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What is the allure of marijuana?

Yeah, well I live in vermont Jenna, and Vemonrt is not only decrim, you can legally possess 1/2 ounce with a doctors note if you have glaucoma (like I do) or other nifty diseases like cancer or aids.
Blindgroping said:
Legal or illegal doesn't matter, it impares your cognitive functions and makes you a moron. Ways to get the effects with out the drugs,
Try some mental training and Discipline!

Fuck that, I'd rather get high.
Blindgroping said:
Legal or illegal doesn't matter, it impares your cognitive functions and makes you a moron. Ways to get the effects with out the drugs,
Try some mental training and Discipline!

as jack said, when he doesn't want to smoke it, he doesn't have to.

if you're not addicted to it, and you're responsible (ie. not while driving..) then where's the harm?
Blindgroping said:
Quick fixes over authenticity are the down fall of this country, or will be.

weed/alcohol - either way you should be responsible...

it's the hypocrisy of the law which is maddening. alcohol is a more damaging drug on the individual and on society - IMHO.
Blindgroping said:
Humans have to judge!
It's how we get through life.

Agreed. BUT, it's hard enough living your own life, much less worrying about what somebody else is doing, or holding somebody up to your criteria of a true and just, disciplined life.

Would you let a child rapist baby sit your daughter?
remember, it's best not to judge.

Of course not, but you're comparing sicko, fucked-up apples to half-baked, mellow oranges (that shouldn't operate heavy machinery).
Of course not, but you're comparing sicko, fucked-up apples to half-baked, mellow oranges (that shouldn't operate heavy machinery).

so it's safe to assume that you dissaprove of smoking while driving?

and to answer the original question, it's a recreational activity, meant to have fun with. something like cocaine or heroin are stronger drugs (with much more harmful effects), which are not in the same category as marijuana.
Heathen said:
so it's safe to assume that you dissaprove of smoking while driving?

In a perfect world, recreational chemicals would be confined to 'safe' environments. Does one really need to get behind the wheel to augment that?

At any rate, it's not a perfect world, so the point is moot.
Look out side, people are NOT responsible.
They do Not know thier limits.
They Do take things too far.
EVERYone thinks they are special.
And exempt from rules and statistics.
and finally;
People Do turn to drugs instead of dealing with the issues of thier lives!!

So there. Pot-heads.:biteme:
Cloudscum said:
the law is an ass...
Allow me to do this the easy way guys, A few words from the late, great prophet Bill Hicks should clear this up.


See I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don't think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all of your records,tapes and all your CD's and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs, man.

- Bill Hicks,

“Marijuana grows all over the world, serves a thousand different functions. ALL of them positive. To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a mistake. You know what I mean? It’s like God on the 7th day looked down on his creation, and he said, ‘There it is, my creation. Perfect and holy in all ways. Now I can rest... Oh my Me! I left fucking pot everywhere. I should never have smoked that joint on the third day, shit. Boy, if I leave pot everywhere, it’s gonna give people the impression they’re supposed to use it. Shit! Now I have to create Republicans.’”

-Bill Hicks,

My final point about alchohol, about drugs, about Pornography...What business is it of your's what I do, read, buy, see or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet? And for those of you having a little moral dilemna on how to answer this, I'll answer for you. NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS Take that to the bank, cash it and take it on a vacation outta my fucking life. And stop bringing shotguns to UFO sightings, they might be here to pick me up and take me with 'em.

-Bill Hicks,

They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Liiiie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.

-Bill Hicks,

Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural?

-Bill Hicks,
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Liiiie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.
Blindgroping said:
Legal or illegal doesn't matter, it impares your cognitive functions and makes you a moron. Ways to get the effects with out the drugs,
Try some mental training and Discipline!

Quite the contrary, I have several friends that are actually more cognitive and responsive when they're high. One, a video editor, doesn't work unless he's high. So your generalization doesn't fit every personality.

Personally, I try to smoke only on weekends, I tend to do my work better in the week. Like you say, responsibility and moderation.
Thanks for the quotes, Menty. BH is one of my mentor's.

About getting high, I started this thread because I got all buzzed on this new pot I got and waxed philosophic for a bit. What is the allure anyway?

Granted there is a "psychological addiction" component that really exists, it's just meaningless in terms of what addiction means by definition. That part of it can be insidious and distracting, but really isn't what mj is all about for me.

This sacrament, this GodGift is in many ways a blessing. BG I'm not sure what you're all venomous about, since my posting ability isn't affected by whether I'm high or not.

Take playing music live for example. I had a chance set by set, to actually decide how it worked playing, both in performance and in feedback. I have to say that there is nothing like performing a set of your favorite dance tunes while high. For me, it's so much better than any other conscious experience, it's that blissful. One of my favorite things to do is play recorded music when expanded, for a lot of reasons. Movies, for example, go to a LOT of trouble to simulate a scene for your mind to react to. Pot often makes RL that dramatic.

I won't deal with the "flipside" issues, unless that's what you've come to debate. Yes, pot did make me lethargic and wishywasy, it allowed me to procrastinate, and isolate myself. Yes, I was successful in self medicating myself to numbness using it. Yes it can be abused. I'm pretty sure that's what you mean. I've done all that shit with pot, and you're absolutely right. You can completely lay waste to your life using it if you want to.

I think Shel Silverstein (god, I fuckin' miss him) said it best about that aspect of marijuana:

I was sitting in my basement.
I just rolled myself a taste
Of something green and gold and glorious
To get me through the day.
Then my friend yelled through the transom
"Grab your coat and get your hat son,
There's a nut down on the corner,
Givin' dollar bills away"

But I laid around a bit
Then I had another hit.
Then I rolled myself a bauma.
Then I thought about my mama.
Then I fooled around, played around
jacked around a while and then

I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and it rolled right by.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned... oh me... oh my.

It took seven months of urgin'
Just to get that local virgin
With the sweet face
Up to my place
To fool around a bit.
Next day she woke up rosy,
And she snuggled up so cozy.
When she asked me how I liked it,
Lord it hurts me to admit,

I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and it rolled right by.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned... oh me... oh my.

I'm makin' no excuses
For the many things I uses
Just to sweeten up my relationships
And brighten up my day.
When my earthly race is over
And I'm ready for the clover
And they ask me how my life has been
I guess I'll have to say,

I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and it rolled right by.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned and I missed it.
I got stoned... oh me... oh my.

But that's not what I'm espousing here.

Marijuana is a very sweet gift from God.
Potheads are a blight...we should follow an example put forth by Heinlein and give all the druglosers and chronic criminals their own area of the US to do whatever they want.
I have been stoned virtually every day since 1987. I'm not sure if your asking what the allure is Jack because you don't smoke it, you know someone who does and dont' understand or you are just looking for various opinions on the drug.

I'll quickly tell you it's appeal: I did not end up an evil drunk like so many have. I do not dry heave in the morning or tremble, and my skin will never grow yellow. Statistically speaking the likelihood of me killing someone with a vehicle, beating someone to death over a domestic dispute, setting fire to a building, sinking a boat, taking my life in a moment of rage, allienating anyone whoever loved me and dying of liver cancer are phenomenally lower than those of you who have been drunk every day since 1987.