Troll Kingdom

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There are Times When You Have No Choice

eloisel said:
And they're coming to take you away ha haaa
They're coming to take you away ho ho hee hee ha haaa
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds
And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to take you away ha haaa

This is more like the Gay I know, silly and somewhat charming.
However, I already live in a "happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds" I don't weave baskets yet, but I was wondering what I was going to do with all the cedar bows I'm trimming off the trees
I'm cutting down for fence posts. Yes Gay I own my own chainsaw.

So I guess there is not point in "Them" coming to take me away, I'm already there.

I'm willing to admit that some of the things that have happened in the past few years has driven me pretty close to over the edge, but I know when to back off and regroup the Consortium, then I get back into the frey.

Diane is mad. As in crazy. As in certifiable, qualifies for the good drugs crazy. This is not a joke, or a troll. This is a very sad person having a serious melt down, going way over the edge.

I don't agree, I'm crazy as a fox, but I'm not mad. I'm angry for sure, at that board not letting me go after they kicked me out.
What could Keith possibly want with over 4 year old posts, full of empty picture tags, from someone they didn't have the guts to protect from their sick employee? It's not like he hasn't caused the demise of that board. Don't bother defending him Gay, you wouldn't be here or at EI if there was still life left on that board.

Maybe that's the answer, the only life left on that board is my old posts. You yourself said you liked to revisit the glory days of the board. DQOS was the glory days of that board. I'm the one who turned the Fun Vote into the media event, not QT, got Keith all hot and bothered not only over the flirt thread but trapping him in the food fight was pure genius. I got his attention didn't I.

What about the poetry contest? Express your Love for KHC" I just found my print outs of that thread, no way I'm posting it for a board full of the Ogre's sycophants. Then there where the birthday Calendars. I was executive producer of the first 3, after the members didn't have the manners to thank me I said fuck it. Okay that Mr. Cobb doesn't know how to say thank you, but I made those calendars a reality, they arrived on time and I made sure they arrived, at my expense.
I am going to be hosting this years calendar on my web site, but I doubt that the Ogre will allow a link to it. Don't blame me.

Yes I'm certifiable, Gordon said so too, " in a good way."

Whoops almost forgot.

Only designer tin foil hats for me if you please.
So, how does this teddy bear possession thing work? Is it a talent, or can anyone learn how?

I wanna scare the hell out of some kids.
beergoggles said:
I don't really understand what this thread is all about. Can someone summarize it for me. You are some long winded fuckers on this board.

I am trying to have my post removed, all 3,000 plus from the KHCMB as well as the thread masked where the troll moderator slandered me to cover over the fact that he's a moron.

I am overwritting animated gifs and jpg that where linked into the post that they refuse to delete.
I did the nice guy thing, with snail mails and polite emails, it didn't work.
I call what I'm doing garilla war fare, internet style. That stupid Ogre never knows when I'm going to strike or when I'll strike next.

I have the upper hand as long as my posts remain on that board.
If you have your signatures turned off, here is the link to my web page.

Keith Cobbs' Ogre Revealed

Whoops that reminds me, I've been so busy out at parties and yacking on the phone, I forgot to update the new overwrite. Silly me.
Tom Sawyer said:
KHC possessed your teddy bear? Shit, I wish I could get Angelina Jolie to possess my teddy bear.

I do like you Tom, so far, at least your not pretending to be a friend screaming and pointing fingers at me like your nuts.

Let me try to explain.
He never did possess my teddy Pooh bear dolly. But that's an excellent thought to dwell on.
When Keith turned his back on me and let his mod kick one of his favorite board wives off the board, I banished him from my life, the telepathic entity that had been rocking my world since April of 02. He was quite happy to leave I was quite happy to have him gone. There was a short transitional period because we where bonded to deal with, but I was well on my way to being a happily unmarried woman again.

I tossed anything that reminded me of him into the attic, included the Pooh bear dolly and replaced it with a salamander to keep my long time bear, Lazy Larry company. I am child like in many ways, but it's part of my charm. The Salamander was up on a cushion runner along the side of the bed when I went to sleep, I found it buried under my covers that had been torn off the bed, except for one, that I woke shivering under.

I'm not a restless sleeper, I pretty much stay put, but we also practiced climbing into each other's bodies, that is where the poem at my web site comes from, "Duel Dwelling Souls"

What I"m trying to say, is that he did not posses my toy he possessed my body when I was in deep sleep and got naughty because he missed me after a while.

BTW the only thing that bears any resemblance to anything that is Keith is a Pooh bear drinking glass that I like the size of. Everything else KHC is up on a shelf in the attic. Some is up in the ether, cause it hit the fire.
Tom Sawyer said:
So, how does this teddy bear possession thing work? Is it a talent, or can anyone learn how?

I wanna scare the hell out of some kids.

Whoops, almost missed your question.

I'm not sure, I read in a book by Dan Milman, "The Life you Were Born To Live" that it has to do with your extensive numerology, that some folks got it, some folks don't.

For me it was an experiment that worked. Pooky says we are more evolved than other folks, I don't necessarily agree with him, I believe it's a latent talent that if you work on it you will achieve some success.

Pooky did scare the hell out of Dana, that delinquent that was courting me and made the mistake of calling him out!

So go for it! If it doesn't work you can always try vantriliquism.
Diane, sorry to disappoint you. True, the KHCMB has declined in active membership, and I do miss the old days when there were nearly a hundred of us posting daily and having a good time. Not everyone moved on because of your being kicked off the board and the subsequent backlash. Being the messiah and all, it will be hard for you to understand that you are not a factor in most people's lives. One of our members lost her husband and she had to move into an assisted living facility. Some of had computer problems and no money to replace their home computers. Some have lost jobs and their computer access. Some have moved on because Andromeda and Y&R are defunct projects where KHC is concerned. Some have moved on because that is the nature of message boards. However, we are far from dead and we don't sit around reading threads you posted in more than two years ago whining about poor Diane who acted a fool and wouldn't learn from her mistakes. We are still a community. We've missed you but we've moved on without you.
eloisel said:
We are still a community. We've missed you but we've moved on without you.

I had no doubt that you move on without me, and I for one have no wish to return to the board as long as that pathetic shell shocked Ogre is still there.

It had nothing to do with me not learning my lessons, it had to do with being tag teamed by trolls. I remember you didn't particularly care for C. telling you to shut up in General where it's suppose to be an open concept where all are invited to express their views.

Yeah I lost it when she locked my thread without asking me to edit it, (against board policy) then reprimanded me for posting a reply to Nep. I was never rude to her, I was never rude to Osiris either. I told it like it was, and that's when they banned me, for speaking the truth about O's inappropriate hateful emails.

Remember the Buddhist 101 thread where O. derailed it because he erroneously thought I asking for volunteers to take out the Vatican using violence? I saved his ass in that thread when others questioned his need to derail it. I defending him. He was looking for any excuse to sanction me, I knew it, but tried to avert another flare up. I did. Go track it down, it's in the general venue. See for yourself.

We can use the Brazilian Rose and Keith's post saying that defying authority on his board is okay, as the scapegoat. There is a lot of animosity between Osiris and Keith over that. I have an email where O. stated he wanted to leave the board and Keith's "luggage" behind, from that time. I understood O.'s anger, but it's Keith's board and he is the employee, if he did not like the working conditions, he's not tied to that board.

As you say, my posts are no big deal, they are full of little red X's because I cleared out my photo hosts for better work, then what's the problem with having them deleted? It's just another way to hold on to the past. I'm not holding on, why are they?

It won't do them any good in a court case against me if they think they can use them as proof that I stalked Keith. It's a message board of a sex symbol, every single posting member is stalking Keith, except for Kimmer. Your there because he's your type of guy, right?

I didn't need to stalk Keith on his board, he knows where to find me, he has my phone number, he replies in his "romantic from hell" ways and I truly enjoy his uniqueness. Your normal flowers and candy courtship is a big snooze compared to ours, and I for one intend to extend it until he's out of his middle age crazies and his hair has turned gray.

One of the things Pooky said about O. is that it's good to have a common enemy, it brought us closer together.
D.Rabbit said:
Hi all you Trolls and Trollettes out there.
I'm here to point out I've updated my signature.

It's an interesting way to take care of a problem that will not go away.

It's not me trying to hold on the the board I was permabanned from, it's the problem of the board holding on to my posts that I want removed.

I am the victim, not the dastardly flaming maniac that I was painted to be.

I have written for the past week, email after email to the web site, yet I still am receiving the same disrespect and dismissive attitude that caused me to flame the moderator in the first place.

I thought I'd start my self preservation of my good name here.

BTW this is not revenge, though it is rather sweet. This is WAR!

Hi there. Fancy a poached egg?
Is it scary because what happened to me might happen to you, or the other business? The other business use to scare me off the web regularly. Being stalked in this truly unique way by having any questions I asked on Gordon's board, being answered in spam, was pretty freaky!
I pretty much delete all spam unless it has quotes in it, since I find them very odd quotes with ideas to play with in my quote thread.

The telepathic business, it's not just Pooky who visits, I had to chase my girlfriend's husband off this week. I don't cavort with married men even if they are tall handsome gods. I suspect he over heard me relaying my anti gravity chamber, gift to Pooky, the other day, and he wanted to play too.

When 3eyes and I where discussing what was going on, she said it may not be Keith, but one of the spirits that attend him. I find it hard to believe that they are web savvy and that they can type.

There are coincidence and random occurrences ROs in every day life, most of us just chalk them up as interesting, and move on. When they start to become overwhelming one can't continue to ignore them. I have mental file cabinets full to over flowing, since early 02. It's only circumstantial evidence, and I treat it as such.

Here's another one, just for fun. I was trying to find out which deity is depicted on Keith's belt buckle on the FAQ page. (It's Pan BTW) I came across a site where the artist had produced a picture that reminded me of one of our astral plane adventures. (Sorry no link, it's been taken down) It was called "Love." and I used it to make this gif.

There was a place to leave comments, so I did, twice. First I thanked the artist for his work, and mentioned that the spirits reminded me of dragons. As well as leaving him a link to my animation in my second post. This amazing find I reported on one of the boards I frequent or it was in my art gallery on Keith's board, can't remember exactly.

Right under my first post on the artist's page, was an anonymous post, they said the spirits reminded them of seahorses.
That was just before Keith launched his flash opening to his web site. Guess what he is wearing on his shirt in the first picture?
Just another freaky RO for the file cabinet? Sure it was.

In the astral plane adventures, there is nothing to fear unless you go looking for trouble. We are both body and mind. You may not believe in the after life, but our spirits sans personality do continue IMHO. So what's to stop us from returning to the plane while we still inhabit bodies? Only lack of knowledge of how to do it.

Why thank you Gagh, perhaps a little later on rye toast with OJ please.
O kay, I'll shut up, for a while, how about reading what many of the KHCMB members had to say about the board and it's moderator?

Before I shut up, I am mentioned twice in this thread.

I'm tired

Once because I have a GOOBLF (get out of banland free) card, (which I won't use unless the mod eats crow or exits)

The second time, is in Captain Sherry's post #44.
She is right, I did post quite a bit, but I was most upset when O. told her to stop posting as much as she was on the board. Sherry sent me his email, I have it saved.
Sherry and I are very close still, and for me the sun and moon rise around her. It was a very sad day for me when she left that board. The same with 3eyes, Lea, Isis, Tyka.

I am not a GOTSLAP btw, I always avoided those members, more apt I'm a GOTSLAPEE!
I have never understood the allure of Hollywood and the so-called "stars". They are usually egocentric people, over paid for what they do, and if they weren't actors you probably wouldn't want them as a friend to begin with. Just because they are on t.v. or in movies, or theater, people grovel, and snivel and waste their lives obsessing over these "thespians". People, you are falling for the role actors play, not for who and what they are in real life.
I love actors. Sure, they are never going to be the person I'd like for them to be. Actually, that is what makes them perfect for me. If I had Mr. Perfect, he'd bore me in about 5 minutes.
Where I live, it is and has been a playground for the rich and famous. I am always surprised when seeing some actor how short they are. Some of them have such humongous heads -- no not just ego swelling but big heads. Must make for better close ups.
I like this recent turn in the conversation, much better peeps.

I do have a very firm grip on reality, I'm a Goddess, I hardly thing the average person can comprehend where I'm coming from, but I'm willing to share what I can. Just because some can't fathom my insights, does not make them unreal.

It was never my intention to get involved with KHC after his image started haunt my dreams and I tracked him down on the web. He was suppose to be unobtainable, so I flirted, and did what I knew would get his attention, because I'm a flirty sexy intellectual.

I've dated plenty of actors, Nick Nolte was a dear heart. He took me to an opening of an after hours club. He had to fly back to Hollywood the next day so he asked me if I wanted to have sex? I said, not particularly, he said we could say we did even if we didn't and that was just fine with me.

Mike Ironside is another actor on my list. We never did it either. We came close. He was about 80 pounds overweight at the time and had no thought of becoming an actor. After he shed all the weight and had done Scanners, I kept running into him at the wrap parties in Toronto, I loved it when he would sidle up to me and ask me if I still wanted him?

The spokesman for NBC was a real work of art. I walk out on him.

Then there was Jeff Wincott, the marshal arts film star and Red Green/Steve Smith. They where both great dancers, at least they could keep up with me, but it stopped there.

I do prefer actors to musicians. I could drop enough names to choke a Hoover in that genre, but that's not the topic, is it?

I find actors for the most part, are over grown children and delightful to play around with. My older brother acts and produces plays constantly in Whitehorse. My mothers folks where in Vaudeville, and I worked back stage in professional theater in my teens and twenties. I don't act myself, I only act up. I did do a couple of underground films, one is famous in France, but the silly director/editor/camera man/writer/lover thought my name was Diane Green?

Pooky is not an overgrown child however, at one time he had the tendency to take things way to seriously, he's lightened up a lot, hanging with Gordon, would lighten anyone up! Now I fear, he's my beefy gamesmen.

Oh what a wild and wonderful web we can weave when we weave it on the web.