beer, I want beer
SaintLucifer said:Damn but you are stupid. The quote is not from Lucifer but from John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' you fucking moron. Do you Americans not learn anything down there? Shit. I am aghast at the lack of quality education you wannabe imperialists receive. It is now quite easy to understand how my British forebears were able to conquer the entire planet in order to construct the largest Empire the world has ever seen or will ever see and your mighty country could not. You fail because you are stupid. We succeeded because we Anglo-Saxons are the greatest race ever to roam this planet.
Of course Lucifer had no choice in his 'state of existence'. He was alone against a GOD and his legions. Now I ask you to look around you at this world and tell me who REALLY is today's God? If you believe in Rome's God then you are an even greater idiot than I first suspect you to be. You would follow a complete hypocrite like your God? The very same being who tells you if you refuse to believe in him he would thus cast you into the fiery flames of Hell? You go on worshipping your beloved God. I am on my lord Lucifer's side. He shall emerge victorious. Look at current events. Lucifer's legions consist of the Muslims who fail to understand the Qu'ran is really the devil's Bible. You see? My lord Lucifer was forced to seek out a race of humanity dumb enough to follow him without realising they were doing so. He wanted a race dumb enough to believe suicide would grant them a place in Heaven with 72 virginal brides. He wanted a race too stupid to discover the paradox regarding said suicide whereas they kill themselves in the name of Jihad but forget suicide is an evil act in itself and thereby prevents them from reaching Heaven and meeting thos 72 virginal Islamic whores. He found them and called them Arabs.
Now I would suggest you read a book. Lucifer uttered 'Better to rule in Hell..' indeed. Incredible. I cannot believe such stupidity exists in this world. Wait. Yes I can. I just continue to be amazed at the sheer numbers involved.
No shit, St. Bernard, I know all about Paradise Lost. I read Classics Illustrated comics too, y'know. And in the book Paradise Lost the character of Lucifer utters the phrase you use as your signature, in an effort to convince his defeated army that they are better off wallowing in the wastes of Hell than being in heaven. He's trying to tell all his generals that where they are is actually a good thing for them.
Since this soliloquy takes place after Lucifer has gotten his Godlike Ass handed to him by the real deal, and is stuck in Hell whether he likes it or not, then the quote you are so fond of becomes basically a bitter cry of defiance from a childish and vanquished foe. Satan got thumped by God's pimp-cane, and all the sour grapes in the world don't change the fact that he couldn't get back into Heaven if he wanted to. In fact, Satan loves his new home SO much, the first thing he does is find a way out and try to split, going over to Earth to fuck things up for them. By the time the book reaches its climax, where Adam succeeds in Lucifer's area of greatest failure (humility and penitence) Satan has been reduced to a petulant, envious whiner whose force and will have deserted him. His only recourse is to lash out impotently at those he wishes most desperately to be: God's favored.
Much like you do here, San Juan Capistrano...