RIP Karl 1991-2014
CNN's exit polling on Prop 8 may help to explain what happened. The Latino vote, comprising 18% of the total, went 53% in favor. This was possibly because of Latin American society's conservatism and generally strong Catholic faith. The Asian vote, 8% of the total, went 51% percent against, I would theorize because California's Asian population has been conjoined with the homosexual population of San Francisco since the 1960s. The overall white vote (63% of the total) was 51% against, though white men went 51% for. Finally, the African American voting population (10% of the total) went 70% for Prop 8, the largest deviancy of any group on CNN's exit polls. Many analysts have explained it by claiming that African Americans are more religious or homophobic, but even without 70% going for Prop 8, the measure still would have passed.¹