Posted by Utahraptor on 15 June 1999 at 10:06
In Reply to: Re: Computer Users Deserve Viruses posted by Sunflash the Mace on 14 June 1999 at 09
: You have to be stoopid to open something in e-mail called worm.explore.zip
: -Sunflash
Don't msot people usually name the file what it is? So you knwo what you're getting. worm.explore.zip kinda means nothing. Soudn smore liek a program,a nd you must always virus check those. And sicne it's documents, how many can posisbly be sent, ro how big is it, to ahve to be zipped up? See , very clear and easy tog rok signs thta soemthing is a foot. But noooo. People have to ebso damn click happy and check everything out.

In Reply to: Re: Computer Users Deserve Viruses posted by Sunflash the Mace on 14 June 1999 at 09

: You have to be stoopid to open something in e-mail called worm.explore.zip
: -Sunflash
Don't msot people usually name the file what it is? So you knwo what you're getting. worm.explore.zip kinda means nothing. Soudn smore liek a program,a nd you must always virus check those. And sicne it's documents, how many can posisbly be sent, ro how big is it, to ahve to be zipped up? See , very clear and easy tog rok signs thta soemthing is a foot. But noooo. People have to ebso damn click happy and check everything out.