I am watching 13 cameras. Have you watched it? I should look in the thread to see if you've watched it. You probably haven't, I don't know why I asked. Maybe I should create my own thread, should I create my own thread? I can put it in the Badlands. Should I put it in the Badlands? I could call it, "Mirah reviews stuff she has watched on Netflix, only I won't be reveiwing it because that is not what I do" and that would be the whole thread title. Is that what I should call it? What should I call it? I won't be reveiwing anything I'll just be saying, "I'm watching 13 Cameras" and thats it. Nothing else. I won't be saying how I liked this actor, or hated that one, or how I think this actress is sleeping with that actress or how I think they are all doing blow, I'll just be watching, zoning out and watching. I won't be analyzing any plot lines or commenting on how this actor was better in that movie or how this director should have eaten a sandwhich first before he started directing. No, I won't be doing any of that. So maybe I shouldn't even make a thread, it wouldn't be very interesting, but then where do I post what I am watching? I am not sure how to do that. And then I am sure no one would comment on what I am watching because no one would comment on what I am watching because I only watch SHIT shows! I don't watch anything that is good! Everything I watch is shit! IN fact the shittier the better, I like watching SHITTY shows! Because it makes me feel better about myself! Just kidding, I got into a little rant there, not sure if you noticed I was just kidding about saying SHIT all the time, I don't really use that word, only when I am trying to mock someone who would use that word in that way.
I haven't even had any sugar, thats a lie, I had sugar in my tea at dinner.