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Fucking god damn scumbag

jack said:
Well, NP I admire your courage for daring to speak your feelings honestly. All that can do is spark a discussion :)

Thanks. I'll take anyone on. I don't give a shit. This world would be a better place if everyone showed everyone and everything else respect.
Name Pending said:
So it isn't the dog, it is the owner.

Of course, if you beat your dog, you can expect it to protect itself. That's not what I was talking about. My son has learned to respect my dog, don't try and play with the dog's toys, don't bother the dog while he's eating, etc. I would never expect my dog to snap at my son; that's his new buddy (and an almost constant source of free food!) and I look forward to my son growing up with a dog.

All that being said, if my dog did get cranky in his old age, and snapped at my son, I'd get rid of the dog with no hesitation. He'd be outta my house, period.

Well, who the person was might make a difference on who I would save. You seem to have this notion that because something is a 'person' they are noble, and worthy, and all that goes with the romantic notion that we are above animals. I have been around enough and have seen enough garbage that some people war worse than people make animals out to be, and yeah I would let soemone like
the asshole who tortured that dog drown.

I would save a career criminal from drowning before I'd save a Seeing Eye Dog from drowning. That's not "romantic", it's normal. Humans are above animals. People who don't realize that or accept that are, in my opinion, mentally ill.
Big Dick McGee said:
Of course, if you beat your dog, you can expect it to protect itself. That's not what I was talking about. My son has learned to respect my dog, don't try and play with the dog's toys, don't bother the dog while he's eating, etc. I would never expect my dog to snap at my son; that's his new buddy (and an almost constant source of free food!) and I look forward to my son growing up with a dog.

All that being said, if my dog did get cranky in his old age, and snapped at my son, I'd get rid of the dog with no hesitation. He'd be outta my house, period.

Okay we agree here then.

I would save a career criminal from drowning before I'd save a Seeing Eye Dog from drowning. That's not "romantic", it's normal. Humans are above animals. People who don't realize that or accept that are, in my opinion, mentally ill.

Give me a break. So if that convicted criminal goes on to commit more crimes, you are going to pat yourself on the back? Suppose he raped a girl. Suppose he shot someone. I know this is really hypothetical bullshit, but just because someone is human doesn't mean that are what you define as human. A lot of 'humans' are fucking 'animals' so to speak, like the asshole who tortured that dog. If I saw that Catholic Priest and the dog in a frozen pond and could only grab one, I would grab the dog. Why you would grab the Priest is beyond me, and I am not mentally ill. You circle the wagons around 'humans' as if the entire species is righteous and it isn't. Or that you think that we all need to stick together and no, some of them are worthy enough to fall through the cracks.

Even if humans are above animals, it doesn't mean you get the green light to do what you want to animals. Whatever notion you get by saying they were put here by God for us to use, they were still created by him, and therefore there is a little of him in them as there is in all of us. Why disrespect that unless you are simply evil?

There are different kinds of people. They are not to all be treated the same. Those who live thier lives respecting others should be rewarded. Those who violate others should suffer. End of story. So yeah, let the fucking priest drown.

After all, in five years you could either have a best friend or someone who would molest your kid. Go figure.
DarthSikle said:
Who gives a fuck. It was just a dog.

So what? What makes you better than them? Because you were fortunate enough to be born human versus being born as a dog?

You had absolutely zero say in what you were born as, and neither did they.
Name Pending said:
So what? What makes you better than them? Because you were fortunate enough to be born human versus being born as a dog?

You had absolutely zero say in what you were born as, and neither did they.

you are off your fucking rocker. I could have been born a dog? You are fucking deluded.

Nut case.
DarthSikle said:
you are off your fucking rocker. I could have been born a dog? You are fucking deluded.

Nut case.

Where did I say that? We can't argue if you can't follow the discussion, you moron.

Either take a few seconds and come up with some constructive arguements or leave the discussion to the adults.
DarthSikle said:
Read your own posts you fucking nut job.

OMG am I going to have to hold your hand during this entire thread? I didn't say you could have been born anything, just that you were fortunate enough to be born a human versus a dog.

Next time you aren't clear on what I am writing, take it to your mommy and have her explain it to you. Idiot.
How old are you? Have you had any education higher than secondary?? By saying I was fortunate enough to be born a human vrs being born a dog implies that I could have been born a dog.

You are wors than those PETA fucks BDM was talking about.
You are implying that I am saying you were in a cue or something and when your name was called you were put into a human and that isn't what I am saying. I am saying by your rational it is fortunate that you WERE born human as opposed to a dog.

But all this is besides the point, because you seem to be in agreement with what was done to this dog that started this thread. And then you ask me about my level of education?? What were you raised by? A pack of wolves?

It is the indifference you've displayed here that justifies my position even more. In your arrogance you think you can do things as you see fit to those that are below you, or give the green light for others to do it. That's sick. I am sure 50 years ago you would have been in favor of seperate water fountains for Whites and Blacks.

If you are going to argue that humans are more important than animals, which I have never really argued against (just show them respect), then I am just reminding you that there is an entire heirarchy within humanity. It runs along racial lines, class, education, etc. And in all that we are constantly telling each other that there is no difference, that we are all humans. Suddenly I say that animals should be given the same respect and it gets your panties in a bunch.

What exactly is your problem? (make it sound intelligent)
DarthSikle said:
I didn't say I was in agreement, I said I didn't give a fuck. Now if it was a nigger, I'd be in agreement.

Brilliant point. Makes my arguements look and sound even that much better.
Name Pending said:
So what? What makes you better than them? Because you were fortunate enough to be born human versus being born as a dog?

You had absolutely zero say in what you were born as, and neither did they.

I agree. This is why I get annoyed at patriots and actually any country with over zealous citizens who are just so darn proud to be "such-and-such" You were shit outta your mom on American, English, Australians soil ect.. Accept you are lucky not to have been shit outta a mom in Somalia and get on with your life.

Of course, it's allright to be proud of your country, especially if you are a veteran or you have actually done SOMETHING MEANINGFUL to contribute to your country. But people who are all like "yeah muthafucking yeah!!" Like they actually had something to do with the success of their country is ridiculous.

Oh, and as for the seeing eye dog vs a career criminal. It all depends on circumstance. If I just knew he was a criminal then I would save him. If I knew he had done some nasty shit and was a mean bastard (this would depend) I would probably save the dog. It all depends, but I wouldn't have any problem letting some fucktard drown over a good natured animal. If the animal wasn't there I would be liable to let the fucker drown all on his own.
Being born a dog wouldn't be so bad. Your whole job is to lay around and sleeep, then occasionally bark at people. Kind of like being a mid-level executive without the stockholder meetings. Also, you get to make people handle your poop and you can lick your own nuts.

How is that a bad thing?
Mentalist said:
Of course, it's allright to be proud of your country, especially if you are a veteran or you have actually done SOMETHING MEANINGFUL to contribute to your country. But people who are all like "yeah muthafucking yeah!!" Like they actually had something to do with the success of their country is ridiculous.

Not when you are responding to generalized bullshit from people outside that country. Besides, consider it my duty defending it from bashing from the Euro Fucks.
The Question said:
Okay, how about this one:

Okay, Dr. Doolittle, riddle me this -- when was the last time an animal spoke up and told you how it feels? Oh, right -- they don't have to, because they're telepathic. Or you're telepathic. Or telepathetic. There ya go. Your simpering drivel is turning my stomach from hundreds, possibly thousands of miles away. Telepathetic.

Wait, here's another one, maybe this one fits:

I think that one fits perfectly.

Oh, and to clarify? I wasn't talking about people who view their fellow human beings -- their family, for instance, or their significant other -- as being no more worthy of respect, love or understanding than a pig rutting in its own shit, or the family dog. I was speaking specifically of people who are extremists when it comes to animal "rights", people who actively engage in activities designed and carried out for the purpose of harming human beings -- words < actions, and their actions make it clear that they place less value on human life than on animal "rights." Those people are psychopaths, plain and simple. If you're not one of them, you have no reason to get your panties all in a bunch. If you are, then you deserve to get your panties all in a bunch.

Question, are you insane? Exactly what are you trying to make me out to be?

Some assholes torture a defenseless animal, and in response I say I have zero respect to these idiots and would torture them in return. If you want to label me as a psycho that is fine, but don't make me out to be some radical PETA member who'll dump shit on your driveway for keeping some parakeets in a cage. I am responding to one being inflicting pain on another, not out of necessity, but pleasure, which is fucking sick.

I don't see how the same level of respect people ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FOR EACH OTHER (which we know we all don't) can't be provided for animals. Yes, the vast majority of them are wild, yes they can't communicate and verbally tell us they don't like their jaws clamped on their tongue and held together by a rubber band, BUT I WOULD THINK YOU WOULD HAVE THE COMMON SENSE TO KNOW THAT IS FUCKING WRONG TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE. There is no dispute they feel pain, and deliberately doing it to anyone is wrong. YES I will admit applying the same treatment to these individuals who torture these animals may be wrong in many eyes, but I don't give a fuck. If they didn't knock over the first domino this would even be discussed.
Big Dick McGee said:
Name Pending, have you ever seen a pack of wild dogs? Or a pack of Wolves, Coyotes, etc.?

They'll just as soon rip your fucking face off as come over for "belly rubs". You and your ilk want to anthropomorphize animals in a near-fetishistic way. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were a "furry". "Respect" is a human concept. Animals don't understand the concept of "respect". When people say, "I respect a lion" or a cobra, or a shark, they don't actually hold the animal in high regard; no, they merely are cognizant of the fact that a lion, cobra or shark will kill a human being if given the opportunity.

Thanks for the update on the animal kingdom. This isn't about us versus them. We pretty much own the planet now, and yes, if I got out of a jeep on a safari I would expect to be eaten by the lions. That isn't an issue. If they were threatening someone then yes, shoot them. What I have a problem with is someone capturing them, abusing them, or hurting them for no other reason than for sick enjoyment. I CANT SEE HOW I CAN EXPLAIN MY POSITION ANY CLEARER. Yes, I could inflict the same punishment someone inflicted on a helpless animal just as I could inflict punishment on someone if they hurt a friend or family member.

Humans are the only species that don't adapt to our surroundings. Rather, we adapt our surroundings to us.

I am by no means advocating cruelty to animals, I find that abhorrent. However, comparing cruelty to animals with cruelty to humans is completely ridiculous. I can buy another dog that looks and acts just like my Chewie. I can't produce another human being who looks and acts just like my son.

Animals aren't unique, humans are.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Of course they all have their own personalities. Is Chewie the only pet you've ever owned? Is his personality as dynamic as your child's? No. And even if you seperate the level severity for abusing animals or humans, I am saying it shouldn't happen to either. Once it does though, I see no reason why not to punish those who abuse animals harshly.

Hey, if you were afraid to live in my world, then something tells me you like to do the kind of things that started this thread in the first place.

I can't believe we are really arguing about this. Ultimately this thread is about respect others, whether it is another human or animal. I am not sure how you guys can get so defensive over that, and start breaking apart my reasoning when WE ALL KNOW THAT IF WE FOLLOWED THAT, THIS WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE.

Wait- I forgot I was on TK.

Heheh.. Nah, I 'm Joshing. I agree with you, it is not hard to make space in your psyche for a general mutual respect with nature. There is nothing wrong with holding an animals life in high regard