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Bush Approval Rating

And I was one of them. I worked at One Police Plaza when he was in office. The way he trampled over William Bratton (the Police Commisioner) was disgusting.


He cleaned up NY. Times Square is the family friendly place it is now primarily due to him. Also, he is a leader. I think he's learned to "play nice". He knows what he needs to do, and he'll do it.
Big Dick McGee said:
But, by and large, the values of this administration reflect my own.

Please insert those admin values up yer virginous A-HOLE cause when you speak...i only hear the rapidly beating waves of the ocean!!
I'm sure some of you New Yawkers might think I'm crazy, but I'm too keen on Guiliani being President anymore than Bush. I might have to take a good look at whatever fool the Republicans have running if it comes down to Nameless Republican Fool vs Guiliani. :D
Laker_Girl said:
Yeah, even I'm over Bush, defending his cowboying shit has worn me out.

Bring on the new crop of Republicans!:bigass:
I LUV YER GODDESS WAYS. Please touch me inappropriately so's i may in turn carress yer nubile female breasts!!
Henoch said:
Please insert those admin values up yer virginous A-HOLE cause when you speak...i only hear the rapidly beating waves of the ocean!!

That doesn't bother me, since you'll be going to hell for your immoral gay ways. I'll pray for you.
Big Dick McGee said:
That doesn't bother me, since you'll be going to hell for your immoral gay ways. I'll pray for you.
Thanks for those kind words, i appreciate it. And when you pray for me don't forget to tell god i said for him to go fuck Mary & Joseph!

I used to by and large have respect for america and americans.
Then Bush came along.

Now I only have respect for individuals I know, but America as a whole comes over as the 20 stone gorilla, being inconsiderate and a bad neighbour to everyone.
Big Dick McGee said:
Plus, if President Bush manages to finagle the overturning of Roe V. Wade, it'll all be worth it. :bigass:
Better hope you don't have any unwanted pregnancies if/when that day arrives, 'cause you'll be stuck paying for it for the next two decades!

Lou The Beagle said:
Better hope you don't have any unwanted pregnancies if/when that day arrives, 'cause you'll be stuck paying for it for the next two decades!


See, unlike the whores who A) can't stop spreading their legs for every cheese dick that comes along, and B) can't be bothered to use contraception even though it's free, our first pregnancy was planned, as is our second.

Perhaps if there were some actual consequences associated with unwanted pregnancy, people would, oh, I don't know, actually think before engaging in risky behavior.

Nah, what am I sayin'? People can't control themselves, not their fault, we should have hot and cold running abortions on demand!
What the fuck is it with Republicans and their obsessive need to insert themselves into the personal decisions we make in our doctors' offices and on our deathbeds?

They're panicked over the moral dilemmas facing pharmacists but feel righteous while forcing a rape victim to bring a zygote to full term, virtuous while preventing potentially lifesaving medical research, and holy while artificially sustaining the useless bodies of the brain-dead.

When did god give these idiots the right to be the moral voice for everyone?
^^We're the only ones with the balls to run the country the way it ought to be run, bleeding heart liberal eggheads be damned! :)
Sarek said:
What the fuck is it with Republicans and their obsessive need to insert themselves into the personal decisions we make in our doctors' offices...

Liberals and democrats have taken it upon themselves to make all other decisions for society, this is the only one we Repulicans have.
Laker_Girl said:
Liberals and democrats have taken it upon themselves to make all other decisions for society, this is the only one we Repulicans have.
I prefer leftists and right-wingers to people with heads up their asses who actually identify with the political parties, rather than the ideologies.