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Bush Approval Rating

The Question said:
What you call "fire" we call stupidity. And there are all different kinds of trolling, Junior, not just the "OMGWTFLOL I YELLED 'FUCK' IN A CHURCH LOLBBQ!!!11oneone" type.
Someone sais this in another thread, but's worth repeating: A good troll manages to piss everyone off, get the admins to change the rule and yet still manages not to get anything he or she does to be warnable.

As it stands, the TW lot can't seem to get past pissing people off one here cares. :/
From the Wall Street Journal on May 12th. The article has some interesting breakdowns on the approval ratings. According to their numbers, Bush has now dipped even lower to a 29% Approval rating.
President Bush's approval rating has fallen to its lowest mark of his presidency, according to a new Harris Interactive poll.

Of 1,003 U.S. adults surveyed in a telephone poll, 29% think Mr. Bush is doing an "excellent or pretty good" job as president, down from 35% in April and significantly lower than 43% in January. It compares with 71% of Americans who said Mr. Bush is doing an "only fair or poor" job, up from 63% in April.

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More telling is the congressional approval numbers: hovering an average of 10 points lower than Bush, I think this says alot about what the disapproval means.

My educated guess is that there is a faction of conservatism that is unhappy that the president is not accomplishing things he set out to deliver:

elimination of the death tax
reformation of the tax code
reformation of social security

Further, the blame doesn't get placed so much on Bush as it does a corrupt and recalcitrant congress. However, they all take blame. Congress for being worthless, and Bush for lacking the muscle to push congress to action.

Still, there is an enormous dissatisfaction with Bush over his political positioning. This ass-nugget is farther left in the political spectrum than Bill Clinton! Bush is and always will be a big-government socialist.
Cranky Bastard said:
This ass-nugget is farther left in the political spectrum than Bill Clinton! Bush is and always will be a big-government socialist.

See this is the point I think is beginning to take root. The man is NOT a conservative. I don't care that he has the backing of the RNC and the Religious Right. He isn't a conservative. If he had been, we'd be in a different situation.
^^Which is why more and more conservatives are choking up bile every time we see him.

People have this embedded idea of the "religious right" (disregarding the atheist right or the religious left) as if the former automatically means the latter. Conservatives see Bush waving the religious crap around -- faith-based initiatives, slavish obeisance to Israel, etc. -- and his stupidity makes conservatives look stupid by proximity.
Agreed, it is guilt by association. Real conservatives are anything but stupid. I grew up on the National Review and the Wall street Journal. No one articulates an issue better than a real conservative, because conservatives usually have clarity and pragmatism on their side.

It will take years of PR work to undo the damage this guy has done to Conservatism. Years!!
After reading the last issue of National Review with it's condescending puff articles claiming we all want amnesty and that illegals are great, I find no desire to renew the magazine I've read for over 15 years.

Buckley is a member of the CFR and the CFR is demanding open borders. What the CFR wants, the CFR gets.

Watch the house and senate compromise. The wall idea will vanish.
Before you think me tinfoil for mentioning the CFR (why is that? The mere mention makes it tinfoil?), note the following news link. Scroll down to the grayed article. The CFR is directly named as the sponsor:

The CFR is going to get what it wants. Total open borders. That's why no major politician is mentioning the wall. They're hoping to ignore it and push the amnesty - all for the pockets of the big party corporate donors.

Screw the voter.
Cranky Bastard said:
Screw the voter.

We all know it is a policy to favor business and screw not only the voter, but the working class. That's what our politicians are all about--making business flourish and who cares if the people they are supposed to represent suffer in the process.

"Fuck 'em."

"We can spin anything and get their money along with their vote. We've done it before and we'll do it again. Just keep them bickering among themselves over Red and Blue and no one will ever notice we're all corrupt."

No, I'm not angry. Not at all. LOL ;)
Caitriona said:
"We can spin anything and get their money along with their vote. We've done it before and we'll do it again. Just keep them bickering among themselves over Red and Blue and no one will ever notice we're all corrupt."

Exactly so. It's a partisan bullshit game that focuses our attention on each other and the petty little rhetoric that inflames passions. Meanwhile, the two-party structure laughs.

It is misdirection on a grand scale.
Cranky Bastard said:
Exactly so. It's a partisan bullshit game that focuses our attention on each other and the petty little rhetoric that inflames passions. Meanwhile, the two-party structure laughs.

It is misdirection on a grand scale.

Said it before, I'll probably say it again: We don't really have a two-party system anymore. We have a one-party system with two different logos.
LOL, I was telling my mom the same thing recently. The only difference between the two Party's is what pet projects they spend our money on...
The Question said:
Said it before, I'll probably say it again: We don't really have a two-party system anymore. We have a one-party system with two different logos.

I've been pointing out whenever I reach politically minded people that the only differences between the two parties (going to make this fast... had 4 glasses of Chianti) are abortion and taxes.

The "cutting edge" mavericks cross over on those two issues. Woo. Edgy. Meanwhile, they occupy us with bullshit and set us to fighting each other so they can go right on growing the govenment. Both of them

The two-parties are taking us the same direction, down the same path, only using different flavors. A vote for either is an identical vote screwing the voter.

How is your voting strategy working out?
Again, a lot of conservatives are pissed at Bush lately. Of course, it does not seem to bother him.
You know, when a country's leader doesn't much care what his country thinks of him, it comes time to ask: Which country's opinion does he care about?