Troll Kingdom

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Rhea and Veganmom vs. Cait

*Shrug* I don't know whats up with them - I'll agree Cait isn't always diplomatic - heck, can any one be? - but she's got every right to criticise, state her opinion, etc.

I don't take it personally, and as far as I know no one on the staff does.
Y'know, I still don't understand why Rhea hasn't been slapped with a 1a violation yet. She's not being very excellent.

If I had made that post, I would be staring at a big fat warning right now.
niki blue said:
Y'know, I still don't understand why Rhea hasn't been slapped with a 1a violation yet. She's not being very excellent.

If I had made that post, I would be staring at a big fat warning right now.

She's on the "A" list. ;) LOL

That was pretty fucked up with Rhea and Veganmom ganging up on Cait like that. They not only derailed the thread, but were personally attacking another member who had done nothing wrong. That's two violations of EI's own rules. And, it's the second time Cait's been worked over with no justification for it. Those folks need to freakin' apologise to you, Cait. I know hell will freeze over before that heppens. I'm sorry you had to face this. I hope you know I like you, and there are others who do there on EI as well.
Sorry Cait, I thought one hate thread full of piss and vinagar was enough to satisfy those EI folks but to attack you is just plain wrong and all telling of what those folks are really all about...:(

I see that vegantroll has received a warning and told to back off. However she has come back with another post to explain herself. lol

I agree that Rhea has crossed the line by making that thread in the first place. If I had made that post DAMN, all hell would have broken loose by now!!!!
Enkephalen said:
Projection? Displacement?

Friedrich Nietzsche:

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
— Beyond Good and Evil

Well, thank you Tyr Anasazi (who was on his way to becoming one of the most interesting scifi characters ever until RHW got the boot).
niki blue said:
I'm still waiting for Rhea's 1a violation. I'll be waiting a while, won't I?

I suspect you will.

In fact, I'm of the opinion that there are certain posters there being prompted to act as mouthpieces for certain staff members. I can't prove it...that would ultimately be impossible. But I strongly suspect it.
LOL, I think that'll never come. But it is an interesting precedent to set by letting it continue as long as it has. Next time I want to just rag on a member, their ideas, and their *tone* I'll cite this thread and do what *I* want.

You can't have it both ways. Either we get to rag on members we don't agree with, or "we need to be excellent" to each other. It'll be interesting to see where this all leads.

If it is ignored by the staff and let to continue, it opens the door to endless trolling and flaming. If they shut it down, well...... at this point that is shutting the barn door after the horses are out.
CoyoteUgly said:
In fact, I'm of the opinion that there are certain posters there being prompted to act as mouthpieces for certain staff members. I can't prove it...that would ultimately be impossible. But I strongly suspect it.

I suspect the same thing. Otherwise it there would be more staff involvement in it. *shrugs*
Caitriona said:
LOL, I think that'll never come. But it is an interesting precedent to set by letting it continue as long as it has. Next time I want to just rag on a member, their ideas, and their *tone* I'll cite this thread and do what *I* want.

You can't have it both ways. Either we get to rag on members we don't agree with, or "we need to be excellent" to each other. It'll be interesting to see where this all leads.

If it is ignored by the staff and let to continue, it opens the door to endless trolling and flaming. If they shut it down, well...... at this point that is shutting the barn door after the horses are out.

Well, see...actually it can be allowed to continue, because Shal has pointed out that staff warn at their own discretion. That's the fucking accountability on the part of the staff.
Shal said:
*Scrubs face tiredly* It's all being discussed, promise.

Good thing there is no cyber version of "tar & feathers" or by the time you all "discussed it" I'd be dead. ;)

You guys are opening the door to endless trolling and not by TK either. You let this kind of thing go without a comment, and there will be threads about Ogami, G, Delvo, even you Shal... we have a lot of "attitude" posters at EI.

You let this one go, and it won't stop. Trust me, I'll even begin one of my own to complain about whoever just plain ol pisses me off.

Go ahead, you discuss it now. We'll all hold our breath while you pose as Staff.
CoyoteUgly said:
Well, see...actually it can be allowed to continue, because Shal has pointed out that staff warn at their own discretion. That's the fucking accountability on the part of the staff.

You know how it pains me to say this.. I know you know.

But you were right about a LOT of things on EI.

There I've finally said it.
And CU, to the best of my knowledge she's not

I don't agree with Rhea about her thoughts on Cait, RobL and A Karas, but she is posting her her perception of the situation. And while I can admire her stance that she wont "say something behind some ones back", it really isn't helping things at all. It is engendering hard feelings and furthering feelings of a divide - but then again some people can only see a divide.

We can't demand or legislate that every one like each other but I sure wish that people would THINK before they post.

T-True / truthfull to the best of ones knowledge
H - honest to ones bleiefs, opinions, in short to ones self
I - Important
N - Necessary
K - Kind and I so much believe that one can disagree, hold very differeing opinions and points of view and still express them in a kind and respectful manner - without loosing one iota of firmness and passion for ones views.

People seem to have decided that being kind means being wimpy and that is so untrue.