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Nascent Drama

I do try to fight that Mirah, the only way I know how. With my writing, music, etc.

I'm trying to fight them now by sharing my veiws here.

If you truly doubt what I'm saying, take a Sociology class. That only validated my cynicism.

Or do you not consider educating people who aren't even aware there's a problem "doing something"?

I respect your beliefs, or try to.

I've taken many Sociology classes in college and I still don't feel the need for cynicism.

Sure I was depressed to learn in my Sociology of Aging class that the human body's functionality declines by 1% every year starting at age 25 but does that make me cynical? Nope.
I've taken many Sociology classes in college and I still don't feel the need for cynicism.

Sure I was depressed to learn in my Sociology of Aging class that the human body's functionality declines by 1% every year starting at age 25 but does that make me cynical? Nope.

How about the decline of the US dollar, which didn't start til about 1980?

Really? No one is doing anything? Not one single person on this planet is doing anything?
Really everyone is greedy?

Those in power are greedy, and therefore don't stoptheir practices.

my point is it's going to take more than a few bible verses and helping old ladies acreoss the street.

If not death or sterilization of a massive scale, then a radical change in both our social power structure, and the way we as everyday people live our lives.

Otherwise, the future's not going to be much fun for anyone.

But please feel free to keep your heads buried in the sand.
Do me a favor Name for me the Problems:
Nuclear weapons
Being shallow paraites
Shallow pointless Culture
Ocean of Blood
Major Corporations

etc etc

Then list for me an ideal world.
How so?

Simply because you say it is?

It doesn't work like that.

IF ANYTHING I'd go after the major corporations which cause the most envirormental damage and financial inequality, but even they are the symprom, not the disease.

Oh? What about the overbearing fucked up governments that cause human suffering on a scale that dwarfs any corporation? Governments are far more dangerous than any corporation because they have the means to force their will on humanity. The bigger they are the more dangerous.
Do me a favor Name for me the Problems:
Nuclear weapons
Being shallow paraites
Shallow pointless Culture
Ocean of Blood
Major Corporations

etc etc

Then list for me an ideal world.

Ok. In hopes that this is a legitimate request for my perspective, and not some rhetorical exorcise on your part (which I’m starting to suspect, and that would be unfortunate), I will comply:

The root cause behind all of humanities and the world’s problems, (in my opinion) is first and foremost human overpopulation: followed closely by the pig-headed policies and practices of the true earthly powers, your huge corporations.

When I say all our problems, I mean everything from wars, starvation, environmental damage (some of it irreparable), extreme financial inequality, stuff like that. THOSE are the problems. Not having your favorite show cancelled, or whatever.

Now outside of some massive plague, that say kills off 90% of the human population, since we already ruled out mass murder or sterilization, the only humane solution would be a ZERO POPULATION GROWTH policy, similar to China’s. This means that couples are restricted to having a maximum of two children.

Of course, this would require a sacrifice of freedom for cultures such as ours, but it is the responsible, human solution. Might take longer, but it would be humane.

The second problem and solution will also most likely be disdained by most people in our culture, as it involves the regulation and modification of capitalism, a system we have held dear for quite some time.

Here we have not so much a model but a prediction: given to us by Marx:

First, it was God (the Catholic Church) who ruled

Then the kings took power from them

Then the nobles took power from them

Then the merchants took power from them

Supposedly, the common man is supposed to rise up and take power from the merchants at some point in the future.

I honestly don’t know if that will ever happen, as most of us have become rather shallow and complacent. What do we care about starving third world children, as long as we have McDonalds and American Idol?

So failing the glorious proletariat revolution that may never come, perhaps our capitalism need not be so lazier faire? Perhaps SOME regulations could be put in place to safeguard both the environment and the common man? Perhaps someone SHOULD stop Joe Motherfucker Texas Oil Billionaire when he wants to drill for oil in Alaskan State parks or whatever?

These of course our not my IDEAL solutions. The ideal would be about 10% of the current human population living in harmony with the natural balance of the world in some neo-pagan utopia.

But I’m enough of a realist to know that will never happen. We cannot revert.

So yeah, a little social responsibility. A little common sense in lieu of our precious freedoms. Regulating our population and our practices, that’s my workable solution.

It’s not perfect, but it’s something.
Don't worry Pickle (or Dork / Jeff, whatever the fuck you want to be called this week). I'm sure God Almighty will realize all your solutions are 100% workable, and contact you soon with a cock-ring sized halo and a cloud all of your own.

As soon as he's through taking his (or her) morning dump, of course.
Where did I say that?

Do you know that wolves, a supposedly "lesser" species control their own population in response to the ability of their envirorment?

They instictivly know what our "superior" intelligence makes us blind to.

But yeah, my pointing this out makes me HITLER.

Go figure.
Don't worry Pickle (or Dork / Jeff, whatever the fuck you want to be called this week). I'm sure God Almighty will realize all your solutions are 100% workable, and contact you soon with a cock-ring sized halo and a cloud all of your own.

As soon as he's through taking his (or her) morning dump, of course.

I'd say waiting around for "God" to fix everything is what got people into this mess in the first place ;)
Where did I say that?

Do you know that wolves, a supposedly "lesser" species control their own population in response to the ability of their envirorment?

They instictivly know what our "superior" intelligence makes us blind to.

But yeah, my pointing this out makes me HITLER.

Go figure.

It's called eugenics, and it IS one of the planks of National Socialism. Those are the facts.
And how do you think those happen? Look up the definitions of Fascism and Corporatism and tell me if you don't think that's the road we're going on.

You know all those jobs they took away from US citizens when they outsourced to third world countries?

Most of the people doing thos jobs still live at a level of poverty below that of a homeless person here.

That's the road we're going on.
You know all those jobs they took away from US citizens when they outsourced to third world countries?

Most of the people doing thos jobs still live at a level of poverty below that of a homeless person here.

That's the road we're going on.

You'll get no argument from me. But what contributed to that?? A draconian regulatory system, and excessive taxation. These things made the US a difficult business climate. If we had controlled the urge to regulate and tax everything that moved, we could have prevented much of that. Get rid of the income tax, go to a consumption tax, and get rid of the excessive regulations and those jobs will return.
You want to regulate how many children people have? Which I'm not saying is a bad thing-I wish we could do this-but we can't. (not yet anyway)
It's called eugenics, and it IS one of the planks of National Socialism. Those are the facts.

Eugenics is "the study of, or belief in, the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)."

Where did I mention anything of traits, desireble or otherwise?

I'm talking about sheer numbers here. There's simply too many people. That's nothing new, either. People have been saying this for a long time.

If you want to stick to the "facts", don't resort to cheap rhetorical tacticts like Godwin's Law ;)
