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Strange dream last night. I wish I could remember more detail but maybe there wasn't much detail and my brain was just telling me "don't worry, it all makes sense." It was a little bit like "Quantum Leap." I had to transfer my consciousness into different bodies while I was being chased by something that was trying to kill me (and was also going from body to body?). At one point there was a killer robot drone that was after me and I may have had pincers like a giant lobster at some point. The...UK Embassy(?) was about to be attacked and of course they didn't have any guns so someone showed up with a literal truckload of pump shotguns and handed them out to anyone that wanted to help defend the embassy, possibly including Sharon Osborne.

I have NO idea where any of this came from.
I think the vibe of this morning's dream came courtesy of "X-Files" reruns on Sunday night. A bunch of Battlestar Galactica characters had some kind of unresolved traumas and the cure for them was to go into this lab and...see some thing(?) I dunno. It was clear they had to go up to this door, manually push the button to unlock it, and go inside. When they came out they were cured. Laura and Adama couldn't bring themselves to go in by themselves so they went in together. But once they got in someone (Adama?) realized it was the wrong lab. Someone is trying to get them out but Laura just keeps going further into the lab. Then a medical team sees them and collects them up to do whatever nefarious things they're doing in that lab. They're having them put on COVID masks when...a tour group? jostles by. At that point I think my brain ran out of things to do and I woke up.
I dreamed I was in the audience of a comedy show, I don't remember it being particularly funny, someone I used to work with who I wasn't attracted to took her top off for some reason, I was sat behind her and put my arms around her, but put them under her boobs rather than over them.
Recurring dream where I am in a shopping center and I want to drive where I can't drive.
Except this one was different and I don't know why, maybe because I asked someone if I could drive somewhere and they said no, and then I was inside the store, but I can't remember what I was buying, but this dream had a different feel to it, not the usual chaotic stressful dream that this one usually is.
Lots of random disjointed snippets. The two I remember, I'm riding my motorcycle on the route I took with my car last night. I'm at a stoplight in the right lane and have about 3 blocks to get across traffic to make a left entrance to the freeway. IRL, this is easy on a motorcycle but of course in my dream I barely made it and then I completely screwed up the turn, put the bike down and totaled it. I don't know if there was any harm to me or if I got run over, I was just devastated that I'd totaled the bike.

The other one, I'm looking for an address. Something amazing/important is going to happen there. Got it on a sheet of paper. It's number 44. Going down the street I see 11 after going under a bridge so I turn around. Now I'm walking (I think I was driving earlier) and once I get back under the bridge I'm in a long narrow kitchen facing the dining room and the door should be on the left pretty soon but so far there's only a blank wall.
OK. A classic "wake up at 5:30 to go to the bathroom and when you get back to sleep you just dream you're still awake" dream. Well maybe not classic because my typical ones are mostly me laying in bed trying to get to sleep. But it was interesting: I don't know how I transitioned from laying in my bed, but I was working at a local TV station. It was "Crazy Frank" the janitor and some girl whose name I forget's birthday or something and the matronly 7pm news anchor had got them a cake. She gave it to me to put in the break room but the hallways were packed and barely moving. I realized I'd gotten bored and eaten most of the cake--including licking the frosting off. Even if I could get out to get another cake, I couldn't remember the girl's name so I had to go find the news anchor and tell her. I should mention the architecture and size of this news studio/offices was more like a good-sized shopping mall. I finally made it to some stairs back down but doubled back to a trash can to throw away what was left of the cake (I really hated to throw it away but I'm trying to lose weight and I'd already eaten most of it so I decided I'd better not have anymore). I was in a hurry so I was kind of parkour-jumping down the stairs to each landing. When I got to the bottom I did a kind of triple-jump that, because it had gotten up so much momentum, allowed me to really cover a lot of ground. When I finally landed someone remarked that I had seemed to really hang in the air and almost float on the last jump so I told them to hold on a second and decided I would try to see if I could fly while I was awake. I started to concentrate on it but realized it was silly to try because I was awake and everyone knows you can't just fly. Not to much longer after that I realized that I didn't work at the local TV news studio and therefore was actually asleep and, ironically, WOULD have been able to fly.
I was on holiday on a bus, the bus drove out over the ocean, so it was some kind of hover bus, then we had to close all the windows because we were going under water.

I wondered how a window that open inwards would cope with the pressure of water, then a friend of mine distracted me with talk of star wars.
Dreamed I was a ghost speedster. I was running with a woman who was also a ghost speedster, we also saw a werewolf ghost speedster running up a skyscraper.

We discovered we got a speed boost when we ran through living people, but it hurt them to do so.

She wanted to carry on, but I said no. I stopped and I could feel her running through me as she ran around the world once a second, each time passing higher up me as she ran so fast she wasn't even touching the ground, eventually she hit the speed of light and vanished.
I was on a ship out at sea, a nuclear war broke out and it became impossible to go back to land, another ship tried to board us, I think they were pirates.

Later in another dream I was at a house I got into a fight with a teenager, in my dream I was younger myself, this kid set my feet on fire.

I put the fire out but when I took my socks off my big toes were burnt down to the bone.
Bah. A bunch last night, but I've forgotten most of them. Only one I remember, I was...a guest? Part of an...Asian? family that...lived in a tree? They were sitting down to dinner in the branches of the tree and it was highly ritualized with lots of rules. Luckily I made it there in time or I couldn't have eaten. Then it looked like they weren't going to serve me so I asked and they said there was nowhere to sit. I pointed out where I was going to sit and it turned out there was plenty of space so they gave me my little bowl of rice.
OK. Last night's was bananas. I could guess at the theme but the execution was unique. I was part of a 1980s TV studio and was playing Jon Schneider as Bo Duke. The actor playing Faceman had just bought a big sailboat and was taking us all out on it. For whatever reason, I was helping out but everything kept going wrong. At one point the boat had to go down San Francisco-style streets to the water and I got left in charge but nobody told me how to work the brakes on a boat, so I'm pulling on the tiller and on another handle and it is slowing down but unless JR Ewing (or was it Larry Hagman?) gets his boat in the water I'm going to hit it. But he's got to wait in line behind another boat. Then we're out in the harbor and Face (it wasn't Dirk Benedict) is mad at someone else who's helping out because that's what he brought me along for and I try to patch things up by saying I was sick or otherwise incapacitated and if it hadn't been for her we'd have been wrecked. I finally get my turn but there's a couple phones laying around. They're some kind of dream version of an '80s car phone with one of those silver telescoping transistor radio antennas. I'm trying to find a place to put them to get them out of the way and someone grabs one and "helpfully" chucks it into a closet, bending the hell out of the antenna. I'm reading him the riot act because Face left me in charge and now I gotta explain how his phone got busted. Some woman tells me I'm not going to be a very good Bo Duke because I'm too uptight. The cruise is also hopelessly late and the actors in the hospital show are going to miss shooting if we don't hurry. We do make it back in time but I don't think anyone had very much fun.
Wiped out. Slept like a log. Somewhat linked 2-parter in the morning. Only remember part. We'll see if the other part comes back as I type:

A fairly routine variation of the office worker dream, where I'm not particularly needed and not particularly good at my job. I had to collect up these 3-4 pamphlets and read them. About the time I was done with that I was supposed to start collating copies for other people and binding them together into volumes. At that point I realized I'd screwed up the first part somehow and was annoyed by how stupid this new task was.

Nope. Can't remember the other part. I feel like it was a riff on the office dream but went off in a more interesting direction.
I dreamed I was driving someone from IT to a meeting, I apologised that my friend Matt couldn't make it as he was dead, but I had his organs on a plate in case anyone was hungry.
I was at work at a meeting, the woman in the meeting was mad that I didn't bring the agenda, and told me to go get it. Work then turned into a shopping mall, I looked through that trying to find my office, in one of those transitions that only happens in dreams I was near my old flats again, which had started to be dismantled, naturally of the three blocks they had started on mine first, with only my floor demolished.

I walked past where I lived and started down another street, there was a burst water main blocking the street off, so I headed back, but there was three drunk football fans shouting and spraying spit everywhere, so I started to fly, but I could only fly at walking speed, so I very slowly got away from them.
There was a creepy crawly with long antanae in my dream. When I got it held down by the antanae it turned around and bit me.
Then I woke up.

Fucking fuck fuck
I've been having lots of wild dreams lately but not remembering them. Well, I remember bits of two. The first, what I remember of it is awfully personal and I don't remember enough of the dream to have any context around it. The second, again it's just a tiny bit: I'm out making things happen and I've had lunch, but for some reason I've decided to go to this Asian buffet near me around 2pm. I'm a little concerned because I'm trying to lose weight and this could be a setback and I'm also trying to watch my money. They have a lunch price and a dinner price and some of the items on the buffet you're not supposed to take if you pay the lunch price but I'm willing to do that if they have the lunch price in the afternoon. Then I get to the door and there's a big "GRAND OPENING" banner and decorations covering half the facade (I guess all these years I've lived here were just the "soft open"). The employees are mostly wearing what I think my subconscious was going for is a kind of Geisha look, with white makeup, but it was more of a kind of comedia clown--whiteface with basically flowing white pajamas and I'm worried it's going to be really expensive but I'm told the prices are unchanged so I decide to go.