Hi emme, it is nice to see you here. : )
It almost seems as if you were seeking approval from Friday. Or as if you wanted her acceptance.
Friday, I have a question for you. Have you ever had a spiritual advisor? Or someone you have been accountable to? Perhaps a group even?
I Mirah. Always good to see you.
As to your questions, it's not about Friday's approval. It's about challenging her disapproval, and although that sounds like the same thing, it isn't. Friday is a smart and evolved woman, and I expect her to keep on evolving when it comes to the choices of women. By that I mean, limiting her disrespect for some choices and instead praising an informed choice.
If the choice is informed, that is the win for a woman. The freedom to make herself happy and forge her own direction in life. That deserves praise and respect, because there was a time when women had no choice in their own happiness.
Additionally, lacking respect for any man who would dominate a woman flies in the face of thousands of years of evolution. Men do dominate. There are some who would have no respect for a man who didn't try and dominate a woman. He'd be seen as not male enough.
It's in male DNA, it's instinctual. What gets missed in this kind of conversation is that D/s often speaks to instinctive cause and effect in male/female interactions. As in all scales there are extreme points and a long middle with varying degrees of non power interactions all the way to total power exchanges. But what is in ALL relationships is a power dynamic.
People in D/s just quantify it, examine it, and determine what works between the two in terms of power exchange. I find more respect in that than the push/pull of people who claim an equal power relationship and play tug-of-war all the time over power in a daily, and sometimes hourly fight over it.
What people in D/s have already settled is how power works best between two people. It limits the day to day bickering that others call a healthy relationship.
Another supposition about D/s is that they are all the same. Just as so-called equal power relationships aren't all the same, so D/s couples aren't all the same either. So, generalities are a straw man in my opinion, a straw man built on the fears of people who can't confront power issues in relationships.
I can respect people who make different choices, but I'll challenge anyone who makes a value judgement about woman who dare to make different choice based on nothing but hearsay over what they believe D/s is about and how it has to be a mental illness.