Posted by Utahraptor on 03 January 19100 at 09
In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 31 December 1999 at 17
Mom's house? Boy are you ever off. Shoulda stuck wiht Doof's Jar Ajr. It was a real insult. Though I guess if you think Yutz is right, then use it. No one to blame but yourself for skipping Putz. But hey, when you have morons controlling you, we expect that. I heard of being yerked, but never jerked. But of course, Wooden Head seems to affect you as much as Yutz effects me. So I guess Yutz is a insult in your "sad, lonely, oepidal little world" as you so stupidly put it. Course, I neevr siad I was the smartest. I said I;m smarter than the moronicateers. Who all agree to ebt he superior beings around hrre. Course, none of them have yet to master learning patterns yet. And still you insist your part of the 4% of geniuses. Yet the top 2% is the menza people. So somebody sure couldn't cut it with the big boys. No wonder Wooden Head likes to make himself up so big. At least Doof and SImpleton encourage him. Though wiht their constant persecution fo me, they only make others believe I'm right, and that they agree whole heartedly. But that's the real problem. A bunch of morons convinced being wrong makes them idiots. And I proved them wrong. Hence the overwhelmign stupidity. Like thinking calling me names is a good way to hurt me. OUCH! 3rd grade metality gets you butkis. And allt he while, our poor little puppet laments about all the stupid people constantly houndign him, and all the horrid jokes the universe loves playing on him. Ladies and Gentlemen, realities perrenial Arthur Dent. Well, you make your own troubles. But don't worry, one day you'll be free, and be able to semi think again. As of now, we can all laugh at your stupidty and inferiority complex. So, by words alone, Mestopheles beta em up? Hmmm. S cientifically impossible. Especially when she needed to chaneg identities,a nd call in ehr firend sto fight ehr battles. Yet I still posted unde roen name, and never asked for help. Got some, but never requested such. And since everybody gave up on trying to "beat me up", and let their friends try, I actually "Beta them up". Or the word equivalent thereof. But hey, if you really wnat to find shame in being beta up by a girl, well, no wonder you're sexually frustrated. Womanizing sexists who take pics of 13 year old flashers aren't the cat's pajamas to females. Maybe for gremlins, but who knows. Little idiot creatures who live at night. Go fig. And what an idiot Wooden Head became. He corrects me on the imposibility of having a negative infinity IQ, though seems to think aomebas have brains, and humans cna actually rent a brain. Oooh. Genius tlaking. Sorrry ALbetr Einstein beta you as man of the century. perhaps is you used this supposed, non existant gray matter of yours, you would have doens oemhting. Hiding awya writing books that cna't be published, and even when you try it yuorself don't ever see the light of day, gets you no genius recognition. Poor, poor Arty. I'm sure tons of people would love to know how useless a computer degree is. Where is your degree? Can't seem to fidn it or your masters, oh superior one. Perhaps you cna make an MPG of Doof smashing it in his usual mindless fits of frustrtaion in trying even the simplest of tasks (the secret is to bang those stones together, monkey man.)
Thouhg by far, the stupidest thing Woody eevr did was how he tried to show off his superior intellect. Seeing that humans were stupid (How'd he manage that? Help from Prometheus?) he decided to prove his own intelligence by doing eveyrhting backwards. Afetr all, he reasoned, if stupid people do this, than anyone seeing the opposite performed must be smart,a nd be erceived as such. So into the night our fav little idiot ran, foresaking the popularity of religion, smoking his lungs out, beliving in no aliens anywhere (A very small minority) and assuming the idenity of Grmelin, convinced people might be impressed by the willing use of a cute little "monster". A new Pokemon perhaps. But hey, at least he kenw Pinky's a mouse, but that's not his last name. Brain is a last anme, however, though I'm sure he msised the point. Elmer Thing does fit. Elmer Fudd he is. Here's a shocker for you, Woody: Clark Kent IS Superman. Ut oh, I confused him. Betetr not try to shatter his belief that Batman is the mask worn by Bruce Wayne. COurse, anybody who sees a site who's mainstay is a boardd for ranting only really doesn't have a clue on what amkes a sad little board. Perhaps this was another attempt at inuslting me? Seems all he can do si say Yutz is an idiot. Guess the latter makes Yutz more of an insult. Weirdo. The inability to think of anyhting nrw, original, or creative is shocking from the greatest genius enternity has ever known. alld ay long is you're an idiot, and somr variance thereof. Sure, it works in Des Mones, but here's a guy convinced he actually needs to use more big words on me tos crae me off. Sure. Afetrlal, all other uses only got him What from me. Surely now I'll go crying for help. Unitelligent, uninsiteful, unerudite responses do not cause such things. Then again, people lrave when he calls them an idiot just to escape the ever growing stupidity. And then there's all the e-mails peopels end him wondeirng why I'm so stupid. And the proof is where? In faked addies being created, of course. Every wrong person says how much e-mail they egt praising them, yet never seem to have any, be it for proof, or voting for them, or even being acknowledge. But, hey, living in a fnatasy world is fien for thsie whoc na'tt ell fnaatsy from relaity. And Wooden Head's reply to this, is just going to confirm it. Still too stupid to figure it out. So easy, and yet imposisble for him or his masters to gather. Well,a t leats he's trying. Making sure I can always post here, while his "friends" slowly disapear, and even slowing down posts here to trick them into leaving, work nicely. At leats we found out Simpleton's problem. Lack of an eductaion. God, does that ever explain everything. And ocne gone, we cna all go abck tot he joys of peopel positng who can detect patterns. And who might figure out an insult when they use one. Maybe Sunshine and her manly hands can e-mail thme the definition of insult. Too much time spent memorizing big words. Not enough memorizing their mranings. How sad. A sis claiming I've been banned, disappeared, and yet still expecting my return. Well, get less boring, and you won't have to cover lal the bases. NEver did figure thta out. Trying to getrid of me, and leaving no fun for yourselves. But no one ever accused the moronicateers of being smart. The worng year for a millennium, yes. Them being smart, no. hence why our resident geniuses haven't cured paralysis, created an internet thay can move fast without phone lines, and cure dieases. Or at least figure out what is and isn't an insult. Yup, we're in the presence of greatness here. Really self absorbed, cnceited, selfish greatness, but greatness none the elss. Perhaps next puppet boy cna learn what soemone who is fille dof slef loathing is like. Chekc your messages. You clealry suffer delusions of grandior, and hate yourself, and your life. IS it any wodner you needed to create Transvesite Barney just to get a date. Apparently the rubber women all sprung leaks voluntarily. Can;t say thta I balme them. Moronicateers defnitely have big peniuses. Just the thing to ruin a girls good time. One look, and way they go.
Well, tiem to leave you all to read our hapless idjits attempts at dealing with me, and making sure to do it wrong. So simple, really. Be. . . .
Posted by Utahraptor on 03 January 19100 at 09

In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 31 December 1999 at 17

Mom's house? Boy are you ever off. Shoulda stuck wiht Doof's Jar Ajr. It was a real insult. Though I guess if you think Yutz is right, then use it. No one to blame but yourself for skipping Putz. But hey, when you have morons controlling you, we expect that. I heard of being yerked, but never jerked. But of course, Wooden Head seems to affect you as much as Yutz effects me. So I guess Yutz is a insult in your "sad, lonely, oepidal little world" as you so stupidly put it. Course, I neevr siad I was the smartest. I said I;m smarter than the moronicateers. Who all agree to ebt he superior beings around hrre. Course, none of them have yet to master learning patterns yet. And still you insist your part of the 4% of geniuses. Yet the top 2% is the menza people. So somebody sure couldn't cut it with the big boys. No wonder Wooden Head likes to make himself up so big. At least Doof and SImpleton encourage him. Though wiht their constant persecution fo me, they only make others believe I'm right, and that they agree whole heartedly. But that's the real problem. A bunch of morons convinced being wrong makes them idiots. And I proved them wrong. Hence the overwhelmign stupidity. Like thinking calling me names is a good way to hurt me. OUCH! 3rd grade metality gets you butkis. And allt he while, our poor little puppet laments about all the stupid people constantly houndign him, and all the horrid jokes the universe loves playing on him. Ladies and Gentlemen, realities perrenial Arthur Dent. Well, you make your own troubles. But don't worry, one day you'll be free, and be able to semi think again. As of now, we can all laugh at your stupidty and inferiority complex. So, by words alone, Mestopheles beta em up? Hmmm. S cientifically impossible. Especially when she needed to chaneg identities,a nd call in ehr firend sto fight ehr battles. Yet I still posted unde roen name, and never asked for help. Got some, but never requested such. And since everybody gave up on trying to "beat me up", and let their friends try, I actually "Beta them up". Or the word equivalent thereof. But hey, if you really wnat to find shame in being beta up by a girl, well, no wonder you're sexually frustrated. Womanizing sexists who take pics of 13 year old flashers aren't the cat's pajamas to females. Maybe for gremlins, but who knows. Little idiot creatures who live at night. Go fig. And what an idiot Wooden Head became. He corrects me on the imposibility of having a negative infinity IQ, though seems to think aomebas have brains, and humans cna actually rent a brain. Oooh. Genius tlaking. Sorrry ALbetr Einstein beta you as man of the century. perhaps is you used this supposed, non existant gray matter of yours, you would have doens oemhting. Hiding awya writing books that cna't be published, and even when you try it yuorself don't ever see the light of day, gets you no genius recognition. Poor, poor Arty. I'm sure tons of people would love to know how useless a computer degree is. Where is your degree? Can't seem to fidn it or your masters, oh superior one. Perhaps you cna make an MPG of Doof smashing it in his usual mindless fits of frustrtaion in trying even the simplest of tasks (the secret is to bang those stones together, monkey man.)
Thouhg by far, the stupidest thing Woody eevr did was how he tried to show off his superior intellect. Seeing that humans were stupid (How'd he manage that? Help from Prometheus?) he decided to prove his own intelligence by doing eveyrhting backwards. Afetr all, he reasoned, if stupid people do this, than anyone seeing the opposite performed must be smart,a nd be erceived as such. So into the night our fav little idiot ran, foresaking the popularity of religion, smoking his lungs out, beliving in no aliens anywhere (A very small minority) and assuming the idenity of Grmelin, convinced people might be impressed by the willing use of a cute little "monster". A new Pokemon perhaps. But hey, at least he kenw Pinky's a mouse, but that's not his last name. Brain is a last anme, however, though I'm sure he msised the point. Elmer Thing does fit. Elmer Fudd he is. Here's a shocker for you, Woody: Clark Kent IS Superman. Ut oh, I confused him. Betetr not try to shatter his belief that Batman is the mask worn by Bruce Wayne. COurse, anybody who sees a site who's mainstay is a boardd for ranting only really doesn't have a clue on what amkes a sad little board. Perhaps this was another attempt at inuslting me? Seems all he can do si say Yutz is an idiot. Guess the latter makes Yutz more of an insult. Weirdo. The inability to think of anyhting nrw, original, or creative is shocking from the greatest genius enternity has ever known. alld ay long is you're an idiot, and somr variance thereof. Sure, it works in Des Mones, but here's a guy convinced he actually needs to use more big words on me tos crae me off. Sure. Afetrlal, all other uses only got him What from me. Surely now I'll go crying for help. Unitelligent, uninsiteful, unerudite responses do not cause such things. Then again, people lrave when he calls them an idiot just to escape the ever growing stupidity. And then there's all the e-mails peopels end him wondeirng why I'm so stupid. And the proof is where? In faked addies being created, of course. Every wrong person says how much e-mail they egt praising them, yet never seem to have any, be it for proof, or voting for them, or even being acknowledge. But, hey, living in a fnatasy world is fien for thsie whoc na'tt ell fnaatsy from relaity. And Wooden Head's reply to this, is just going to confirm it. Still too stupid to figure it out. So easy, and yet imposisble for him or his masters to gather. Well,a t leats he's trying. Making sure I can always post here, while his "friends" slowly disapear, and even slowing down posts here to trick them into leaving, work nicely. At leats we found out Simpleton's problem. Lack of an eductaion. God, does that ever explain everything. And ocne gone, we cna all go abck tot he joys of peopel positng who can detect patterns. And who might figure out an insult when they use one. Maybe Sunshine and her manly hands can e-mail thme the definition of insult. Too much time spent memorizing big words. Not enough memorizing their mranings. How sad. A sis claiming I've been banned, disappeared, and yet still expecting my return. Well, get less boring, and you won't have to cover lal the bases. NEver did figure thta out. Trying to getrid of me, and leaving no fun for yourselves. But no one ever accused the moronicateers of being smart. The worng year for a millennium, yes. Them being smart, no. hence why our resident geniuses haven't cured paralysis, created an internet thay can move fast without phone lines, and cure dieases. Or at least figure out what is and isn't an insult. Yup, we're in the presence of greatness here. Really self absorbed, cnceited, selfish greatness, but greatness none the elss. Perhaps next puppet boy cna learn what soemone who is fille dof slef loathing is like. Chekc your messages. You clealry suffer delusions of grandior, and hate yourself, and your life. IS it any wodner you needed to create Transvesite Barney just to get a date. Apparently the rubber women all sprung leaks voluntarily. Can;t say thta I balme them. Moronicateers defnitely have big peniuses. Just the thing to ruin a girls good time. One look, and way they go.
Well, tiem to leave you all to read our hapless idjits attempts at dealing with me, and making sure to do it wrong. So simple, really. Be. . . .