Troll Kingdom

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Cait Suspended from EI


Never mind that she called me a trouble maker. That's OK.

She won't get a warning because it was a slam against me not the staff.
OK, I am extremely bored and since i am awaiting the staff's next demand regarding my e-mails to them I think I'll settle down and dissect some posts aimed at Cait for awhile...

Whether she likes it or not. :P

waterpanther said:
A few points, 'cause there's more smoke blowing here than in a West Texas kicker bar.

Assmaster. :D

1. The idea that Shal might abuse her "authority" over Cait is a reach. The great preponderance of Cait's posts are here in AQG, where the mods are Josh and eryn. (And very find mods they are. )

First of all... ass kisser...

The mods are so "find" that they drop everything to ban Cait for posting a link that was requested by another member. A link that Shalamar kept in her profile and one that does not even qualify as another board.

EI board guidelines said:
7. Ex Isle is an independent discussion board. Members of Ex Isle who have disputes on, or with members of, other boards are asked not to conduct their disputes here. This includes discussing such disputes or copying posts regarding such disputes from other boards. (Example: Ex Isle Member A and B are both also members at board Omega and have a dispute at board Omega. Ex Isle Members A and B are prohibited from bringing that dispute to Ex Isle, including referring to the dispute and reposting the content of that dispute.) Posts containing such disputes will be removed by staff, and members who post such information will be reminded by staff of the board policy. Staff will take corrective actions consistent with board policy toward any member who repeatedly (more than twice) violates this guideline.

This specifically states that the dispute must be copy/pasted, which was not done, only a link was provided. Cait did mention the dispute in passing, but she did not do it repeatedly, nor was she given a kindly non-official warning and then have the link edited out as has been done in the past... even in that same thread. Someone saw that Cait mentioned that she knew she would likely be banned, did some quick math on her previous warnings and decided that it would be a grand idea to put her out of action for awhile. The rules don't support that, but it is obviously what the staff wanted.

EI board guidelines said:
Members' posting privileges will rarely be suspended. If a poster violates the guidelines spelled out above, the staff will try to resolve the situation amicably, and will treat suspension only as a last resort if all else fails to correct the poster's behavior.

Oh? When does that kick in? In my case it was a first resort... In Cait's she was not treated in the kindly manner described, but was instead rushed out at the earliest opportunity.

waterpanther said:
All three of Cait's warnings were handed out in AQG--Shal had nothing whatsodamnever to do with them. The only place Shal might have any "authority" over Cait is in OT, where Cait very seldom posts.

LOL, you act as if there is not a secret room on the board or that staff don't do favors for one another. Get with the real world already.

Despite the ever-more-complicated rules, I've seen a real effort to ease up on warnings in OT, with lots of "cool it's" and attempts to defuse heated-up situations before they get out of hand. Shal's been involved in a lot of those pre-warnings. I've seen fewer and fewer calls I thought were questionable and much to indicate that the staff is taking the need for fairness very seriously.

What was the last call you thought questionable? Did you post that you thought something was questionable... ever?

I won't bother with the research because I can't use the search function over at EI due to my ban... However, given what I have seen of your posts, you're a staff wannabe or you need a crowbar to dislodge your head from their tight asses before you choke. Shalamar's moderating style is not in question here, instead we question her bashing of members of the board and possibly the string pulling and/or staff bias that was used to get Cait that third warning.

2. The only legitimately offended parties in this affair are Cait and Shal, and possible G.

This is where I start to get pissed at you...

You are a royal fucktard of the highest order, in a long line of distinguished fucktards, you stand head and shoulders above the rest. Everyone on the board should be outraged that members of the board were treated so shabbily by a moderator of EI. Now don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being able to post such things about members, even as a member of the staff if it's done openly and on the board in question. Since EI prohibits such behavior and language however that's just not applicable there. As a friend of Cait's you're damned right it matters to me when she is shat upon, anywhere. If you don't comprehend this concept than you don't have any friends. That too is beside the point given that I would take umbrage with the treatment G got at Shal's hands as well even though I don't much care for the squirrelly little geek, either on the boards or in real life. ;)

Whenever a wrong is done it is our duty and our right to protest that wrong whether we were directly aggrieved or not.

Try telling all those white people that were fighting for civil rights back in the day that they need to fuck right off because they weren't personally harmed by the lynchings.

(BTW the length of my posts and the extent of my rambling is indicative of the depth of my boredom so strap yourselves in boys and girls, it's gonna get messy) :P

From what Shal's posted, appropriate apologies and amends are being offered in private. That's good.

If by good you mean completely insincere, you are correct. Who are you to judge what is an appropriate apology? Only the aggrieved party can determine that right? Well the apology proffered in this case is exactly the same that occured when a similar incident took place hyears ago. Tell me what does that speak of Shalamar's sincerity. If someone is truly sorry their next action is usually to make amends, or failing that not staging a repeat performance. Neither of these things were done or attempted to my knowledge. If Shalamar was truly sincere and she truly regretted her actions... for the second time... then she would quit her post as moderator because whether what she did was against the rules or not, what she did was WRONG for a member of staff at EI to do. A staff member has a duty to the members of the board to be as fair and level headed as possible, especially when the rules dictate such behavior. That duty does not end when they're posting somewhere else. What does it tell you of a staff member's fairness when they're name calling and belittling those very same people in private? I really don't give a shit if it was at some shitty journal site or in the back room of EI.

Beyond that, it's none of anyone else's business. Repeat: it's none of anyone else's business. This is a message board, not the Midnight Globe.

Uhh, yeah... I assume that's some sort of gossip rag or something? Point has already been defeated, moving on...

3. This whole thing is giving me a really bad case of deja vu. The posters who raised hell when Specs was named a watchdog and didn't let up for a moment until she resigned are among the same little clique of half-a-dozen who are presently squawling for Shal's head on a plate. I am not persuaded they have the good of the board at heart.

It's simpering little ass licking turds like you that don't have the best interest of the board at heart.

Going along with any wrong doing just because it's a member of the staff that does it all the while piling on anyone that crosses the staff in any way has got to be the most pathetic stance anyone on any message board can take. You suck ass so well you should be the next watchdog... er pussy... whatever...

Fighting injustice is one of the best things one can do for their fellow man. You ass lickers can go to OT and argue your views in theory all you want, but all the while the very views that you espouse and fight for so passionately when it comes to real life political issues take a 180 degree turn when they are applied to EI. The thing I find so damned amusing in that is that you will NEVER effect change on a national level by bitching and moaning on a message board as insignificant as EI... but when you have a chance to effect your board, to make it the utopia you envision for the world you back the oppressors.

You hippy fuckheads can't ever get anything right.

How many of you were on Bush's jock for his off mic comment of a few days ago? What if Bush had said that James Carville was some sort of fucking idiot and he should be taken out back and shot? (or perhaps deported in keeping with the ban theme.)

Inappropriate, no?
I'm suprised the "Dual! You only have 25 posts!" brigade waited this long to start.

I guess they ran out of arguments.
Dear gawd, Waterpanther is the biggest pain in the ass there is on EI. That smart-assed, know-it-all, foul-minded, ass-kissing, bull-shitter should have been perma'd a long-ass time ago.

See my post, WP? Not private. Hope you read it. :bigass: Because that is what you ARE bitch. :evil: :flush: :po: :pissed: :y_no:

Not very pleasant to see some one talking shit about you behind you back, now, is it, WaterPisser? IS IT?!?!

Didn't think so.
Now, now, Spidey. The only thing you've given her is pleasure in making you mad -- assuming, of course, she reads over here.
Enkephalen said:
Now, now, Spidey. The only thing you've given her is pleasure in making you mad -- assuming, of course, she reads over here.

Ooops, sorry I gave the impression that I am mad. Quite the contrary, she's not worth it. I'm just "expressing" myself if you know what I mean. ;) After all, according to her, it's only free speech. :roll: :lol:
OK, so blame it on laziness or blame it on inspiration...

Reading through the threads of the past at EI I have decided to whittle some choice quotes from them so you don't have to sift through the threads yourself...

And I get another long post out of it. We all win. :P

Rhea said:
As for the mods and admins, I would expect y'all to vent privately. To me, this is like a family, and family business doesn't get discussed with outsiders. Period.


Rhea said:
I've been a mod a number of times in the past, and while I may have vented privately, offline, about certain posters, I would never in a million years have discussed these people publicly on another board. It seems crass in the extreme to even contemplate doing so.


There's nothing welcoming and nothing warm and fuzzy about knowing that you may be trashed behind your back (but in front of God and everybody on the Internet ). In fact, the more I think about it the more it pisses me off.

In fact, if this kind of stuff is going on, how are we any different than the rightfully despised Slipstream??


I waltzed into the official Andromeda chat room, found some people trashing Lil there and never went back. I have no respect for anyone who says things behind a person's back that they wouldn't say to their face.


Guidelines are exactly that - a quanitfying of what we believe is and is not acceptable behavior on this board. I don't believe it's acceptable behavior for ANYONE to go off and complain about EI at another board.

For for a mod or admin to do it is inexcusable - that's the price you pay when you accept a position of authority, and publicly belittling posters at this board or just generally whinging about them at another board poor taste.


Obviously everyone is NOT satisfied. I've already said and I'll say it again in case anyone has any doubts - I think we need to vote on amending policy so that if you agree to become a mod/admin you adhere to an "EI business stays at EI" policy

Lil said:
You are a mod at ExIsle.

The line to me is very easily drawn. If you are saying something at another public arena that would be inappropriate for you to say HERE then you shouldn't be saying it there either. I don't see anything onerous about that at all.


People *are* people. And if they're so wedded to engaging in certain conduct using that as an excuse then maybe they need to rethink whether they should also be mods.


Like I said, if they're sayin' stuff elsewhere (that's accessible to the public) that they wouldn't say here then they shouldn't. Period.


The point is that I hear some people doing the cyber version of shrugging in unconcern at the idea of EI mods and admins badmouthing EI in other publicly accessible locations or worse yet, wringing their hands in worry but saying the functional equivalent of "there's nothing we can do".


How the hell do you know what you can do if you refuse to even TRY???? Put the damn policy in place. Make a rule. 99.9999999% to 100% of the people who are mods and admins at this place will follow it and those who are so into what they're doing that they will go to lengths such as making up new names to do so? Well at that point the word troll won't sound like such an absurd description. But shall we cross that bridge if and when we come to it and in the mean time try to do something?

Cyncie said:
All I can say is, moderators and administrators have accepted leadership and, as a result, are placed in a position of trust by the community. When they violate that trust, there will be repercussions within the community... it can't be helped, and they shouldn't be shocked at it. I would hope a better awareness of this can resolve the problem without rules or regulations, but at present there seems to be less acknowledgement than excuse making. That doesn't help repair the breech.

As for venting, what anyone does when they shut down their computer is their own business and doesn't hurt the community. There are ways to vent in private that don't harm the people in the community the mods represent.

Dev F said:
You're certainly not expected to moderate the entire Internet, but if a mod posts something inappropriate in a public forum and it does get back to the membership, you then have a way to discipline him or her. More importantly, you've given the mods a reason to think twice before disparaging community members, because it just might get back to us.

Am I alone in thinking this is a perfectly fine solution to the problem?


QueenTiye said:
As far as freedom of speech. For members - there is no action to take if a member does this. We can ask that they don't but - they have the right to do so. Mods give up some of their free speech for as long as they are mods. I don't have any problem with this. If they can no longer live with the restriction - they should step down as mods.


The restriction to free speech is already implicit in the duties, and implicit in the existence of a hidden forum. The restriction to free speech is specific to one subject, and one subject only. And, the restriction to free speech is specific to people who are on duty as moderators. The wording of my statement isn't even that Ex Isle can't be talked about - it is that members can't be denigrated. I stand by my assertion. If moderators cannot govern themselves enough NOT to denigrate members publically, they ought not be moderators - and they themselves shoud make that call before someone else does.


I'm equally shocked that we think so poorly of our moderators, such that we believe that given the rule, they would not self-govern appropriately. I'm shocked that we actually believe that our moderators hate some members so much as to become that toxic to the community. And, I'm having a hard time believing that a moderator, otherwise a decent person, finding themselves completely consumed with a loss of objectivity concerning some posters, would refuse to acknowledge this and step down voluntarily. Maybe I'm being unrealistic, and idealistic. But if I genuinely believed myself to be so unobjective concerning someone I would not want to be in a position of responsibility for moderating their actions.


I do agree that the community has spoken. But, with no power of enforceability, what does the community speaking actually mean? Worst case scenario if you will: A moderator grows to hate a poster at EI, and goes off somewhere and badmouths her. The community finds out about it, protests, loudly. The mod says, I have free speech rights, so there. The community says "we don't agree that this is responsible behavior for a moderator." The moderator says "That's your view, I've got mine..." And continues to badmouth the poster. The community now has lost trust in the objectivity of the moderator, and...has no power to end the relationship. Poster who is thereby under siege leaves the Isle, because she is clearly going to be harassed, or feel as such everytime this moderator says ANYTHING to her, and the moderator, having pushed things to the limit - has carte blanche right to continue on as before.

Cardie said:
Whether we can enforce it is not the issue. Do we as a community believe that one of the qualifications for accepting a modship is to refrain from discussing posters on other boards or dissecting EI publicly? If so, we as a community ask mods not to do it. If someone is worthy of being a mod, they will have the integrity either to pass on a modship because of free speech issues or to hold themselves to this higher standard while they are on staff. It's like agreeing to abide by an honor code.

If there is no honor code, then of course people are going to feel like they can do what they want. The community should speak about whether they want to ask mods to abide by this sort of honor code. I firmly believe that if it's what the community wants, the mods will act accordingly. Tracking down violators and punishing them is not the point. Asking for a kind of honorable behavior is. That's really what the cvility debate should be about as well--not what the staff "does" about a person's behavior but defining a standard of behavior we can all accept.

But the quote of the day....

Shalamar said:
My trust in the membership has been erroded. Can I ( or any of the staff ) trust you to look at us doing our jobs with the eye toward the fact that we are NOT harboring some neafarious 'personal agenda'? That we are not asking a poster to not make it personal because we 'don't like'that poster or 'we are out to get them'?

Thank you all for defending Cait and condemning Shalamar in this ongoing struggle. :P
LOL at the asshats in this thread from Shal's Journal.

Yes, I'm talking about you Rommie, along with the other non-entity.

Why is it that nothing was ever done to enforce better behavior on the parts of the staff? They are always willing to impose more rules on the members, but they're too good for a little of the same.