Troll Kingdom

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I think the board is busted to the extent that, if you ever log out, you may not be able to log back in again. I logged out of the board from a diferent computer, and it left me in a state of limbo -- I was logged out but not really, and unable to do anything about it.

So if you are logged in, STAY THAT WAY.

I have to transfer the board to a new phpBB3 install when I have the time.
I may not visit rEFCL nearly as much as I should, but this news of it being down makes me sad :(

YES except I hate everyone at Trek who doesn't remember us because they are snotty and clique-ish lol.

They think anyone from the old days who still doesn't make 100 posts a day now are OMG TROLLS AIEEEEEE.
There's literally people posting at TrekBBS who weren't even born when the original EFCL was founded, probably.
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND t.topic_moved_id = 0 AND t.topic_approved = 1 AND t.forum_id NO' at line 4 [1064]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster:
I post there every month or so, which is still more than I post at lonaf, or anyone else posts at lonaf.
New wrinkle: MY LAPTOP DIED.

Of course, this laptop was the only place I could stay logged on to the board, so now I have to figure out another way to get in, and do any fixes from anotehr machine. (Yes I can access the cPanel of my host from anywhere, etc etc, but right now I can't log into the board itself)

But right now my first priority is to freak out over everything else on the hard drive of that laptop that I've potentially lost, and try to recover the data, as well as buying a new laptop. FUCK.