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WF's "Violet Room"

Well, John has shown himself to be pretty incompetent. And prone to lie. So who knows? Maybe he is barking at shadows. Maybe Wordforge IS attracting new posters. But John just keeps banning them for being Castle. :/
Possibly. But more likely John is banning them for being Not-Left. Same thing he banned GTurner for. He banned you because, well, after GTurner, you were just... next. Ron Paul got banned for squawking about the previous two bullshit bans. WF is just taking off the mask, as I said it inevitably would a year and a half ago.

Chup is in here grousing as if it's somehow my fault, when my ban and then my own lock on that ban were just symptomatic. But Echo Chamber -itis is the actual disease, and he full well knows it.
I'm probably the only person who has never seen the Violet Room, except for the first day they opened it when it was on the main forums page. :D

I'm probably also the only person at WF who wasn't talking smack about the mods and owners for the past three days! :)
Well, yeah, on account of they fuckin' gagged ya so you couldn't have. I look in on that cesspit, ya know, I keep up. They're imploding like a dwarf star somebody threw a grenade into. And it's all under the weight of their own fragile egos and the attendant need for an online "safe space." The fuckin' pansies.
Well, even more amusingly, I didn't even talk smack about them in the few PM's I sent, other than that John was lying because I never got a single warning. That's one of the reasons I gave Federal Farmer my account password. There were no warnings in it.

In fact, it's pretty freakin' obvious I got no warnings or I'd have lit up some threads arguing about it, because I can't NOT argue a point.

I'm quite sure everyone knows that about me.

And of course the whole dungeon thing was complete BS as I was the only person there who couldn't even access it.

I'm guessing John was feeding Anna even more BS that I was stirring up trouble with PM's, which was also a lie. I sent my login to FF and El Chup so they could independently verify that I received no warnings and then that I couldn't even access the Violet Room, once FF told me how to find it.

I've never seen such a patently incompetent clusterfuck in my life.
You're free of that now. You're here, in the free and open air. Fuck 'em. It's fun to watch them self-destruct, from a distance; that's what I do. Other than that, you have a whole new space, here, open and free. Do what you do, we're free of that shit here. They have no power now. That's the fun of it. They think they've shut you out, but all they've done is let you off the leash.
Well, I was free there too until they went full control-freak, building basement dungeons - and then locking the intended victim out of the part of the house that connects to the dungeon.

Well, no matter how badly they may wish it, nothing they do is going to make Hillary win the election. They're not going to succeed in putting a bubble over Brooklyn and keeping the bad news out.

Oh, and for anyone wondering about the potential compromise of PM's, I had 19,000 comments, and only 36 PM's, all of which were things like "Nice thread! Keep it up!" and "I think I just got banned", to people like Tererun, Dinner, FF, etc.

There was absolutely nothing to compromise in them - because I use PM's for virtually nothing.

So that was yet more BS excuses. There's a definite pattern of that that everyone immediately discerned without the slightest help from me. I was the person least involved in what went on. Didn't see it coming. Couldn't do anything when it did. Didn't back talk the mods. Didn't say anything nasty to any other members.

They had a plan (a bad one), and executed it (badly).
And as you discovered, none of that could save you. Doesn't matter how respectful you are -- or aren't -- it only matters whether you're one of the Cool Kids, which nobody right of Mao would be there now. Don't sweat it.
At the rate they're banning people (and a whole lot of people escaped the mess because it's a holiday), there soon won't be much left. I might try sending them some new members from various blogs.
I tried sending them members from PLA, they banned 'em all. lmfao Meanwhile, they keep running everybody else off to form their Stepford WF of Only Leftists.
Well no wonder they never keep new members.

And they don't even send the wrong URL in their confirmation e-mails.
Well, you're good here. We've got an "Armchair" something-or-whatever for political discussion, and the Mine Field for... well, you'll see. You'll love it.
I see people keep raising silly questions backed with conspiracy theories.

For instance,

Tererun asks why I would have sent her a PM when I had problems accessing WF except via a proxy server.

Answer: Because she was up.

It was in the wee hours of the morning (a bit over a week ago as I recall) and only a couple people were online. John was of course online, and my guess was that he blocked my IP. Or maybe the board was just glitchy. That happened twice that week. It had never happened before, and it seems nobody else was affected.

I also warned her that sometimes the mods freak out and ban people. Of course she would be near the top of their list, depending on what kind of freak out they were having.

And after it didn't recur after the second episode (which was fairly short lived after I noticed it), I never gave it another thought. Just figured it was some late-night backup glitch.

Why did I contact El Chup? Because he was up (different time zone) and he is fair, impartial, and when necessary vocal about such things.
Eh, well, Turdrun isn't a 'her' for one thing.

Chup isn't impartial, for another. Chup is still desperately clinging to the "cool kids" clique, even though it would be patently obvious to anybody other than a drooling retard that he isn't a member of that clique anymore. Of course, since Chump *is* a drooling retard, it isn't obvious to him. So he continues to defend the same circle-jerk that ejected him. He's a mo-ran.
Check this week's threads, at least the ones that haven't been transferred to the Violet dungeon. He's not clinging at all. According to their polls, almost nobody supports the mods' actions and their are cries for new ownership, etc. I love arguing with El Chup, but he also doesn't tolerate high-handed abuse of members or BS excuses for it.
Mnnn, after a review: Fair enough. He's given some solid criticism of them. Doesn't explain his squawking here yesterday. Maybe it's cognitive dissonance on his part.
Mnnn, after a review: Fair enough. He's given some solid criticism of them. Doesn't explain his squawking here yesterday. Maybe it's cognitive dissonance on his part.
No, it's me viewing you as rather pathetic and easy to troll.

I challenge what I see as unfairness. I even called your ban unfair. Had you not been a complete idiot and immediately doxxed me you would have had me calling for your return, but you're a prat who thought he was smarter than everyone else....and no matter how you try and spin in, nearly two years of crying shows how desperate you are to be back there. Nobody believes your claims to the contrary. Plus, if I'm honest, there's was a certain sense of schadenfreude at watchjing your extended 18 month obsessive meltdown in progress.

I don't care for gturner's style of posting or much of his politics. But unlike you he hasn't been a complete dick in the way he responded to what they did, both the initial action against him and subsequent banning. It was not due to breaking the rules and was therefore, in my opinion, grossly unfair. I am not fan of Gul and one of the most amusing things about your irrational rants over the past 18 months or more is this delusion you have that there is some sort of special clique of which I am a member. I am in no clique. I don't side with people based on political leanings like most do there. I'm someone who makes up their mind on each and every situation individually, not based on whether or not I like a poster's personality or politics.

Oh, and spare us all that crap about your reputation being ruined. You revealed your identity, your pictures and linked to your work on open board, unlike me. What's more, unlike me you have no professional reputation. You're a man who calls himself a novelist who hasn't even managed to publish a novel. It's two years since you released one chapter, which you then withdrew. So basically you're arguing that you linking to your one chapter on WF somehow ruined your none existent professional reputation. Yeah, ok mate, we believe you. ;)