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For the record, LG NEVER speaks ill of her brother or sister in front of the kids. NEVER. Also, she's not bragging that she's helping to raise the kids, she's complaining that she has to. LG has basically put her life on hold to raise kids she didn't ask for, and, more importantly, have two parents who are perfectly able to take care of their own kids. We've discussed this many times, she and I. It would be one thing if her Brother & Sister-in-Law were dead, or disabled, or incapacitated. LG would gladly assume the burden of raising her beloved niece and nephew.

However, LG's Brother and Sister-in-Law are perfectly fine, capable and healthy, except for one illness: they are both chronically selfish people. I mean, what Mother tells her in-laws that she can't come visit the kids because she's going to a goddamn football game?? LG & her parents take care of the kids 24/7, and their Mom wants to go off and see a football game?? What kind of Dad takes off for a week to see some broad in Alabama, leaving his kids to be taken care of by his parents & sister?? He's a divorced Dad for Christ's sake, yet he wants to live some bachelor life! LG hasn't had a week's vacation in five fucking years. In the last six to eight months, her Brother has gone to Alabama five times, and he stays there for four or five days. Do you really think it's fair that LG's brother dumps the kids on her & her parents so he can jet off to see some internet girlfriend?? That's bullshit.

Of course LG is upset she has to take care of her Brother's kids. Loving your niece and nephew is different than loving your own kid. The bottom line is that LG didn't choose to have kids, she's incredibly frustrated that she has to take care of them, and it's bullshit that people like Donovan think this is a reasonable situation. This is the only place she has to vent. At least until her Brother pushes her away, and she moves out of state.
Donovan said:
Actually I work with DD population, but I have a teaching degree and a lot of child/developmental psych background. I'm just apologizing for the earliest two posts, which on reflection were unnecessarily harsh and insulting. I unloaded a whole lot of real world anger on Laker Girl.

Hopefully, she'll see the point I made and stop to consider her own anger when it comes to her brother and his kids, before she does them inadvertant but permanent harm in her 'righteous wrath'...

My work is limited w/ DD. We have special needs at my site, as it seems most places do these days. Is it me, or is that percentage growing faster every year? And exema too, all these kids have it.

Yesterday, I had to stop a kid from kicking the other teacher in the shin repeatedly cause she had to take his Spidey beanie from him.

Everyday's an adventure.

On topic: If there were a place to vent, I guess a mess board or blog might as well be it, so that it DOESN'T cause the children any harm, unless they troll these places, heh.
hey Donovan, good to see ya back around.

you realise, of course that strong anger comes from strong pain? moralising or castigations toward either of ya from me....IMHO you are both fighting the good fight.

So feel free to vent here as well...if ya can't vent your spleen at TK, where can ya?

I work in the same field and from listening to my own parents/relatives take sides when they were divorcing, your words "sharp words cut unexpected targets" certainly resonated with me.
Maybe that's why I find working with "behavioural" kids from "broken homes"so rewarding....been there.

See you around the board, OK?
BitchSlapSmitty said:
My work is limited w/ DD. We have special needs at my site, as it seems most places do these days. Is it me, or is that percentage growing faster every year?

It's because they have better diagnoses for DD kids. You used to just be "slow" or "dumb" if you had developmental issues. Now they properly diagnose you and get you the help you need.

And exema too, all these kids have it.

Some people are theorizing that this is due to higher level of pollutants. My son has eczema, but we think it's hereditary, as my wife has it too.
well there's emperical evidence that the rise in Autism in North America has 'coincided' with the rise in the use of pesticides...we did a thread about this this summer or spring.
Donovan, I accept your apology. Your assertions were harsh, you obviously haven't been caught up on the situation but I have done several threads about it since this all began in August.

You have to understand, I am not a parent, I don't have children of my own and had no plans of having children of my own but because my brother is so irresponsible that's exactly what I got, children that I never wanted. I absolutely adore my niece and nephews, I'd give them my beating heart out of my chest if they needed it but I never wanted to raise them. Raising children is hard and every now and again, since the raising of my niece and nephew was forced upon me, I feel the need to complain about it, I'm only human.

I do not bad mouth my brother and ex sister-in-law in front of the children but even if I did, it'd be warranted. You have no idea how horrible and disrespectful my brother is toward my parents and me. I recognize that you're in a somewhat similar situation but understand that if I only had to board them for a week at Christmas I wouldn't be complaining. It's getting my niece dressed, her hair done, teeth brushed and vitamin taken. It's packing school lunches, driving them back and forth, home room mothering, signing up for soccer, helping with home work, getting baths, making dinner, playing games, teaching manners, my brother helps with NONE OF IT, NOTHING and it's his job, not mine, I didn't have his kids HE DID.

So you see, that's the source of my frustration.
Oh yeah, don't forget about taking time off at night to go to their school and meet with their teachers because your lazy, good-for-nothing Brother slept the day away, and thus has to do all his work at night!
^You make an excellent point. In fact there are many advantages to the parents being dead. For example, I cook, clean and devote more time than is probably healthy to my niece and nephew yet I have no authority. My brother is an assmunch like that.
Big Dick McGee said:
For the record, LG NEVER speaks ill of her brother or sister in front of the kids. NEVER. Also, she's not bragging that she's helping to raise the kids, she's complaining that she has to. LG has basically put her life on hold to raise kids she didn't ask for, and, more importantly, have two parents who are perfectly able to take care of their own kids. We've discussed this many times, she and I. It would be one thing if her Brother & Sister-in-Law were dead, or disabled, or incapacitated. LG would gladly assume the burden of raising her beloved niece and nephew.

However, LG's Brother and Sister-in-Law are perfectly fine, capable and healthy, except for one illness: they are both chronically selfish people. I mean, what Mother tells her in-laws that she can't come visit the kids because she's going to a goddamn football game?? LG & her parents take care of the kids 24/7, and their Mom wants to go off and see a football game?? What kind of Dad takes off for a week to see some broad in Alabama, leaving his kids to be taken care of by his parents & sister?? He's a divorced Dad for Christ's sake, yet he wants to live some bachelor life! LG hasn't had a week's vacation in five fucking years. In the last six to eight months, her Brother has gone to Alabama five times, and he stays there for four or five days. Do you really think it's fair that LG's brother dumps the kids on her & her parents so he can jet off to see some internet girlfriend?? That's bullshit.

Of course LG is upset she has to take care of her Brother's kids. Loving your niece and nephew is different than loving your own kid. The bottom line is that LG didn't choose to have kids, she's incredibly frustrated that she has to take care of them, and it's bullshit that people like Donovan think this is a reasonable situation. This is the only place she has to vent. At least until her Brother pushes her away, and she moves out of state.

This is exactly my point. If you don't think those kids pick up the fact that she is resentful of having to take care of them, then you are a fool, BDM. Kids pick up on a lot of things, and resentment is a key emotion. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY AREN'T WANTED.

If "Aunt" Laker Girl is so goddamned put out that she has to take care of the kids, she needs to recuse herself from that task and allow someone to take over that won't damage them emotionally for life. Nothing like being an unwanted child to build self-esteem.

See, I had apologized and softened my stance, now you're pissing me off all over again. Stop helping, McGee...
Donovan said:
This is exactly my point. If you don't think those kids pick up the fact that she is resentful of having to take care of them, then you are a fool, BDM. Kids pick up on a lot of things, and resentment is a key emotion. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY AREN'T WANTED.

If "Aunt" Laker Girl is so goddamned put out that she has to take care of the kids, she needs to recuse herself from that task and allow someone to take over that won't damage them emotionally for life. Nothing like being an unwanted child to build self-esteem.

See, I had apologized and softened my stance, now you're pissing me off all over again. Stop helping, McGee...

Shut up, you fucking moron.
Donovan said:
This is exactly my point. If you don't think those kids pick up the fact that she is resentful of having to take care of them, then you are a fool, BDM. Kids pick up on a lot of things, and resentment is a key emotion. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY AREN'T WANTED.

If "Aunt" Laker Girl is so goddamned put out that she has to take care of the kids, she needs to recuse herself from that task and allow someone to take over that won't damage them emotionally for life. Nothing like being an unwanted child to build self-esteem.

See, I had apologized and softened my stance, now you're pissing me off all over again. Stop helping, McGee...

And who, EXACTLY, is this "someone" who will take over while she "recuses" herself. Did you NOT read the part where the kids' parents are selfish assholes, or do you just have ADD?
Why bother instigating conversation or debate with a malodorous peckerchops like that? Just flame the fucker, and move on.

Nobody has to prove theirselves to narrow minded simpletons. That's why we get to tell them to fuck off here.
Donovan said:
This is exactly my point. If you don't think those kids pick up the fact that she is resentful of having to take care of them, then you are a fool, BDM. Kids pick up on a lot of things, and resentment is a key emotion. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY AREN'T WANTED.

If "Aunt" Laker Girl is so goddamned put out that she has to take care of the kids, she needs to recuse herself from that task and allow someone to take over that won't damage them emotionally for life. Nothing like being an unwanted child to build self-esteem.

See, I had apologized and softened my stance, now you're pissing me off all over again. Stop helping, McGee...
It's obvious Donovan has a few unresolved personal issues of his own.

I empathize. However, you should resist working out your own demons by lashing out at others.
Donovan said:
This is exactly my point. If you don't think those kids pick up the fact that she is resentful of having to take care of them, then you are a fool, BDM. Kids pick up on a lot of things, and resentment is a key emotion. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY AREN'T WANTED.

If "Aunt" Laker Girl is so goddamned put out that she has to take care of the kids, she needs to recuse herself from that task and allow someone to take over that won't damage them emotionally for life. Nothing like being an unwanted child to build self-esteem.

See, I had apologized and softened my stance, now you're pissing me off all over again. Stop helping, McGee...

Fuck you and your deadbeat brother. I hope your whole fucking shack of an apartment burns down and you all fucking die. Fucking leeches on governmental services. You're probably a fucking mexican or a spick.
Big Dick McGee said:
It's because they have better diagnoses for DD kids. You used to just be "slow" or "dumb" if you had developmental issues. Now they properly diagnose you and get you the help you need.

Some people are theorizing that this is due to higher level of pollutants. My son has eczema, but we think it's hereditary, as my wife has it too.

You know, i've said the same thing. I told the other care giver at work, that w/ each generation commonalites keep popping up and it's probably due to the environment and pollutants.

Hell, I'm bald and that's not even hereditary. Lots of guys my age are too.
Gagh said:
Shut up, you fucking moron.

He's not a fucking moron for have a very valid/proven in studies, point.

You don't diss the parents even if they're shit heads in front of the kids. It can really fuck them up at that age. But as L.G. said, she's not a parent, never planned on it, so yea, she's gonna make mistakes. But it becomes a more paramount concern that when mistakes aren't rectified.

If the person taking care of the children doesn't want the job then IT IS time for someone else to step in.
DarthSikle said:
Fuck you and your deadbeat brother. I hope your whole fucking shack of an apartment burns down and you all fucking die. Fucking leeches on governmental services. You're probably a fucking mexican or a spick.

You're a gimp licking fucking idiot. Shut up before god comes down and sticks his holy dick in your mouth to spares the human race your idiocy.
There are hundreds of deserving couples or people out there begging for a chance to raise decent kids, who would not be quite so put upon to have to care for family. My sister-in-law of the aforementioned similar situation actually took in two children belonging to the internet girl my brother hooked up with, in order to keep them out of a shelter. The long story made short, she eventually adopted them and they have become as much a part of the family as any of the others. She raises six, and took two against the advice of many, myself included. She proved us all wrong and I have never stopped respecting her for that selfless act. I have never once heard her resent the two newest or feel the need to vent on her choice.

Raising kids should not be a trial or something you have to vent about, and if you harbor that much resentment toward your own blood, I feel sorry for you because your soul must be empty. But I feel more sorry for them.

As for Gagh or the Dick: the parents are not the only ones here coming across as selfish assholes. Your "help" isn't helping. I didn't ask you clowns if I was right in my assessment, because I don't require validation from fools. I know enough about the world to know what I'm talking about here. Sorry if that contradicts your preconceived notions of reality.

The very fact that the Dick knows all about Laker Girl's so-called "predicament" puts the lie to his claim that she never ever complains about them anywhere but here. In fact, from the look it seems she complains pretty incessantly.

Friday: I had re-read my initial post and agreed it was unduly harsh, apologized for taking out my anger on Laker Girl, and backed off my position. But frankly the Dick's repeated attempts to deify Laker Girl at the expense of those kids, none of whom asked to be born to a family of Springer Spaniels, is sickening and makes me realize my original assessment may be pretty close to the truth.

I would hope for their sakes that those kids find a home with someone who truly loves them, or that someone in Laker Girl's family wises up enough to act like the fucking grownups they are. Otherwise, I see dark days for those kids as they seek the acceptance and nurture they're being denied.

You know what's really sickening? I don't know any of you people in real life, I've never met Laker Girl or the kids or the Dick, and I've only posted at this forum for a few months. And yet, I am the ONLY voice, aside from Hunter, who dares to defend helpless children from an apparent callousness on the part of those who supposedly love them. I care more about these kids than anybody posting so far, and I am a complete stranger. Some of you people ought to be ashamed. Some of you appear to be beyond shame already...