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Star Trek 12 news/countdown thread

I'm watching Encounter at Farpoint on Blu-Ray right now and... honestly I might as well burn all my TNG DVDs becuase there's no way I'd watch TNG in anything other than HD from now on.


It all looks really good and everything you could hope it to be and The Inner Light still makes me cry like a big baby.
Here's some Brent Spiner news:
If only that happened for real when you saved a lot of pictures of one person (I'd have Jonathan Frakes in bed.)
Mr Polar Bear and Mr Sea Horsey are best fwends!

Meanwhile, TNG:TNL looks amazing, as expected. There are a few moments when you have to remind yourself that this isn't a brand new show. Unfortunately, with Encounter at Farpoint being the first episode you see, the rest of the time, the clunky dialogue, nonsensical characterisation (who the fuck puts someone who can be described with the term "hothead" in charge of the fucking weapons system of a flagship?!) and really rather dodgy acting remind you of that all by themselves.

Still, the other two episodes are much better, so I'm looking forward to seeing them. I'm not sure how many examples of the new effects were in EaF, which is a compliment in itself, but that one with the energy beam really does stand out like a sore thumb. If there were any others then they were very well done.
That's not CGI. I did read that there was a CG shot in the saucer separation (or "saucer separ", as Picard calls it) scene, but I reckon it was the rear shot of the ship where it's still in one piece. It looked like it might've been the same shot as the one I posted earlier that had the Klingon ship in it, only with that element removed.
Oh. Yeah, that's cool. I suppose I'm desensitised to that because I had a model kit of the ship as a kid which had decals for those name tags, so I knew what the blurry black bar on the tv version said.
Here's some stuff about Trek 12 AND TNG HD.

The first season Blu Ray set will be released on July 24th, and Amazon is selling it for about £52 so there's that. Here's what's on it:

The disc breakdown is as follows:

Disc One:
• Encounter at Farpoint
• The Naked Now
• Code of Honor

Special Features
• Episodic Promos
• Energized! Taking The Next Generation to the Next Level (HD)
• Star Trek: The Next Generation Archives: The Launch
o Introduction to the Series (1987)
o Promo #1
o Promo #2
o Promo #3
o Season One Promo

Disc Two:
• The Last Outpost
• Where No One Has Gone Before
• Lonely Among Us
• Justice
• The Battle

Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Three:
• Hide and Q
• Haven
• The Big Goodbye
• Datalore
• Angel One

Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Four:
• 11001001
• Too Short a Season
• When the Bough Breaks
• Home Soil
• Coming of Age

Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Five:
• Heart of Glory
• The Arsenal of Freedom
• Symbiosis
• Skin of Evil
• We’ll Always Have Paris

Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Six:
• Conspiracy
• The Neutral Zone

Special Features
• Episodic Promos
• Stardate Revisited: The Origin of Star Trek: The Next Generation (HD)
o Part 1: Inception
o Part 2: Launch
o Part 3: The Continuing Mission
• Gag Reel
• Archival Mission Logs
o The Beginning
o Selected Crew Analysis
o The Making of a Legend
o Memorable Missions


1) Nimoy back old Spock Prime
2) Cumberbatch is playing Khan?!
3) Klingons are in it a lot.

I kind of wish they'd actually take the chance and either DO SOMETHING NEW HOW ABOUT THAT or if they're going to rehash TOS then why not do something good that was bad then.

Like a really good film version of Spock's Brain.
So, they're just going to run through the old Trek movies through the sifter of the "new timeline"?

Or will this be like Teen Khan, squeezing gorches while he plots world domination? OH SHIT IT'S TREK SMALLVILLE! :shock:
There's probably not much point putting this in spoiler tags since it's such big news that everyone will end up knowing whether they want to or not (but as always I appreciate the effort of someone putting a spoiler in tags).


They've been going through the old episodes in the comics, and did actually say that there were clues to the plot of 12 in there, but I thought they meant little details. Not the whole concept of rehashing a previous story. Ugh.

I just don't get the point. The only people who are going to get the reference are the same people who are least likely to want any rehashed stories!! Why not come up with something new?!!?
I think Rick Berman actually found the end of the universe, and there really are no more stories to tell, but the GOVERNMENT won't let Paramount share this information.

I really thought Cumberbatch was some mad scientist type from the first spoiler pic of Spock nerve pinching him and I was ONBOARD with that, but Khan? He can do the intellectual side, but he doesn't have a HUGE CHEST and even if he did it would never be as good as Star Trek 2. So yeah, not onboard.
Whats the odds they replicate space seed best they can, then at the end as the enterprise sails off stranding Khan on Ceti Alpha V, Spock Prime beams down, points a gun at Khan, and vaporises him, then says "That's for what you are going to do."