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Men, in general, are stupid

sorry, didn't mean to come over like this.
It has nothing to do with nobility. Only that Bavaria as a state has continually existed since the 6th century. Such a long time without much political change would necessarily lead to a different result as the rather turbulent 250 years the US have existed. I didn't mean to imply you have no culture. What I mean is that due to your different history you have established a different culture. And like children try very much to be the opposite of their parents, I think one may assume that America tries to be as different from Europe as possible, if only perhaps to underline the fact that you are not us.
(ouch, that sounds arrogant, too. Didn't mean it like that, though.)
No need to imply. I'll say it - We don't have culture. Unless you consider techno-fascism culture.
I respectfully disagree. You have Hollywood (and occasionally they produce something that is worth watching). And quite a few interesting painters from Grandma Moses to Warner Williams. Lots of excellent Native American silversmiths (especially but not exclusively among the Lakota and the Navaho nations). Ingenious inventors from Heintz to Bill Gates.

And you have the Blues. :smile:
Geez, I hate to agree with Gear, especially in this thread. But, I don't think challenges between men and women have a lot to do with culture. I think it's inate. I don't spend much time thinking about it and long since stopped trying to understand it. I just embrace it.

Understanding each other and knowing exactly how the other person feels is not a priority for me. Appreciate someone who shares some interests and who you like to be around. Hold on to the one(s) that let's you be you, let them be them, and help/support each other when needed. Not everything needs to communicated or even understood. Everyone's different, but that works for me. Course, I'm not looking for a lifetime commitment and I've had several fun and serious relationships that worked until they didn't. I feel lucky, but it's not for everyone.

TCON: The fact that you don't consider the sexual attraction aspect to be a huge part of the equation is probably an advantage for you in finding a man to shares a lot of your interests and who wants to communicates deeply about what each other is thinking and feeling a lot of the time. You know what you want and where to make trade-offs. It'll happen.
It has been my experience that most problems between sexes start when one gender starts thinking they know what makes the other gender tick.

In other words, generally the woman.
I'm trying to remember the last time I spent a whole lotta time worrying about how women work. It's been a while.

Mostly just how it pertains to getting them out of their clothes. At my age that means dollars and Craigslist.
The Call of Nature said:
What I'd like is a species of man that talks instead of expecting women to be mindreaders. If they'd explain what's the matter with them, we could understand and vice versa.
So, TCON, how many times do men have to tell you that, really, they just want to fuck and not talk until you accept that they are doing exactly what you want them to do: explain what the matter is with them?

My point is - in 99% of the cases, you DO NOT want to know what goes on in a man's mind. Not really. What you want is for them to tell you the stuff you want to hear, not the real deal.

'Gear already said it in another thread - if you knew what really goes on in a man's mind, you'd run. Fast.

And before I provoke any faux (or genuine) indignation for being sexist- it's the same when it comes to women. Men don't really want to know what we truly think, because seriously - they couldn't handle it very well. Everyone of us has an image of how the other gender "ticks", and we will neither believe, nor care about anything that might force us to re-evaluate. In fact, this is not even gender-specific. Nobody wants to really, fully know the other, no matter what their gender. We love and cherish our arrogant, holier-than-thou preconceptions about the others too much to let anything contradicting them get through our mindfilters. And this is twice as true when it comes to the old men vs. women drama.
This is my truth, and nobody will ever make me believe otherwise (<- hehe, see what I did here?)

In other words - ss, dd.
So, TCON, how many times do men have to tell you that, really, they just want to fuck and not talk until you accept that they are doing exactly what you want them to do: explain what the matter is with them?

And before I provoke any faux (or genuine) indignation for being sexist- it's the same when it comes to women. Men don't really want to know what we truly think, because seriously - they couldn't handle it very well. Everyone of us has an image of how the other gender "ticks", and we will neither believe, nor care about anything that might force us to re-evaluate. In fact, this is not even gender-specific. Nobody wants to really, fully know the other, no matter what their gender. We love and cherish our arrogant, holier-than-thou preconceptions about the others too much to let anything contradicting them get through our mindfilters. And this is twice as true when it comes to the old men vs. women drama.

:amen: Somewhere out there is a sensitive analytical man who does not put a priority on sex. A man who is looking for a woman to share his inner most thoughts and feelings. I like TCON. I hope that fate intervenes and their paths cross.
:amen: Somewhere out there is a sensitive analytical man who does not put a priority on sex. A man who is looking for a woman to share his inner most thoughts and feelings.


Not too sure 'bout the sensitivity, though.

Not too sure 'bout the sensitivity, though.

You're generous. TCON doesn't require sexy, yet you offer it up anyway. I hope he's "green" and a committed recycllist and conservationist too. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the subset list of required attributes, yet.
You're generous. TCON doesn't require sexy, yet you offer it up anyway. I hope he's "green" and a committed recycllist and conservationist too. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the subset list of required attributes, yet.
Well, I would have offered the Sasquatch, but then again, Dono has already called dibs on that one, and I could never deny Dono anything.
It's amazing how much you can learn about a person just by letting them tell you about how they think the different sexes work.
When the conversation finally reaches that point, I am usually too drunk to pay attention, so I wouldn't know.
:amen: Somewhere out there is a sensitive analytical man who does not put a priority on sex. A man who is looking for a woman to share his inner most thoughts and feelings. I like TCON. I hope that fate intervenes and their paths cross.

Yeah, we call him a woman.
You're generous. TCON doesn't require sexy, yet you offer it up anyway. I hope he's "green" and a committed recycllist and conservationist too. Somehow, I don't think we've seen the subset list of required attributes, yet.

Sorry, couldn't hear you. I accidently left the shower running while I was watering the lawn and washing the car.
Yeah you're right. Let's kill him and feed him to the pigs.

Was that too much?

We still keep pigs somewhere on the property right?
Which reminds me - Admins/Mods -

I'd like to be put in charge of TK's pigs.

I have my reasons.