Troll Kingdom

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List a single trolling technique.

Register on a board filled with elder trolls, talk about gays and feces until I get slammed into a restricted forum for trying to spam the place up, give them 'Fuck you!' reputation comments until they submit to my trollage, and then break out the lamest, most pitiful duals to continue the cycle.
Oh golly, I dont know anything about trolling, being a mere silly lady with a barely room temperature IQ, I'll just go to the kitchen and make sandwiches while you men discuss important stuff.

Now who wants iced tea and who wants beer?

Create a dual and use the accidental RL information info you have on another poster to act like you really live next door to/know them.
Donovan said:
Take the opposite side of prevailing opinion, no matter what the argument is.

Take the same side as prevailing opinion, but be such an ass about it that the prevailing opinion is suddenly reversed.

Another is to do the exact opposite -- where the first is "The Uncouth Yes-Man", the opposite of that is, "The Polite Nazi." Take an offensive viewpoint and support it with solid reasoning.

Scarlett O'Hara Hey! It's sockfucker!

Have stupid posters make stupid nicknames that make no sense, and attempt to karma bomb with Zero power.

SockFucker? Man, you guys are really reaching now.
"i know what you are, but what am I?"
Post a well informed, yet completely irrational arguement with masses of hyperlinks, but 2 or 3 of them are really quite unpleasant.

THEN, use a dual or colleague to complain about the horrible images hidden within the hyperlinks in that thread.

Meanwhile change the hyperlinks back to fluffy bunnies.

You are then assured that admins / mods will have to click on your hyperlinks to check.

from then on, make your hyperlinks completely random borderline distasteful, but never breaking any rules.
This is a GREAT thread. ernie has used many of these in the past, and there is usually half of a board that ends up hating you so much, they wish you death.

Some people don't even know when you are fucking with them.

Even when you TELL THEM what it is you are doing, they STILL don't get it.

L8 e
None of you circus-monkees mentioned the one aspect of trolling that has any virtue to it (although "The Question" came close)"


Said troll is deeply interested in a particular topic and desires to move (shit I can't type... 2nd glass of wine,...) the discussion beyond the confines of "groupthink" towards discussion of all options, not just the politically correct ones.

Often, the discussion troll may take the adversarial (devil's advocate) side to argue with someone he agrees with for the purposes of strengthening his target's viewpoints.

This goes back farther than internet trolling to various discussion media where consensus is formed. I would imagine this type is older than Adam.

Soemone using a topic I was dear to: muslims beheading 4 year olds because they were a "threat" caused me to join TW.

Shit... my spelling's getting worse. better end it... Nothing better for true public concensuys than a discussion troll.
Jack~ said:
It's the thought of giving you a long-deserved vigorous neck massage that keeps me coming back.
Make numerous duals appearing to be like someone you hate,
Play them and appear the victor over your "enemy".