Troll Kingdom

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Cold weather

I'd like to see the post you're referencing. As my profile says, I am who you want me to be.
Dig for it yourself. I'm not VKD/OnyxOverdrive/etc. When you showed up here, you billed yourself as Cow's current girlfriend. Maybe this name belonged to such at one time, but doubt very much it is so now. Unless you've had a recent brain injury or are on drugs.
Where is the source of your doubt? I believe I have mentioned (in this thread, actually) that I'm balancing multiple jobs and my relationship. Sometimes I come on here hormonal, inebriated, and/or tired, so my posts may lack their original finesse or come across as aggressive. This site was fun in the beginning, but besides the Mine Field (which should be called something along the lines of People - TK Version as all they talk about it TV, movies and celebrities they want to fuck), there's really nothing worth following. The two-word thread is blase at best, and 'new' members are either socks of current members or idiots not worth my precious time and/or effort.

I'm tired of watching the toilet swirl. God knows Cow is, too. There are other, better message boards out there.
Do you know that you are allowed to start any conversation you so choose if what is on board is not up to your liking? Or do you prefer to be the type of person who brings cheese doodles to the feast and complains nobody else brought meat?
Oh elo. I wish I could live in that bubble you call your world - where members of TK could post topics they want to debate or discuss without knowing they will be met with "post it in MF," "what the hell is this," "you're a _______."

The active members here wouldn't be able to contrive vivid discussion, I fear. I'm willing to give it a chance, but I can count on one hand the members I feel are capable of stimulating repartee.
If you want stimulating repartee around here, though, typically you have to pick a fight. Start a topic and take the non-politically correct side. Don't try this unless you are able to stand in the middle of a hornet's nest on fire without getting too terribly upset.
I don't know anyplace on the web that you can have a polite discussion about anything. There is, of course, ExIsle, but you have to watch your Ps and Qs or run afoul of the Great Golden Book of Rulz. In other words, no curse words, no personal jabs, post not poster, except if you are a liberal commenting on a conservative's post (political discussions in OT). But, you will find many other civilized topics under discussion there. They, too, are having problems with keeping/attracting membership. Right now, for example, a link was provided for free onlilne college courses.

Most forums are just a repeat of junior high school: bullies, jocks, princesses, nerds/geeks with a sprinkling of those who just keep their collective heads down and try to search out something to engage their minds.
Who said I wanted the discussion to be polite? The whole point of good discussion is to disagree, vent your frustrations and rally with your personal opinion. Parry, thrust, passata sotto, the like.
Arguing is quite a different beast from disagreement, Mirah. In one you explain your opinion, in another you twist the arm of your audience in order to get them to agree with you.

I enjoy disagreements as they show a multitude of opinions in one marvelous discourse.