socialist ideas, especially those that involved racial or sexual equality. However, socialism was a popular political philosophy in Germany after the First World War. This was reflected in the growth in the German Social Democrat Party (SDP), the largest political party in Germany.

Oopsy. Hitler was hostile to socialist ideas? Nooooo!! You don't say? My but what a surprise! His party was (according to the great CRANKY) SOCIALIST. That does not seem to be the case.

As this violence was often directed against Socialists and Communists, the local right-wing Bavarian government did not take action against the Nazi Party. However, the national government in Berlin were concerned and passed a "Law for the Protection of the Republic". Hitler's response was to organize a rally attended by 40,000 people. At the meeting Hitler called for the overthrow of the German government and even suggested that its leaders should be executed.

WTF? The Nazis committed violence against their socialist brethren? Now why would they do this? Perhaps it is because they were NOT socialists? I would believe this to be the case. CRANKY, are you looking dumber by the second? I should think so.

In an attempt to obtain financial contributions from industrialists, Hitler wrote a pamphlet in 1927 entitled The Road to Resurgence. Only a small number of these pamphlets were printed and they were only meant for the eyes of the top industrialists in Germany. The reason that the pamphlet was kept secret was that it contained information that would have upset Hitler's working-class supporters. In the pamphlet Hitler implied that the anti-capitalist measures included in the original twenty-five points of the NSDAP programme would not be implemented if he gained power.

Exactly what I have said but a million times. This was Hitler's adoption of fascism.

Hitler began to argue that "capitalists had worked their way to the top through their capacity, and on the basis of this selection they have the right to lead." Hitler claimed that national socialism meant all people doing their best for society and posed no threat to the wealth of the rich. Some prosperous industrialists were convinced by these arguments and gave donations to the Nazi Party, however, the vast majority continued to support other parties, especially the right-wing German Nationalist Peoples Party (DNVP).

Oooooohhhhhh, now that sounds truly socialist. NOT! Imagine that? A self-proclaimed (according to CRANKY) socialist arguing that the "capitalists had worked their way to the top through their capacity, and on the basis of this selection they have the right to lead." Right here I have made CRANKY and the rest of you dumbfuck 'Nazis were socialists' proponents. Live with it.

Morgan Philips Price, Daily Herald (August, 1923)

The reactionary movements which flourish in Bavaria are at present not quite so formidable as appears on the surface. They are divided into various sections and they do not appear to agree well together. Nevertheless, here is a movement which may make trouble in the future. It is based on the old officers of the Prussian Army migrated to Bavaria and using the weakness of the peasant government in Munich to rally the impoverished middle classes and rentiers, ruined by the inflation, round the Pan-German Nationalist and anti-French flag. Their cry is "Down with the Socialist and Jewish towns of Northern Germany; Down with France." This philosophy is also the basis of the other forces of the Right in Bavaria, namely German Fascism. Herr Hitler has built up a force estimated at about 30,000 armed men, but he is keeping them in the background and is for the moment concentrating on trying to convert some of the less stable elements of the working classes in the Bavarian towns to his National Socialist programmes.

The Majority Social-Democrats in Munich with whom I have spoken tell me that they have to fight for their ordinary liberties and rights of propaganda just as under the Hohenzollem regime. Their newspapers are continually being suppressed by so-called police simply for publishing information about the illegal activities of Herr Hitler and his armed bands.

The Social-Democrats are, however, not without their means of defence. Not long before I was in Munich, there had been a parade of the Social-Democratic fighting organizations on the great Theresa meadow outside the town. Several thousand workers marched past with Red Flags. They were unarmed, but could defend themselves if need be. I had the impression that the industrial centres of Bavaria could, with the aid of the railwaymen, suppress a Hitler rising if they acted promptly.
Yeah, I thought you wouldn't respond to my proof. No bloggers there you stupid fucks. Pure unadulterated FACT. Rather shut you the fuck up didn't it? I thought it would. Now fuck off and remember that the Nazis were fascists. I proved it time and time again. Fuck off. Where's the great CRANKY whenever I reply? Bitch ran off like the cunt I knew he was. This is the man who claimed it was I who ran out on him, yet I responded to EVERY SINGLE POST he made about the Nazis. Where is he? Stupid motherfuckers will believe anything you are told,except when the great SAINTLUCIFER posts factual information.