Dark Pickle
Fucked Off
If they know, then why is NO ONE DOING ANYTHING?
Greed? Shortsidedness? How then does one combat such forces?
Greed? Shortsidedness? How then does one combat such forces?
I do try to fight that Mirah, the only way I know how. With my writing, music, etc.
I'm trying to fight them now by sharing my veiws here.
If you truly doubt what I'm saying, take a Sociology class. That only validated my cynicism.
Or do you not consider educating people who aren't even aware there's a problem "doing something"?
I respect your beliefs, or try to.
If they know, then why is NO ONE DOING ANYTHING?
Greed? Shortsidedness? How then does one combat such forces?
I've taken many Sociology classes in college and I still don't feel the need for cynicism.
Sure I was depressed to learn in my Sociology of Aging class that the human body's functionality declines by 1% every year starting at age 25 but does that make me cynical? Nope.
Really? No one is doing anything? Not one single person on this planet is doing anything?
Really everyone is greedy?
How so?
Simply because you say it is?
It doesn't work like that.
How about the decline of the US dollar, which didn't start til about 1980?
IF ANYTHING I'd go after the major corporations which cause the most envirormental damage and financial inequality, but even they are the symprom, not the disease.
How about the decline of the US dollar, which didn't start til about 1980?
How absurdly naive. Ever hear of a Political Action Committee?
Do me a favor Name for me the Problems:
Nuclear weapons
Being shallow paraites
Shallow pointless Culture
Ocean of Blood
Major Corporations
etc etc
Then list for me an ideal world.
Don't worry Pickle (or Dork / Jeff, whatever the fuck you want to be called this week). I'm sure God Almighty will realize all your solutions are 100% workable, and contact you soon with a cock-ring sized halo and a cloud all of your own.
As soon as he's through taking his (or her) morning dump, of course.
Where did I say that?
Do you know that wolves, a supposedly "lesser" species control their own population in response to the ability of their envirorment?
They instictivly know what our "superior" intelligence makes us blind to.
But yeah, my pointing this out makes me HITLER.
Go figure.
And how do you think those happen? Look up the definitions of Fascism and Corporatism and tell me if you don't think that's the road we're going on.
You know all those jobs they took away from US citizens when they outsourced to third world countries?
Most of the people doing thos jobs still live at a level of poverty below that of a homeless person here.
That's the road we're going on.
It's called eugenics, and it IS one of the planks of National Socialism. Those are the facts.
Eugenics is "the study of, or belief in, the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)."