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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

Disturbing thought of the moment. Somewhere on this planet at a certain point of time, there must have been at least one person who had disturbing sexual fantasies about John Bosley from Charlie's Angels.
No, my sexual fantasies involved Tom Bosley from Happy Days. And the lady would be dressed as Marion Cummingham and Fonzie would stop by to tell her to "Sit on it!"
When I was little I, of course, being a child of the 1970s, watched "Sesame Street." And loved Ernie and Bert, who were no more gay than the Village People, He-Man & the Masters of the Universe, or a host of other totally not gay things from that era. But I digress. The point is, at some stage Ernie loved anchovy pizza. So I HAD to have anchovy pizza. Living in a town of under 1,000 in NW Wisconsin, this took awhile and, when I finally got one--you guessed it!--I hated it.

Flash forward 4 decades or so. Moving to Kentucky, I was surprised to find most local pizza places (i.e. not Domino's, Pizza Hut, etc--even though Papa John's is as local as can be, technically) have anchovy pizza. Like coffee or beer or Scotch, it is an acquired taste, but with some experimentation it is palatable on occasion. The trick is the pairing. Like sausage & mushroom or pineapple & Canadian bacon, the key to making anchovy pizza edible is to add black olives. I experimented with other combinations but at some point decided that anchovy and black olive is the magic balance (it's still not something I'd get every chance I could but it works, if that makes sense).

Well for Lent I did the...pescatarian version of "no meat" so I'm doing anchovy and black olive pizza (and, after a week and a half, already craving meat, but that's another story). Of course you can't just pop down to the supermarket and pick up an anchovy and black olive pizza. You have to get a cheese pizza and add toppings. 20--or even 5 years ago--this would've been sacreligious to someone of German heritage with OCD tendencies--you enjoy what is offered, you don't change it--but I've managed to change and grow. The first one was just a cheese pizza because I was still dialing in my Lent shopping list, but this week it was anchovy and black olive.

But since I'm fat now that I'm old, I have to fucking saw my frozen pizzas in half and save the other half for later (also because the perfect sized, best tasting frozen pizza is made by Unilever, who I hate like ass cancer of the ass and the non-Unilever option I've chosen keeps trying to "improve" its product by making it larger). Well the first half seemed to be lacking something so tonight I sawed off a slice of onion, quartered it and added it to the 'zza and I think anchovy, black olive, and onion is the way to go. But probably not mushroom. Mushroom would be a bridge too far.
There is an alternate reality where I went back to school to become an IP lawyer and that part of me really would like to see the University of Michigan do a Wolverine-based football uniform and see if Marvel/Disney could sue them.

Michigan was the Wolverines far before the Marvel character. And had blue and gold for their colors. So I feel like they could blatantly rip off the costume from the comics/2024 movie and be like "So? Come at me bro." And have at least a 50-50 chance of winning.
It's interesting, what a difference infrastructure makes. AC versus DC. Rereading "The Hound of the Baskervilles," which is another story for another thread, but the new heir, Sir Henry Baskerville (from North America), rides onto the grounds of Baskerville Hall, notes how gloomy and foreboding it is and resolves to install electricity.

Of course we know Tesla and Westinghouse's alternating current ultimately won out for house power, but back in the late Victorian era one can see how Edison's direct current was viable. If you're at an estate in the middle of a moor in England it isn't like you can just have a line branched from the local power plant. You need your own power plant. And if the power plant is going to be right on the grounds, you don't need the long distance transmission ability of AC. DC will work just fine.
I thought of a concept for a sci fi film, a device that I call a time segmenter. Which takes a moment in time and dishes it out a second at a time.

I imagine the film starts with some shitty country carrying out an above ground test of a nuclear bomb despite the ban.

A second after detonation the explosion vanishes leaving them confused and alarmed

Later in a city somewhere in the world, the next second of detonation happens, buildings explode, fires start, the blast wave spreads out but the initial explosion vanishes almost as soon as it starts.

This happens in two other cities, then the demands start coming in to the world governments, do what they say or more cities will fall.

That's all I got
I watched a video last night of a fire engulfing a house, it was awful.
I'll see if I can find it.
Oklahoma Fire.

Also, the camera is an Arlo and I wonder if this person had it encased in anything else??? It lasted a long time.

I have an east facing porch with windows on 3 sides. I've come to be aware of how the position of the sun and shadows on the back wall shift as the seasons change and decided, a few weeks ago, to make a kind of Stonehenge experiment, where I mark the sun's position at the equinoxes and solstices. In the intervening time I realized there was a flaw in this plan in that I need to chart the location at the same time every day. I suspect the Druids (or whoever) used sunrise but fuck that, like I'm getting up at sunrise even 4 times a year, let alone every day to see how everything lines up. Somehow picking a random morning time like 9am seemed wrong so I decided on Noon. It might work. It might not.

Today was the Spring Equinox.

It was cloudy as a motherfucker and there were no light or shadows to mark. You win again, God.