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Nascent Drama

Dirk Funk said:
You're the one quoting Marx! A guy who's been discredited over and over.

At least Marx effected SOME CHANGE in the world, even if it was in pretty much the exact opposite way he intended. He's up there with Jesus in that.

Rand is L.Ron Hubbard with a little more literary clout, and less sales. AT BEST.
At least Marx effected SOME CHANGE in the world, even if it was in pretty much the exact opposite way he intended. He's up there with Jesus in that.

Rand is L.Ron Hubbard with a little more literary clout, and a little less book sales, AT BEST.

So, someone effecting change that enslaved and oppressed a huge percentage of the world's population, and brought us to the bring of nuclear war is something to admire? *shakes head*

As for Rand, she was an asshole who made some good points. I chose her quote off the top of my head, but I just as well could have quoted Jefferson: "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." Or Washington: "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." Or any number of quotes from Thomas Paine.