Troll Kingdom

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Gems from Twitter

Jenny Johnson ‏@JennyJohnsonHi5
I think it's super cute of Kim Kardashian to remind us why she's famous.

Damon Lindelof ‏@DamonLindelof

You sir, are a racist. And a hugeist. RT @KushLogic fuck you for what you did to LOST & Prometheus. I hope you get raped by huge black men.
Giorgio is fired up today. (ancient aliens dude)

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos ‏@Tsoukalos
Why are you such a dumbass? RT @C0__ Why are all of your tweets filled with rage?

(twitlonger used for these tweets)

They don't. This is my idea of mental exercise. I laugh as I reply and expose them for the ignorant fools they truly are. I find it refreshing, actually! RT ‏@rcastillo112 don't let the trolls get to you man

I've NEVER made those claims in the first place, you chief of the clowns, YOU're the one who needs to chill. RT @Ihazcandy @streetscoop people who are calling him out for making claims

And I repeat myself: Have I EVER claimed that the pyramids were built by aliens? NEVER. Not once. To you too, I say, get YOUR "facts" straight BEFORE you spout off against me and learn (!) what I stand for. Ignorant maniacs. RT ‏@benfromcanada well, the pyramids being built by aliens was also debunked...

Too bad? Why? Have I EVER claimed that Stonehenge was built by aliens? NEVER. Not once. So "too bad" for whom, exactly? Get YOUR "facts" straight BEFORE you spout off against me and learn (!) what I stand for. RT ‏@kringlozano Looks like the @FactOrFakedSyfy team totally debunked the idea that Stonehenge was built by extraterrestrials. Too bad, @Tsoukalos...

By exposing themselves as ignorant, uneducated fools in front of THOUSANDS of people? LET THEM get my attention. LET THE WORLD SEE their brain diarrhea. RT ‏@__whissper these haters are just trying to get your attention. Keep up the good work!

Okay, you really have to look at this one

STOP WEED SMOKING!! ‏@ConcernedMom420
No one has died drinking the blood of Christ (FACT) Millions have died from using and abusing the devils lettuce (FACT)

STOP WEED SMOKING!! ‏@ConcernedMom420
One of my old professors from Christian tech sent me this from the archives. Terrifying what 2 hits can do.

STOP WEED SMOKING!! ‏@ConcernedMom420
THIS broke my heart. an EXAMPLE of the HORRORS of weed. RT share Becky's story!

STOP WEED SMOKING!! ‏@ConcernedMom420
to everyone who is asking, yes I have a man!! Im in a long distance relationship with our lord savior Jesus Christ.

STOP WEED SMOKING!! ‏@ConcernedMom420
To the people calling me OBESE. I was made in gods image and was CHOSEN as a messenger to spread the truth on DRUGS AND SIN (by the lord)

I can't tell if this is a POE, or for real. Also I changed the links to actual links to the pictures so you can click on them, it's twitpic.