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Men, in general, are stupid

A rookie mistake.

The nose is actually the most important part of the accent, as a true Bostonian will use the sinus as a sort of "resonance chamber" to ensure the maximum possible volume.
Makes sense. What with everything being moved half an inch forward. I mean, you gotta breathe somehow...
Right. Like a horn. But an evolved human being has to hold their nose to approximate the sound.
No offense, but as physically pleasing as this might be, it doesn't exactly sound very satisfying, intellectually. I very much enjoy a deep talk about history, art or science. Don't get me wrong: I do enjoy silence as well, but I haven't found many men with whom one can have a comfortable silence. The perfect man for me would be able to do both.

Quit looking for the perfect man. It is all about acceptance. Perhaps you mean perfect for you, but still. You can go to school to have intellectual conversation. Perhaps there are other aspects of a relationship that a man can challenge your comfort zone and make you open up in areas you never thought possible.

I wouldn't exactly call men simple. Sometimes I'd really like to open one and find out how they work.
They have a totally different way of thinking and reacting. They don't get hints and when you're frank, they are easily insulted. They also take a no for either a yes or an insult and simply don't get it that there are other ways to deal with any kind of strong emotion but having sex.

What I'd like is a species of man that talks instead of expecting women to be mindreaders. If they'd explain what's the matter with them, we could understand and vice versa.

What I am seeking in a man is a genuine partner.
An equal.
And at the risk of disappointing my male readers: those few inches between your legs are not at all important. What I find irresistably sexy is brains, loyalty, good manners and a sense of humour.

If I am looking for myself, it must mean I am in love with myself. There is no room for any other.

That is what is sounds like when you say you are looking for your equal.
where does it root?
Who cares?

Do we instinctively follow the role model even today, after women's lib and equal rights etc?
Drop the role model/stereo type/anything. Just be yourself and allow him to be himself. Accept him for who he is. He is a man, he will be different than you. We hope he is different than us. We accept those differences and celebrate them. Don't try to make them an equal and vice versa. They accept us for our differences as well.
Or could it be even simpler: do men and women nowadays have different ways of communication than the previous generation?
Nope. Its still the same. And if you can't find a man that will "communicate" with you, then perhaps you are with the wrong man.

As for myself: I was raised by the old code: a lady never shows her emotions in public and never loses her temper in private. Of course, I don't stick to it. Still, for the sake of harmony and to avoid quarrels,
I often keep it to myself if I am displeased and only try to steer the male in the right direction by giving him little hints.
Drop the old school. Say how you feel, say what you mean. Drop the games. It isn't worth it. Its a mental mind fuck. If a girl didn't tell me what was really on her mind, I would be pissed.

But how does one criticise a man without him feeling insulted? Guys, here we need your input. Serious suggestions, please!
Why criticize? Why is that important? Can you criticize another woman without her feeling insulted? Is it necessary? Why not build others up and focus on the positive?