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Big Brother in 1 minute!!

It may get boring, but I'm not ready to have the Sixers busted up just yet. They may really start gunning for Will now, and then it will really be anyone's game...

Live goodbyes: Will is hoping to be nominated again. What a :ham:...

And that's it!
Heh..back on the live feed, Howie Janie and James are already plotting who to take out this week and next week...they may wait on Will? Hopefully that will change, they are running out of floaters...
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Heh..back on the live feed, Howie Janie and James are already plotting who to take out this week and next week...they may wait on Will? Hopefully that will change, they are running out of floaters...

This just seems so wrong. No one else is even getting a chance. The producers should have never let so many from one season come back for All-Stars.

Oh wait, that is probably the whole point.

I hate being manipulated by reality TV. :(
They're laughing at Jase's saying he's on the wrong show...

Marcellus whispering to Erika that he's happy to "have them (S6) to do our dirty work for us" but he doesn't know if he can trust them anymore...please sistah...
Boogie stumbles onto a treadmill and starts execrcising. He's just utterly defeated...Danielle comes to him, they commiserate about the balance of power.
Janelle says to Marcellus "I should have thrown it to you...I was mostly thinking about the good food!" LOL

James and Howie plot further: maybe take out Diane, Boogie and Will in that order. That was a quick meeting...Howie walks out to joke with Will who is starting to unpack...

And with that I'm spent. *takes a bow*
Except for: Will goes to Boogie working out, they decide to play Will's getting a question wrong as a strategic move even though he wanted to win.

They think Marcellus is an idiot for eliminating Boogie...duh!

Will's pissed that his jokes bombed on the live segment...this is why I hate him, he's only there to be on TV...

They consider fucking Janelle tonight as a strategy. Boogie says to Will "Now would be a time to ply your wares!"

They still can't believe S6 won another one...HAHAHAHAHAHA...OK now I'm done.
Yay Janelle!! I'm pulling for her or Howie to win, so I love the fact that she won HoH. They should shock everyone and just nominate Will and Boogie, to completely break up Chilltown.

HOWEVER...breaking up Chilltown also has negatives for the Sixers. Once Boogie or Will is gone, Chilltown is dead. That leaves Diane, CG, Marcellus, Erika, and either Boogie or Will to break up the Sixers. Five to four (am I forgetting someone?) Once chilltown is dead, it beehoves everyone who is NOT a sixer to try desperately for HoH and start breaking up Janelle, Kaysar, Howie and James.

This is a REALLY great show, lots of serious strategy to consider. MUST. RESIST. SUBSCRIBING TO. LIVE FEEDS.


Anything going on now, Eggs?