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Sarek said:
So now you?re saying that every Democrat out there is thinking the same thing based on Kerry?s statement?

Kerry's fruedian slip, along with the actions and statements of the democrat leadership over the past 20 or 30 years, clearly shows that the democrat leadership IS anti-military, anti-police, anti-traditional values and just plain anti-American.

Regular democrats might not think these hate-america things, but the democrat elites surely do.

True. However, my paychecks come from the Defense department. The monies get allotted to the state and then transferred to the state department of homeland security. As far as what I givetment of Homeland Security, a Federal organization staffed by State, Federal and military personnel. Questioning his wisdom in creating it and labeling it as a program that extorts monies from the pockets of your fellow Americans could be considered by some as seditious and could get you labeled as a traitor in their eyes. Even though it may be the truth.

Don't mistake me for a Bushie, Sarek. Bush is a gloablist moneypig and far too liberal for my tastes.
Sarek said:
So now you?re saying that every Democrat out there is thinking the same thing based on Kerry?s statement?

Kerry's fruedian slip, along with the actions and statements of the democrat leadership over the past 20 or 30 years, clearly shows that the democrat leadership IS anti-military, anti-police, anti-traditional values and just plain anti-American.

Regular democrats might not think these hate-america things, but the democrat elites surely do.

True. However, my paychecks come from the Defense department. The monies get allotted to the state and then transferred to the state department of homeland security. As far as what I give in return, how about protection of Air Force personnel and property such as Aircraft, munitions, funds, facilities, documents, you know, everything that makes Bush?s war machine function?

As I said, you produce nothing toward the economic well-being of your fellow citizens as government produces nothing. You are a cancred leech sucking the life blood from your fellow citizens who are actually creating the wealth that allows your very existence.

And you better watch out. Bush and his administration were the architects of the Department of Homeland Security, a Federal organization staffed by State, Federal and military personnel. Questioning his wisdom in creating it and labeling it as a program that extorts monies from the pockets of your fellow Americans could be considered by some as seditious and could get you labeled as a traitor in their eyes. Even though it may be the truth.

Don't mistake me for a Bushie, Sarek. Bush is a gloablist moneypig and far too liberal for my tastes.
Laker_Girl said:
Voter fraud has been in the media not one specific provable case, dumb ass. According to Kerry it makes perfect sense that you were in the military.

Fuck you. I've always stayed clear of insulting you out of respect. I'll ignore that little remark. This time.

Laker_Girl said:
My county was the first county in the country to have electronic voting and it truly is a less confusing Godsend. Liberals, unwilling to believe that their way is decidedly not the best way, will blame anything and everything for their losses.

Like the Republicans did when Clinton was elected?

Laker_Girl said:
If it's not hanging chads it's electronic voting machines. Seems to me that liberals will only be satisfied when they've fixed it so only liberals win and liberal measures are passed.

Like the Republicans are only happy when conservatives win or are placed into high office? Or how they get all giddy when conservative measures are passed?
Atlas_Collins said:
As I said, you produce nothing toward the economic well-being of your fellow citizens as government produces nothing. You are a cancred leech sucking the life blood from your fellow citizens who are actually creating the wealth that allows your very existence.

I get it. Anyone who collects a paycheck from a govenment agency is a cancered leech sucking the life blood from our citizens.

Thanks for clarifying your view on our military personnel Mr. Kerry.
Ogami said:
You got that right, Bad Dog, and that's the big misreading that Democrats take from Polls.

When someone like you says in a poll they are disatisfied with our war in Iraq, the news media run with that and say "He wants our troops to come home!"

When such polls really include the vast majority of war supporters who want us to do MORE, to KICK IN more doors, to start dropping MORE BOMBS and get the job done. Our enemy sees our complete concern for civilian casualties as a sign of WEAKNESS, we don't get any credit for the amazingly low civilian casualties we've had in Iraq or Afghanistan. (I love how they lump all enemy casualties into civilian casualties in those countries. Hello, we chould have rebuilt the oil facilities to pump out all our oil and left the rest of the country a smoking ruin filled with a few starving survivors that we should have told the rest of the muslim scum countries to look after.

If we had done that we would not have heard another word about "jihad" from these subhuman filthy mud people.

PS, sorry about the red karma back there - I hit the wrong switch.
Ogami said:
You got that right, Bad Dog, and that's the big misreading that Democrats take from Polls.

When someone like you says in a poll they are disatisfied with our war in Iraq, the news media run with that and say "He wants our troops to come home!"

When such polls really include the vast majority of war supporters who want us to do MORE, to KICK IN more doors, to start dropping MORE BOMBS and get the job done. Our enemy sees our complete concern for civilian casualties as a sign of WEAKNESS, we don't get any credit for the amazingly low civilian casualties we've had in Iraq or Afghanistan. (I love how they lump all enemy casualties into civilian casualties in those countries. Hello, they don't wear uniforms)

So yes, there are a lot of people out there like Bad Dog who don't like Bush and don't like our war in Iraq, because they want us to do MORE, not LESS.

And that's why the Democrats are going to lose this election. Because none of them argue for doing more in Iraq, quite the opposite.


I agree completely. My criticism of the war is on how PUSSIFIED it has been run. We should have marched in and killed anything that moved and continued to kill anything that moved until everything stopped moving. Then we chould have rebuilt the oil facilities to pump out all our oil and left the rest of the country a smoking ruin filled with a few starving survivors that we should have told the rest of the muslim scum countries to look after.

If we had done that we would not have heard another word about "jihad" from these subhuman filthy mud people.

PS, sorry about the red karma back there - I hit the wrong switch.
Messenger said:
I've never seen anyone say that except for some separatist African-Americans and hardcore Muslims.

Do a little research on my swine traitor communist Senator from Illinois: Dick Durbin.
Sarek said:
I get it. Anyone who collects a paycheck from a govenment agency is a cancered leech sucking the life blood from our citizens.

Thanks for clarifying your view on our military personnel Mr. Kerry.

"Cancred" leech. Look it up in yur dickshunary, stoopid!

AS far as anyone who isn't a vermin leftist/collectivist democrat is concerned - ALL government workers - with the exception of the military, police, firefighters and postal employees - are cancred leech parasites who produce nothing and live off the sweat of their fellow countrymen who actually produce the wealth that is stolen from them through taxation and given to the non-productive leeches who suck.

And I already told you that you get a pass for being a cop/soldier, so take the splintered stick out of your butt.
Ogami said:
Is Durbin up for reelection? That guy personifies Democrat hatred for the troops.

The election process in Illinois has been broken for a long time - Democrat vote fraud (which Sarek doesn't have a problem with if it's democrats doing it) has been a fact of life for generations. My own grandfather, who never voted for a democrat in his life, managed to vote for Johnson in 1964 even though he died in 1963. The same shit is still going on, and I expect the news reports on election night to report that "vote fraud is light to moderate with 53% of the precincts reporting in" (That is an actual quote from a Chicago TV news report a few years ago).

Durbin does NOT represeent the people of Illinois, he represents his ideologue hate-America handlers, and since he doesn't have to worry about re-election, he can play the part of leftist attack dog to appease the DailyKos koolaid drinkers of the democrat base.
Atlas_Collins said:
Democrat vote fraud (which Sarek doesn't have a problem with if it's democrats doing it) has been a fact of life for generations.

Please point out where I said I was a Democrat and where I said that I support them.
I don't think there are any Democrats, there are just a bunch of conscientious, thoughtful, independently moderate deep thinkers who just happen to agree with and vote with Democrats on every issue from A-Z 100% of the time.

But don't call them Democrats, and don't call them liberals. They don't exist!

(I know Sarek addressed the above post to Atlas, but Sarek has never told me to shut up, so he won't start now.)

For your information, I've never voted along a party line. I prefer to vote for a candidate that I think is best suited for the position. It just happens that at this point I'm more disgusted with the Republicans and the stance they've taken over the last 6 years than I am with the Democrats. Never in my life have I seen an administration so unwilling to listen to the people or a president so completely blinded by his own power that he's willing to sacrafice the very principles that this country was founded on. And lets face it, the Republicans have been power hungry for years. They did everything to try and oust a Democratic President because of a blowjob but are unwilling to even consider problems within thier own party.
I'm not saying that the Republicans or conservatives aren't as guilty of disputing liberal victories but the difference is Republicans don't have the liberal media or liberal Hollywood behind them. Any wrong doing by liberals or Democrats gets buried or brushed aside as ridiculous partizenship or moral high-horsing.

My God, could you imagine if a Republican had said what Kerry said?! Jesus Christ Almighty, Dan Quayle spelled potato wrong and the liberals and their media practically called for him to step down as Veep.
And let's not forget Trent Lott making a joke at Strom Thurmond's retirement party, he apologized completely and profusely and gave up his Senate leadership post.

I doubt we'll see Kerry resign anything, I see his press office is complaining about the GOP "hate machine". What's hateful about taking him at his word? He didn't feel like changing his answer while he was there, he spun it days later.

I have my tivo set to record "Hacking Democracy" on HBO. It might have interesting content.

I watch "real time with Bill Maher" he is funny. "new rules " rocks. I see him as a left winger but not a full blown hate America commie. I agree with him on some points.

He is anti Gun so I do NOT agree there.

I dont give a shit if gays get married, its not my problem.(dont like gay marriage? dont do it.)

The first democrat to say they would push for 100% legal Marijuana will have my vote. I will take the good with the bad.