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Big Brother in 1 minute!!

HEY! I just saw the comment about fucking Janelle as a strategy! They betta not be talkin' smack about Janie! Besides, she's too smart to fall for either of their smarmy shit. The thing with Janelle and Erika and Boogie in the tub was totally edited, Janie played him like a violin, and Boogie knew it. Even started calling her a barwhore, etc.

Oh, in reading the live feed recaps, the funniest line was from Will, "Janelle tried to stab some whores, and I’m hungry, and that’s the only thing that’s happened in the last six hours." LOL!!
They went up to see Janelle's new HoH room, but they only carried the audio, they had flames instead of the picture. Apparently it's "hideously pink, Hello Kitty pink" according to Danielle.

They're just waiting for lockdown to end so they can go outside and play badminton. Boogie is sulking on his bed, being comforted by anyone who walks by and can stand him...
i really want to see Will or Boogie get the boot, then i wanna see the S6 people turn on each other like rabid dogs! i'm glad George survived getting the boot, he's a cool guy.:)
Henoch said:
i really want to see Will or Boogie get the boot, then i wanna see the S6 people turn on each other like rabid dogs! i'm glad George survived getting the boot, he's a cool guy.:)
Oh me too. I want the final 2 to be James and Danielle...just imagine the carnage it would take to have that outcome! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA....
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Oh God, they're showing thw HoH room...Danielle wasn't exagerrating, it looks like a Pepto Bismal tsunami...
is there a way you can show me the live feed without me having to pay??:)
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Will's brother claims his obsession with his looks is a joke and an act. Had me then ya lost me, that he plays the game to be able to be evil and lie and stuff, outside the house he's not like that at all...I dunno, if you're that good at it in one place, you're probably good at it elsewhere...

That's a fat load of crap. I have a right mind to go to his clinic to get me some Botox (I've only one wrinkle that's just about to become my undoing) and expose that fruit loop for what he is, a pure self adorer.

I'm so glad that if I ever went on that show my brothers would never lie, they'd be like, "Nope she's a big ol' sarcastic bitch in real life too. She's obviously contained her racism for the show which is nice to see but sooner or later they microphones will catch her calling someone a nigger."

Back during season 2 I was seriously considering submitting an application to be on Big Brother and my brother said, "You'll probably get on but you'll be the first to be evicted, you're a bitch."
You missed Will in the HoH bathtub, giving a puppet show for Janelle, Kaysar and Erika using rubber ducks and sponges. The characters have names like Fanelle, Mowie, Scruberika (sponge) and Dr. was bizareness incarnate.
Jesus, I stumble to the kitchen to eat some Capn' Crunch, I fire up the live feed, and Howie is on the Elliptical Machine and Diane and Erika are talking about how Howie is cute but dresses and acts like a dork. And this is like 4:30 in the morning their time! Do these people even sleep??
The feed was boring last night, I watched 5 minutes of the SOVs fighting with James who to nominate and then went to sleep. They still hadn't decided who to put up.