Troll Kingdom

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Hey, Wordin...


You suck at this, that's one way I know you're a fucking fake. The real CU had balls, clearly there's a little slit twixt your big toes faggot.
You know, is there actually a way on this board to get email notification on subscribed threads?

I think you have that... it's like you can't let someone else have the last word, and when I post you swoop in and reply with non-posts that make no sense.

Fuck, were I as short as you, I'd be insecure too.
blah blah blah, go fuck yourself. You're so far beneath my notice you need a ladder just to suck up the dust from my boots.

You know you're beaten when you copy the schtick.

Thanks for admitting it so sweetly fake CU.

Be seeing you around too faker.
Hey, aren't we past due for Chump to show up and snark about me mentioning them here? Or did he get that out of his system by continuing to talk about me over there? Yooohoo! YOOOOOhoooo! Pot! It's Kettle calling! :bigass:
Ah, and of course his other gambit.

El Chup: *whinges about somebody posting his off-board information somewhere -- goes and finds somebody's off-board information and posts it*.

Moron and Hypocrite are tussling over which one fits him better.
They're starting to compare me to you over there. It's easier than dealing with what I lay out for them, I suppose.

That's not so much comparison as signaling. "Look, here's another one we can't address directly. Just go for playground tactics like we did with the last one."
No, it's painfully obvious about the two accounts. What's funny in that very sad way is how you think you're pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

What. Ever.