Cacophony said:
Laker Girl, you've totally changed my life's perspective.
Look at me not givin' a shit, woooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I'm 34 I totally want to be just like you! That's it! Screw this making the world a better place bullshit, your life is like, totally much better than what I have planned!
Oh. My. God. You're one of them. The very, very first thing you need to know about Laker_Girl is that I absolutely, positively don't give a flying fuck about anything but me and mine. It's real, it's Republican, it's who I am.
Go hug a tree.
I mean, gawd, who needs to get married and have a family?
I have absolutely no
need to get married and raise a family...I already raise my niece and nephew, who by the way are both on honor roll, big ups to them, W00t! And I'll get married when I find the perfect man for me such as my boyfriend. If we get married soon, great, if it takes a few more years I'm cool with that. Having a husband won't "complete me", I'm complete just the way I am.
Who needs to have a full time job trying to help people??
Not me, that's for fuckin' sure.
I can just like, tell people how hot I am online and watch the drool over me! LOL that's the life!
Me being hot is a fact, there's nothing I can do about. Why so bitter? Are you unattractive? Poor thing.
Yes, I'm young. 18, as a matter of fact. And yes, I'm trolling around the internet, just like you are. But the main difference between us is that I have an expected amount of free time to blow between classes. I have no expected obligations. However, when I'm 34, I don't plan to use the internet for anything other than checking the weather and my email. I plan to have a family, a job. I plan to be a contributing member to society.
If only I could find my brownie badges.
You don't even know if you're going to be 34, you could get cancer or hit by a bus so those are just hopes and dreams of a very young person. Your goals and dreams change as you get older, just remember I said it and chuckle when you find out I was right.
And honey, I don't ever feel the need to show pictures of myself.
Want to make sure the personality is what they're after huh?
It doesn't mean I'm insecure about myself, it means that I'm not a conceited attention whore.
No one believes you're as hot as you say you are unless you post your picture and since I'm purdy I've got no problem posting my picture, I've done it many times here. I'm not conceited Sweetie, I'm beautiful, never doubted it, never will.
As for being an attention whore? It's not whoring, learn that, I command attention because I know I deserve it. It's
YOUR choice to give it to me or not. If I disgust you, walk away, it's that simple.