Troll Kingdom

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Never let it be said that I don't have a good natured sense of humor...
The post you attributed to me regarding "blaming Africa for Africa's plight" is yours. Mildly interesting that you are projecting.

Aww, the crazy old lady denies writing it altogether. I don't think she's lying, I actually believe she just doesn't know any better. I mean, she even called me a stalker over posting that.

It is also very telling that I attributed your visual aids to Rattles. While you may have been interesting at one time, even though you were a turd, you've devolved into this crap you've been posting forever: "gay, fag, gay, fag, gay, fag, gay, fag, gay, fag." Must be a side effect of the drugs you're on. Do you drool while you type those three-letter responses over, and over, and over, and over, and over again?

Aww, the crazy old lady takes a cue from Sarek, who's been bitch-slapped into oblivion, and just post more lies because she isn't talented or creative enough to say something original.

Ha - you ended your post with yet again some unoriginal slur about my age that does not apply. I'm past hot flashes.

I'm old but cannot be called "grandma" because my daughter was born with a penis.

If you want to be a troll, take some lessons from those that know how to troll. Example: Grandtheftcow, CoyoteUgly/Tom Sawyer, RobL, and DarthSickle. They invade, divide - half the members love them and half the members hate them - then conquer. It has been a year or more since they invaded another board and that board still talks about the experience.

You're the only one here that needs lessons. I am that I am; I don't predicate my existence on a board with some preconceived notion of what you or anyone else thinks a "troll" ought to be. It's your compartmentalized view of the world that separates the whole flock of you from the relatively few like myself.

Your style, on the other hand, no one would care when you are booted out on your ass and they'd forget you the minute you are gone.

Aww, the crazy old lady used the highly unoriginal variation of the "trolls like you are a dime a dozen". The problem with that is much like every other claim you've made, you're wrong, nay, lying. You still remember who I am, as forgetful as you are, and it's been many months.

Not only do you remember who I am, you haven't felt so strongly about a man since the last time one had his hands on you. You attempted to demonize me, calling me a stalker, worrying about "much further he intends to take this". Take this... take your medication, you fucking kook. And study my style so that some day you may develop your own. Lying, denying and manufacturing "facts" isn't a style. It's just kind of sad.
RobL said:
Hi eloisel. Nice to see you are still around.

I'd take a kitten, but whenever I try to get one they say I'm not a good home. Something about them not liking the fact that I'm going to take it to my Korean friend to cook for me. (Just ask Shalamar lol )

I'm thinking that next time I try to get one, I'll just be a bit less truthful. People always say that I'm too truthful, to a fault.
Hey, RobL. Good to see you too.

Have you tried the Bill Frist method of obtaining kittens?

I'd give you a kitten but since that post I've found a home for all of them. An acquaintance with a farm needs some barn cats. He even wants the mom! No cushy lifestyle for them - lounging on my furniture in the air conditioning, wet food twice a day in dishes, a bucket of fresh water and a bowl of dry food. Actually, this guy is my last resort as I suspect the fellow is a cat collector and only has the farm so he'll have room for bunches of cats. But, I've got my limit of critters and I've already placed rescued animals with just about everyone I know. It would beat taking them to the dog pound which is not a no-kill shelter. If they aren't adopted in 3 days there, they're gassed and incinerated. I despise those people but that is what happens when people won't spay and neuter their pets or take care of the animals they have.

Well, I gotta get ready and go out for the evening. See you later.
eloisel said:
Hey, RobL. Good to see you too.

Have you tried the Bill Frist method of obtaining kittens?

I'd give you a kitten but since that post I've found a home for all of them. An acquaintance with a farm needs some barn cats. He even wants the mom! No cushy lifestyle for them - lounging on my furniture in the air conditioning, wet food twice a day in dishes, a bucket of fresh water and a bowl of dry food. Actually, this guy is my last resort as I suspect the fellow is a cat collector and only has the farm so he'll have room for bunches of cats. But, I've got my limit of critters and I've already placed rescued animals with just about everyone I know. It would beat taking them to the dog pound which is not a no-kill shelter. If they aren't adopted in 3 days there, they're gassed and incinerated. I despise those people but that is what happens when people won't spay and neuter their pets or take care of the animals they have.

Well, I gotta get ready and go out for the evening. See you later.

... I had no idea you were a proffesional bore.
Lord Raffles said:
... I had no idea you were a proffesional bore.
Oh dear. Are you jealous I've been chatting with RWC and have come to get your share? Odd. I thought he was your yapping puppy, not the other way around.
eloisel said:
Oh dear. Are you jealous I've been chatting with RWC and have come to get your share? Odd. I thought he was your yapping puppy, not the other way around.

More emotional baggage from an emotional cripple - being old and a woman will do that to you. Men grow into children, youth is always eternal in the heart of a man - but for old women it's different. You are now banished into the wilderness, an abyss where no heads turn.

But do not despair Gay, at least no guys will be pushing you around anymore - there's Fresh meat coming of age with every year you grow older and uglier, the path down the long hard road ahead which ultimately leads to a point where you shrivel up emotionally, socially & physically. You don't even have any continuation; as you grow older and more haggard the realisation that your dyke of a daughter will never be able to bare offspring, your only link to the world when you die, will creep upon you and make death even more terrible to face.

Nature is harsh and cruel Gay to those who deserve it. You really were a terrible parent if your writing is anything to go by, weren't you Gay? Dragging that poor little daughter of yours from home to home, eventually turning her into a social retard (Goth) and then a sexual liar (dyke). They still haven’t found a homosexual gene, so that throws that argument out the window doesn't it? Is it not a mother's instinct to protect her child, surely that is an intrinsic natural quality within all real women? A real woman knows how to control a man, a real woman wouldn't give a man a reason to hit her... you must be doing something wrong woman, can't you see?

Even history itself is spiteful - years after your death teenage kids will flock around your gravestone, pointing and laughing at the name 'Gay'.
Aww... Poor little Rattles is jealous. Do you and RWC borrow each other's material or do you just write his for him? At some point you both sound the same. Still lame.

Tell me.... do you have an unnatural fear of trailer homes too?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ... at least that is an improvement over your last long bunch of posts. She is still cute, even on Shrek's body. Too bad you aren't as interesting.
If by "interesting" you mean "over-weight Rocky Horror reject", correct. I'm not as "interesting".

Lord Raffles said:
Nature is harsh and cruel Gay to those who deserve it. You really were a terrible parent if your writing is anything to go by, weren't you Gay? Dragging that poor little daughter of yours from home to home, eventually turning her into a social retard (Goth) and then a sexual liar (dyke). They still haven’t found a homosexual gene, so that throws that argument out the window doesn't it? Is it not a mother's instinct to protect her child, surely that is an intrinsic natural quality within all real women? A real woman knows how to control a man, a real woman wouldn't give a man a reason to hit her... you must be doing something wrong woman, can't you see?

Maybe you should address this instead of pretending to be clever.
RWC said:
Maybe you should address this instead of pretending to be clever.
So, basically, you and Rattles are the kind that abuse women and think you are justified in doing so. Perhaps you should try addressing that issue with your psychologist. What prescribed meds are you on? You might need to have them adjusted.
So, basically, you and Rattles are the kind that abuse women and think you are justified in doing so.

I remember not that long ago you described yourself as terrified and me as a stalker. You made yourself seem like this pathetic mouse of a woman, and told all that would listen that you felt you were in danger of me, "crossing the line" and all.

Perhaps you should try addressing that issue with your psychologist.

What's also funny is your attempting to employ psychology references as though they'll make you sound smarter. It's funny because you fail... and now you bring your only frame of reference to a message board on the internet.

What prescribed meds are you on?

between your paranoia, memory lapses and psychotic ramblings almost every thing you post is a cry for help

I honest-to-god pity you.

Enkephalen said:
I enjoy a good tennis match. But RWC-Cola is a C player and out of his league. Game, set, match to eloisel.
She's not a troll. It's obvious by simply skimming posts who directs whom.
Kefka said:
She's not a troll. It's obvious by simply skimming posts who directs whom.
It is true. I'm not a troll and have never claimed to be. It is also obvious that the two of them crave my attention. Poor babies. As they say, even negative attention is better than none at all.
Kefka said:
'They' sure have it. Perhaps you'd like to reread the thread until you understand.
Dear, I do understand. What you seem to miss is that they only have my attention because I allow them to. Perhaps you'd like to reread the thread until you understand.
eloisel said:
Dear, I do understand. What you seem to miss is that they only have my attention because I allow them to. Perhaps you'd like to reread the thread until you understand.
Oh, what a clever zinger.

Let's all reread, shall we?

RWC said:
If you knew what eloisel looked like you'd ask her to keep them covered. Uff.

yada said:
RWC said:
If you knew what eloisel looked like you'd ask her to keep them covered. Uff.
Don't you ever tire of being an asshole?

If you knew what I looked like you'd realize what an utter twit you are when you write things like "so obese shops at Walmart for cullotes." Maybe that describes your mommy but I'm not her. If I were, you'd be a case ripe for retroactive abortion.

Now, run along little RWC, you are boring me with your same, old, tired drivel. Take a vacation and see if you can't recharge your batteries and come up with something new, maybe even original - if it is possible for a miniscule brain such as yourself to come up with something original. How do you keep from boring yourself to death?

Checkmate from the first move.
Think so? It is obvious you don't know much about chess. Checkmate means your opponent can neither move out of check nor block the check. It has nothing to do with "you throw down crap and I'll throw down crap too."

Which one are you the dual of or are you another one of Rattles heel yappers?