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Am I fairly intelligent?

The five Pillars of Islam
1. Shahadah - basically a chant that they worship nothing but god - very similar to our commandment about worshipping false idols
2. Salat - praying five times a day basically expressing gratitude and worship. Funny how the Christian monk prayer cycle is so close to this.
3. Zakat - the giving of amls to the poor - basically 2.5% of their wealth they give away on an anual basis, what a bunch of hateful bastards they are eh?
4. Sawm - fasting during ramadam
5. Hajj - going on a pilgrimage.

Now then we get to Jihad - can be interpreted as a "striving for a good islamic life" but can also be seen as spreading the word of Allah. Wierdly even in itt's most aggressive translation it is only a government of a COUNTRY that can declare Jihad. The Qu'ran is quite clear about that. Still that has never stopped the nutters claiming it (out of context of course)

So, Where exactly is this religion of hate? I do see some nutters taking passages and disciplines out of context - but then we establised this can happen on both sides, didnt we...
You are quoting Meccan tenets and are ignoring the Medinan abrogation.

Until you understand that, you have zero understanding of Islam and are using a baseless point to argue with.
Which means, you're dreaming dreams sprinkled with the politically correct fairy dust of ignorance and blindness.

It would be akin to saying that christians must never fail the 10 commandments. That shows zero understanding of the good news of the gospel.
MEDINAN ABROGATION: “When the sacred months are past, kill those who join other gods wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them with every kind of ambush; but if they convert and observe prayer and pay the obligatory alms, let them go their way.” (Koran 9:5)

MEDINAN ABROGATION: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah…And the Jews say Ezra is the son of God; and the Christians say Christ is the son of God; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; Allah’s curse be on them; how they are turned away!” (Koran 9:29-30)

MEDINAN ABROGATION: "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads." (Sura 47, Verse 4)

Here is one of the oft-quoted "moderates" who speaks frankly about how it is islamically supported to kill "innocents" (women, children, etc) which, I MIGHT NOTE, follows the Medinan abrogation:

There is not a single supporter of Meccan islam except ignorant westerners. NO muslim calls for abrogation! It is not something that is possible because only Muhammed could effect the change.

Since you fail to understand this and quote the cliche politically correct position of ignorance, I think you would be best served making a full study of Islam and not just a skim off a few papered-over propaganda sites.
Yes, actually it's quite funny how society uses religion (any religion) as a means to not take responsibility for our general fuckups.
When society fucks up and creates a religion to excuse fuck ups (justification for thieves to attack caravan guards), then isn't it society's responsibility to confront the fuck-up?

No, the politically correct response is to allow it all and blame someone else so that the problem can be ignored. Maybe it will just go away.
Islam is to religion as druidism is to satanism.

i.e. there is no correlation, but the popular mind insists there is.

Islam is not a "religion" as the western mind understands religion.

Islam is an ideology as it is intrinsically political.

Furthermore, it is an ideology based upon a philosophical outlook that is the anti-thesis of the ideals of individualism and liberty that is the basis of judeo-christian western civilization.

The ideology of Islam contains an inherent universalist imperative that demands of muslims the advancement of the cause of Islam by whatever means necessary.

Therefore; in order for western culture to survive Islam must be utterly destroyed in much the same fashion that Nazism had to be utterly destroyed.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Islam Delenda Est!
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Islam is not a "religion" as the western mind understands religion.

Islam is an ideology as it is intrinsically political.

This is what the politically correct are desperately trying to ignore.
You meanwhile beat off your meat to Michelle Malkin.

I live very close to a large UK city which has been overrun by Muslims. (best curries in the UK BTW) so I occasionally meet them. And guess what - us arguing about the early peace loving suras versus the medinan revisions means jack shit to them.

They way I see most young pakistani lads in my local city they would struggle to spell Medinan let alone have a theological argument about wether abrogation is a valid concept or not - or if their particular branch of Shia, Sunni or Sufi believe in Abrogation. Do you know who many do Cranky? I bet you it's less than you think.

For me there is a mass fault line in your retreat into an abrogation argument - i.e - if the koran is the literal word of God, then how can abrogation exist? It's all the absolute truth. Abrogation means he must have got it wrong first time.

In the end though all of this is superceded by the oft used Steven Weinberg quote
Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

So just like the twisting of christianity to crusade, or even to wage war now, Islam can be twisted in any which way you want. You just happen to be reading it in a different context...
Gurk hits the nail on the head.

the difference is clearly illuminism....and also illusionism.

there's nothing to do but pity...or pray, Messenger
Headvoid, you illustrate the old fashioned, pre-60s Islam where imams tended to preach a peaceful course of life.

Since the petro-explosion of the 70s, nothing but hate has been funded through the madrassahs to the children. those kids of 20 and 30 years ago? They're adults now, and raising the next generation on the same hate.

There is a sea change and even your Brit leaders see it.

Deny it all you want, but it is the Medinan Koran being preached. There's 1.3 billion of them, more of them younger taighyt on Medinan Koran and the older Meccan nobles dying off.

Everything changes.
You also spilled your hand by stereotyping me as a Michele Malkin fan. I had to try to remember where I'd heard the name.

Not only are you stuck in partisan politics, but using her as a slur paints you as politically correct as she is considered politically incorrect.

No amount of well-wishing changes reality. Political correctness is enforced social groupthink and I'll have none of it. I don't watch tv and I don't listen to the radio; I am a voracious reader of news and history.

Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Low Countries have all tried multi-cultural feel-good politically correct inclusion. It sure as shit hasn't worked for them. Let me know how it works out for you.
jack said:
It's true. If there's a "hate way" to a solution, leave it to an Arab to have that be the way.
95% of the hate I've seen at TK has been from hardcore anti-racists, leftists, feminists, etc. Simply questioning the holocaust is a hate magnet, because it's such a hateful topic. So hateful that we should preempt they're hate with our own hate, shouldn't we? God I love it when German babies are thrown into a ditch and set alight.
I accept the Michelle Malkin comment - I'm just used to her online diatribes being thrust in my face.

I disagree wholeheartedly that there are 1.3 billion followers of the Medinan revisions. You have put down there in two sentences the exact point of my disagreement.

The Nizari's, although Shias, do not agree with the Medinan Abrogations. Still within the Shia's you have the 12 - 14 million Turkish Alevis, and this is before you consider the Sufi's and that many people within a religion may have differing views. I do not chastise all Catholics for the condom ban in Africa. I cannot blame them for this, but I can criticise their silence - just as I do with Muslim apathy to the growth of violence.

I do not dispute this growth of violence, I dispute the simplistic response to curse an entire creed. I need to see solutions to this growth and I'm afraid to say I agree with the namby pamby PC method of carrot and stick, rather than pure stick.
Muslims that believe in the Meccan application of the Koran are dying faster than world war 2 vets.

headvoid said:
I do not dispute this growth of violence, I dispute the simplistic response to curse an entire creed. I need to see solutions to this growth and I'm afraid to say I agree with the namby pamby PC method of carrot and stick, rather than pure stick.


We've progressed to the point where we come to the nut of the argument.

The current PC method isn't working, and in fact failing horribly. The more we try to "include" islam, the more it detests us.

You might not like my suggestion of outlawing islam and converting all the freaks to buddhism, but I have yet to hear better options.
Cranky Bastard said:
You might not like my suggestion of outlawing islam and converting all the freaks to buddhism, but I have yet to hear better options.

LOL - Fantastic - you have my vote!